Changes about a popular song from XVIII century

In 1879, Brahms, the songwriter, wrote the song “Opening” for an academic festival with occasion of his appointment as Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Breslau. The piece, with a mix of formal and informal moments , concludes with a cheerful , boisterous, almost irreverent, as the goliados imagined, leading to the door of the Academy. When this door opens the University shows up, bright , great, groundbreaking , bright and rich in shades. A university of contrasts, debate and intellectual creation.
We can listen to the final chords and try to imagine the University described by Brahms.

Now, we can think in the University nowadays . The university I know. What are the current debates?. What are been spoken among colleagues?.
” I already have a JBC and other HNK  . “That gives you almost certainly access to the merit medal with white distinctive” . ” Well, I have two and an NFP JBC is in step one.” ” Well, that certainly allows you the medal crowned with the merit to stellar brilliance.”
What are they talking about?. Its publications?. What are these publications? . Never mind. What kind of scientist they are ? . Never mind. Did anyone read? . It does not matter . Have you had any scientific or social impact?. Who cares. Have they been a new approach that helps to establish a new educational model?. Who cares. It has served to establish a new theoretical approach to a particular issue?. I have no idea. So what was the point of your post?. To appear in a JBC , HNK or NFP or any publication and the time that you were in a step further, and if you have to pay something you pay for it. What is important is to be there . The important thing is the appearance, not the content.  And a big part of the community goes in the same direction .
Today I think the music is different and also the picture. It is a pity.

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