Exploring Excited-State Tunability in Luminescent Tris-cyclometalated Platinum(IV) Complexes: Synthesis of Heteroleptic Derivatives and Computational Calculations

Juliá, F.; Aullón, G.; Bautista, D.; González-Herrero, P. Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 17346.



Synthesis of Au(I) Trifluoromethyl Complexes. Oxidation to Au(III) and Reductive Elimination of Halotrifluoromethanes

Blaya, M.; Bautista, D.; Gil-Rubio, J.; Vicente, J. Organometallics 2014, 33, 6358.



Insertion Reactions on Carbopalladated Benzyne: From Eight- to Nine- and Ten-Membered Palladacycles. Applications to the Synthesis of N-Heterocycles

Oliva-Madrid, M. J.; García-López, J. A.; Saura-Llamas, I.; Bautista, D.; Vicente, J. Organometallics 2014, 33, 6420.



Stepwise cyclopalladation of 2-phenacylthiopyridine to give C,C,N-pincer cornplexes

Chicote, M. T.; Rubio, C.; Bautista, D.; Vicente, J. Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 15170.



Pd(II)-catalyzed deprotection of acetals and ketals containing acid sensitive functional groups

Juliá-Hernández, F.; Arcas, A.; Vicente, J. Tetrahedron Lett. 2014, 55, 1141.



Triple Helicates with Golden Strands: Self-Assembly of M2Au6 Complexes from Gold(I) Metallaligands and Iron(II), Cobalt(II) or Zinc(II) Cations

Cámara, V.; Masciocchi, N.; Gil-Rubio, J.; Vicente, J. Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 1389.



Reactivity of Eight-Membered Palladacycles Arising from Monoinsertion of Alkynes into the Pd-C bond of Ortho-Palladated Phenethylamines toward Unsaturated Molecules. Synthesis of Dihydro-3-Benzazocinones, N-7-amino Acids, N-7-amino Esters, and 3-Benzazepines

Oliva-Madrid, M. J.; García-López, J. A.; Saura-Llamas, I.; Bautista, D.; Vicente, J. Organometallics 2014, 33, 19.



Homoleptic tris-cyclometalated platinum(IV) complexes: a new class of long-lived, highly efficient 3LC emitters

Juliá, F.; Bautista, D.; Fernandez-Hernandeza, J. M.; González-Herrero, P. Chem. Sci. 2014, 5, 1875.



Reactivity toward Neutral N- and P-Donor Ligands of Eight-Membered Palladacycles Arising from Monoinsertion of Alkynes into the Pd-C Bond of Orthopalladated Homoveratrylamine and Phentermine. A New Example of the Transphobia Effect

Oliva-Madrid, M. J.; García-López, J. A.; Saura-Llamas, I.; Bautista, D.; Vicente, J. Organometallics 2014, 33, 33.



Cyclopalladated complexes derived from benzamidoxime

Abellán-López, A.; Chicote, M. T.; Bautista, D.; Vicente, J. Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 592.
