Nuno Ratola

Nuno Ratola graduated in Chemical Engineering (1996) from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP, Portugal) and completed a Master in Environmental Engineering (2002) and a PhD degree in Chemical and Biological Engineering (2009) also in FEUP. He specialised in the field of environmental chemistry, focused on advanced analytical techniques and in the biomonitoring of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and emerging semi-volatile organic contaminants (SVOCs) in several environmental matrices. Lately, realising the importance of modelling in the interpretation of environmental data, he decided to get involved also in this area, again related to the chemical transport of POPs and SVOCs, including the effects of climate change scenarios and health-related issues. The impact of emerging contaminants on coastal areas and on the production of energy from waste treatments and reuse of end-of-life materials under a circular economy framework are his most recent research interests. The outcome of Nuno Ratola’s wide-ranged professional experiences is reflected in 52 articles published in SCI journals, one book edited and 3 book chapters, accumulating over 1000 citations to yield an H-index of 21. Furthermore, a total of 104 studies were presented in international conferences, including almost 40 oral presentations. He was PI or co-PI in 5 funded national and international projects and team member in 10 others (including MC and STSM in a COST action) and supervised 2 Post-Docs, 2 visiting PhD students, 8 MSc thesis and 3 end-of-course projects. Since 2015 he also lectures Instrumental Methods of Analysis (MIA) in the Integrated Masters of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering at FEUP. Along the way he had the opportunity to profit from more than 10 external residencies in several top research institutions in Europe (including a Marie Curie action in the University of Murcia), building a network of collaborations which have been and still are fruitful.

More information about Nuno's scientific career can be found here.

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