

Diseño, producción y evaluación en un entorno de aprendizaje 2.0, para la capacitación del profesorado universitario en la utilización educativa de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC)

Project Manager: Julio Cabero

Funded: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

2009 - 2012

Rhizomatic learning in the initial teacher training

Project Manager:  José Luis Serrano Sánchez Program of experiences of educational innovation in the virtual classroom for the academic year 2013-2014. Abstract: Through this experience of educational innovation, we have tried to approach the principles that govern rhizomatic learning in

Social application of ICT for leisure and School

Project Manager:  José Luis Serrano Sánchez Program for the promotion of actions and projects for the innovation and the improvement of the University for the academic year 2016/2017. University of Murcia. Abstract: The main purpose of this project consisted of


Teachers´Aids on creating content for learning environments

Project Manager: Jens Vermeersch

Funded: European Commision, Education, audiovisual and culture executive agency

2011 - 2014


Telematics alternatives in hospital classrooms:
an educational experience

Project Manager: Mª Paz Prendes

Funded: Fundación Séneca

2010 - 2013

MOTIVA. Development of contents of digital entrepreneurship for Secondary Schools

Project Manager:  Polytechnic University of Cartagena Abstract: The Motiva project is framed within the Eramus+ 2016 program. The main purpose is to develop entrepreneurial skills through a cloud-enabled platform jointly defined by all users. It is about creating materials of any

Improvement of quality management processes using Semantic Web technologies: application to curriculum management

Project Manager: Jesualdo Tomás Fernández

Funded: Consejaría de Educación y Cultura

2008 - 2010


Project Manager:  Center for European Studies and Initiatives (CESIE). Abstract: The CARMA project is aimed at contributing to the reduction of the school dropout rate by promoting the introduction of non-formal learning practices and collaborative methodologies into classrooms though the


Project Manager: Agnieszka Chrząszcz

Funded: European Commision, audiovisual and culture executive agency

2012 - 2015


Communication habits and social relations of students in traditional and virtual contexts

Project Manager: Francisco Martínez

Funded: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

2008 - 2011

Flipped ICT: designing a Flipped Classroom experience

Project Manager: María del Mar Sánchez Vera Innovation Unit: Universidad de Murcia Abstract: The overall objective of this project is to promote teaching innovation in Higher Education by using ICT. On this basis, two experiences are proposed: creating the necessary resources

Skills for online teaching. Evaluation of the training for university teachers in the context of EEES

Project Manager: Albert Sangrá Morer

Funded: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

2010 - 2011

Flipped ICT 2

Project Manager:  María del Mar Sánchez Vera Innovation Unit: University of Murcia. Program of teaching innovation experiences in the virtual classroom for the academic year 2013-2014. Abstract: The purpose of this project was to continue the work launched within a

ICT skills for teaching in Spanish public universities: indicators and proposals for the definition of good practices

Project Manager: Mª Paz Prendes

Funded: Secretaría de Estado de Universidades e Investigación

2009 - 2010


“Data Literacy for Citizenship” Erasmus + KA204-076492 Project Manager: Barbara Wasson (University of Bergen. Norway ) IP and  Contact Person at the UM: Linda Castañeda ( DALI aims to increase the basic training of data literacy (i.e., supporting individuals in acquiring and

(Español) DISABUSE

Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.


PLEs (personal learning environments) based lifelonglearning skills:
analysis of future professionals and suggestions for improvement

Project Manager: Mª Paz Prendes

Funded: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

2013 - 2016

University, new technology and communication in a world of migration

Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for development  (AECID). A/012708/07 Project Manager: Francisco Martínez Abstract: this project had as main purpose to improve of the processes of initial training of education professionals who eare involved in the processes of change in


MLearning at Hospital Schools
Project Coordinator: Linda Castañeda Quintero
This project is funded by the Regional Government and the University of Murcia

Study skills and ICT training demand of teachers of universities Bolivian and Dominican

Project Manager: Mª Paz Prendes

Funded: Agencia española de cooperación internacional para el desarrollo

2008 - 2009

This project aimed to enhance and improve the skills for using ICT of university lecturers Latin American public and institutions therefore for its use as reseach and teaching tools.

