Together we can make a better Internet

Tomorrow, February 11 , marks the International Day for secure Internet with the goal of promoting worldwide responsible and safe use of information technologies and communication, especially among young people and children. And the boom who have had ICT and especially social networks in recent years among young people has raised concerns , both the authorities and the parents and teachers on the use and risk having these technologies, and how they should be addressed in the educational system.
The Network , like many other things , presents a series of hazards and therefore prevention is configured as a challenge for parents and teachers. However, these risks should not lead us to think that we should avoid using technology for protect them. You might as well not let go outside to avoid possible dangers they could find. Therefore, if we avoid the use would be deprived of all the benefits that technology offers us , and cease to use a medium that is configured as the primary socialization of our youth (Martínez Sánchez , 2011). The best way for children and young people are not involved in the dangers that entails Network is to educate them to make proper use of technologies.
But what are the risks to which we refer ? One of the best known is cyberbullying or cyberstalking consisting of the use of mobile , Internet or other technology to harass, intimidate or threaten someone deliberately . However , as the manager of the Observatory for the Information Security INTECO , Pablo Pérez , is conduct that do not have their origin in the strict ICT but are preexisting human attitudes and situations found in Internet channel rapid diffusion .
Another possible risks that can be seen is the grooming set . In the guide to action against cyberbullying prepared by INTECO grooming is understood as harassment by an adult , referred to actions deliberately undertaken to establish a relationship and emotional control over children in order to get to tackle sexual abuse . We also find sexting, a dangerous practice that we occasionally news about them . Involves sending sexual content to people through mobile phones, usually produced by the sender itself. There are more risks such as addiction ICT.
However, most importantly, as already mentioned, is to educate children and young people to use in the best way ICT and thereby take advantage of all the benefits they offer, or what is the same make digital competent . A very important aspect of this work is the digital identity. To do this, the teachers Isabel Gutierrez and Linda Castañeda perform a series of practical proposals to work the digital identity of youth can see by clicking here .
We can also find resources to work these risks in and in In the blog can find many resources to work these risks.
In general , we face the challenge of educating young people to become citizens not only in the real world, but also in the virtual world. And this requires that we all get involved to get that challenge , whether teachers, parents or authorities.

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