José María López-Romero

Chema studied Physics at the University of Murcia, Spain, where she spent three years as an internal student and graduated in 2014. In 2015 she obtained her Master's Degree in Theoretical Physics specializing in Astrophysics and Cosmos Physics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. At the end of 2015, he was awarded an FPI grant financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education to pursue his doctoral studies at the University of Murcia. His main line of research has been the Regional Atmospheric Modeling with WRF and WRF-CHEM. It has more than 25 communications in congresses, 4 book chapters, it has belonged to the commission for the renewal by ANECA of the Degree in Physics of the University of Murcia, it also belonged to the organizing committee in the 11th International Congress of the ACS and has published 3 articles, 2 of them were published in Nature Communication. Never miss the opportunity to participate in all kinds of scientific outreach activities. He has given talks in bars, faculties and has participated in numerous occasions in the Night of the Researchers and in the Week of Science and Technology. In 2017 he finished his Master's studies in Teacher Training. In addition to his work at the University of Murcia, he has the Professional Degree in music, the title of tuning and repair of pianos and is a kayak monitor. In his spare time he likes to practice sports, read science fiction and fantasy books, play the electric guitar and the piano, watch good movies and play board games and videogames.

More information about José María's scientific career can be found here.