Platforms Virtual Campus with free software tools: a comparative analysis of the actual situation in Spanish universities

Project Manager: Mª. Paz Prendes

Funded: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

2008 - 2009


Project Manager: INOVA+ – Innovation Services, S.A “Citizen-cultural heritage” – Creating a new generation of cultural ambassadors through education and training ouRoute aims at promoting common values, cultural heritage and social inclusion through education using a constructivist approach. This will be

Design and implementation of a training plan for university teachers to create network resources

Project Manager: Francisco Martí­nez

Funded: Agencia española de cooperación internacional para el desarrollo

2008 - 2010

The purpose of this project was to achive an analysis of the conditions of implementation of teaching situation through networks at the National University of La Rioja. After, depending of results, design a training plan to qualify the teachers the degrees offered in the UNLaR for the design of online courses and the content and learning activities included in each of them.


Project Manager: Mentortec CREATEskills – Social Learning for STEM in Primary Education The “CREATEskills” project is designed to develop and implement innovative practices, tools and methodologies in primary schools for the establishment of STEM studio classrooms, improving the quality and relevance


“Competencies for Universities – using Technology in Education” (CUTE)  KA203-867FE04B IP: Annette Pedersen (Universidad de Copenhangue) IP y Persona de contacto en la UM: Linda Castañeda ( Las instituciones de educación superior en toda Europa se enfrentan al desafío de


Project manager: Dublin City University Gender Equality Matters: Tackling gender based violence The GEM project aims to raise awareness, challenge attitudes and promote behavioural changes in relation to gender-based violence generally with specific reference to violence against the lesbian, gay,


Entrepreneurial Skills in Schools Education: Nurturing Citizenship and Entrepreneurship 2018-1-IT02-KA201-048137 IP del Proyecto: Domenicco Fabbri (Istituto Fontanile Anagnino. IT) IP en la UM: Linda Castañeda European Commission, audiovisual and culture executive agency El proyecto ESSENCE es un proyecto Erasmus+, financiado

Flipped Classroom at University: turning classroom upside down with materials created by students. 2012

Project Manager: Isabel Gutiérrez Porlán Vice-Rectorate of International Relations and Innovation of the University of Murcia. Abstract: The main objective of this project consisted of the introduction of the Flipped Classroom methodology into university classrooms. The framework for this project was


Modelling and data acquisition for continuing vocational training of upper secondary school physics teachers in pupil-active learning of Superconductivity and Electromagnetism base don Minds-On Simple experiments

Project Manager: Vegard Fastard

Funded: Leonardo da Vinci/Life Long Learning programme of the European Union

2008 - 2011

Design of didactic materials for the subject ‘Spaces and Collaboration Tools’. 2013

Project Manager: Isabel Gutiérrez Porlán Vice-Rectorate of International Relations and Innovation of the University of Murcia. Abstract: This project was aimed at the design of materials and resources for the introduction to the subject ‘Spaces and tools for collaborative work’

FLIS Project

Project Manager: Isabel Solano III Program of Cooperation in projects of educational innovation between university departments and non-university education centers, developed by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia and the University of Murcia. Abstract: The FLIS project aims

The construction of a social and cultural network space as mechanism for collaboration in classroom. 2015

Project Manager: Isabel Gutiérrez Porlán Vice-Rectorate of International Relations and Innovation of the University of Murcia. Abstract: The purpose of this project was the updating of the OCW contents of the ICT subject of the Degree in Social Education. Several

Social Education & ICT: Community mapping for citizen participation. 2016

Project Manager:  Isabel Gutiérrez Porlán Vice-Rectorate of International Relations and Innovation of the University of Murcia. Abstract: The focus of this project was the collaborative construction of an asset mapping by students in order to improve the personal, work and