Patricia Tarín-Carrasco

Patricia Tarín Carrasco, graduate in Environmental Sciences by Universidad de Murcia, She made her master in pollution, toxicolgy and environmental health in Universidad de Valencia. During her career years un Murcia University she was intern in chemical engineering department and zoology and physical anthropology department. She did practices in Torrevieja townhall, studying the endemic flora and proposing protocol for invader flora, also, she did practice in “Laboratori de sanitat forestal” of Consellería d’Agricultura, Medi Ambient, Canvi Climátic i Desenvolupament Rural, she studied the plagues in Valencian forest. Currently, she is student in Biodiversity and Environmental Management doctoral program at Universidad de Murcia. She is studying the effects of air pollution and climate change in human health. For the development of his work he has made stay in differents European science group as in Aarhus Universitet or Universidade do Porto.

More information about Patricia's scientific career can be found here.