Title: PREDFIRE: climate monitoring and PREDictions to forecast global FIRE activity.

Project code: RTI2018-099711-J-I00

IP: Marco Turco

PREDFIRE is designed as a multidisciplinary project which aims at exploring how best to exploit seasonal forecasts for fire management decision making on a global scale employing the latest advances in climate and fire sciences. This goal will be achieved through five specific supporting objectives: 1) Quantify the limits of the climate datasets available in near-real time; 2) Develop a probabilistic monitoring product to better quantify the observational uncertainty of climate variables; 3) Perform a global analysis of the potential link between fire and climate anomalies considering also climate daily indices; 4) Assessing the probabilistic skill of seasonal prediction systems to forecast key climatic indicators for fire; 5) Assessing the probabilistic skill of the entire climate-fire model chain. The expected outcome of this project is an improved understanding of the interaction between climate and fire and new insights allowing more efficient fire management. This could be of use in the decision-making process of policy-makers and civil protection agencies. To this end, the transfer of knowledge to impact users is envisaged.

More information can be found here.

Project data request

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