Open recruitment proccess in Spanish

Are you a VET teacher? Would you like to know how to design and facilitate an e-learning course?

If you answer is “yes”, you are more than Welcome to register in the course “How to design and facilitate an e-learning course”.evet_2edu

This course is part of an European project named “evet2edu“. In this project, the Research Group of Educational Technologies of the University of Murcia participates as a partner. The aim of the project is to support trainers and teachers from VET sector in implementation of dynamic, open and innovative methods by adapting and transferring validated e-learning course for vocational schools and training sector.

As a part of the project a Spanish course has been created. The course will take place from 18th November 2013 until 17th February 2014, and the recluitment process ends at 11th November 2013.

Once the registration has been done, you will be informed if you have been selected (threre are limited places).

After finishing this course you could get a certificate.

Link to the registration formulary:



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