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  • A. Baños, A. Barreiro, Delay-independent stability of reset systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 341-346, 2009.
  • J. Cervera, A. Baños, Automatic loop shaping QFT using Crone structures, Journal of Vibration and Control, vol. 14, pp. 1513-1529, 2008.
  • A. Baños , Nonlinear quantitative feedback theory, Int. Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 17, no. 2-3, pp. 181-202, 2007.
  • J. Cervera, A. J. van der Schaft, A. Baños, Interconnetion of port-Hamiltonian systems and composition of Dirac structure, Automatica, vol. 43, no.2, pp. 212-225, 2007.
  • A. Barreiro, A. Baños , Input-Output stability of systems with backlash, Automatica, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 1017-1024, 2006.
  • J. Cervera, Ajuste Automático de Controladores en QFT mediante Estructuras Fraccionales, Ph. D. Thesis, Murcia, September 2006.
  • J. C. Moreno, A. Baños, M. Berenguel, Improvements on the computation of boundaries in QFT, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 16, pp.575-597, 2006.
  • Antonia M. Sánchez, Francisco J. Montoya, Safe supervisory control under observability failure, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 16, no. 4, pp.493-525, 2006.
  • A. Baños, I. Horowitz, Nonlinear quantitative stability, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 289-306, 2004.
  • A. Baños, O. Yaniv, F. J. Montoya,Nonlinear QFT synthesis by local linearization, International Journal of Control, vol.76, no. 5, pp. 429-436, 2003.
  • A. Baños, A. Barreiro, F. Gordillo, J. Aracil, A QFT framework for nonlinear robust stability, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, volume 12, no. 4 (Isaac Horowitz special issue), 2002.
  • A. Barreiro, A. Baños, F. Gordillo, J. Aracil, Nonlinear problems in friction compensation, in Fritz Colonius and Lars Grüne (Eds.), Advances in the Control of Nonlinear Systems, Lectures Notes in Control and Information Science #273, pp.117-130, Springer-Verlag, London, 2002.
  • J. Cervera, A. J. van der Schaft, A. Baños, On composition of Dirac structures and its implications for control by interconnection, en A. Zinober, D. Owens (Eds.), Nonlinear and Adaptative Control, Lectures Notes on Control and Information Sciences, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
  • A. Baños, F. N. Bailey, F. J. Montoya, Some results in nonlinear QFT, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 11, pp. 157-184, 2001.
  • A. Baños, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, F. J. Montoya (Eds.), Advances in the Control of Nonlinear Systems, Lectures Notes in Control and Information Science #264,Springer-Verlag, London, 2001.
  • A. Baños, I. Horowitz, Fundamentals of nonlinear QFT, in A. Baños, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, and F. J. Montoya (Eds.), Advances in the Control of Nonlinear Systems, Lectures Notes in Control and Information Science #264, pp. 61-134, Springer-Verlag, London, 2001.
  • J. F. Montoya, R. Boel, Introduction to Discrete Event Systems, in A. Baños, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, F. J. Montoya (Eds.), Advances in the Control of Nonlinear Systems, Lectures Notes in Control and Information Science #264, pp. 135-162, Springer-Verlag, London, 2001.
  • A. Baños, A. Barreiro, Stability of nonlinear QFT using robust absolute stability criteria, International Journal of Control, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 74-88, 2000.
  • A. Baños, A. Barreiro, F. Gordillo, J. Aracil, Nonlinear QFT synthesis based on harmonic balance and multiplier theory, in A. Isidori, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, and W. Respondek (Eds.), Nonlinear Control in the Year 2000, Lectures Notes in Control and Information Science #259, Springer-Verlag, London, 2000.
  • A. Baños, I. Horowitz, QFT design of multiloop nonlinear control systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 10, pp. 1263-1277, 2000.
  • A. Barreiro, A. Baños, Nonlinear robust stabilization by conicity and QFT techniques, Automatica, vol. 36, no. 9, 2000.
  • F. J. Montoya, A. Baños, J. C. Moreno, Improvements on the computation of templates in nonlinear QFT, System Analysis, Modelling and Simulation, vol. 38, no.2, pp. 339-352, 2000.
  • A. Baños, O. Yaniv, F. J. Montoya, Nonlinear QFT based on local linearization, in S. G. Tzafestas and G. Schmidt (Eds.), Progress in System and Robot Analysis and Control Design, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Science #243, Springer-Verlag, pp. 251-262, 1999.
  • A. Baños, Parameterization of nonlinear stabilizing controller: the observer-controller configuration, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 43, no. 9, pp. 1268-1271, 1998.
  • A. Baños, F. N. Bailey, Design and validation of linear robust controllers for nonlinear plants, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control vol. 8, pp. 803-816, 1998.
  • A. Baños, Stabilization of nonlinear systems based on a generalized Bezout identity, Automatica, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 591-595, 1996.
  • A. Baños, F. Gómez, Estimation of transfer functions from frequency response data, IEEE Computer and Control Engineering Journal, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 137-144, 1995.

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  • A. Vidal, A. Baños, Reset compensation applied on industrial heat exchangers, 14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Mallorca, Spain, 2009.
  • A. Vidal, A. Baños, Stability of reset control systems with variable reset: application to PI+CI compensation, Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2009.
  • J. Carrasco, A. Baños, A. Arenas, Reset control on in-line pH process, 14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Mallorca, Spain, 2009.
  • A. Vidal, A. Baños, QFT-based design fo PI+CI reset compensator: applications in process control, 16th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Ajaccio, France, 2008.
  • J. Carrasco, A. Baños, A. Barreiro, Stability of reset control systems with inputs, 16th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Ajaccio, France, 2008.
  • J. Carrasco, A. Baños, A. van der Schaft, A passivity approach to reset control of nonlinear systems, 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Orlando, Florida, EE.UU., 2008.
  • A. Vidal, A. Baños, J. C. Moreno and M. Berenguel, PI+CI compensation with variable reset: application on solar collector fields, 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Orlando, Florida, EE.UU., 2008.
  • A.Fernández, A. Barreiro, A. Baños and J. Carrasco, Reset control for passive teleoperation applications in process control, 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,Orlando, Florida, EE.UU., 2008.
  • A. Baños, A. Barreiro, Delay dependent stability of reset control systems, American Control Conference, New York, EE.UU. 2007.
  • A. Baños, J. Carrasco, A. Barreiro, Reset times-dependent stability of reset control system, European Control Conference, Kos, Grecia, 2007.
  • A. Baños, A. Vidal, Definition and tuning of PI+CI reset controller, European Control Conference, Kos, Grecia, 2007.
  • J. Cervera, A. Baños, Automatic loop shaping in QFT by using fractional structures, Symposium on Applied Fractional Calculus, Badajoz, España, 2007.
  • A. Baños, A. Vidal, Design of PC+CI reset compensators for second order plants, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Vigo, España, 2007.
  • A. Baños, J. Carrasco, A. Barreiro, Reset times-dependent stability of reset control with unstable base systems, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Vigo, España, 2007.
  • A. Baños, P. García, L. Checa, Robust control of the termal treatments in can industry, IFAC Workshop on Control Applications in Post-Harvest and Processing Technology , Postdam, Germany, 2006.
  • J. Cervera, A. Baños, Automatic loop shaping in QFT by fractional structures, IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Porto, 2006.
  • A. Baños, A. Barreiro, Automatic loop shaping in QFT by fractional structures, IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, Porto, 2006.
  • J. Cervera, A. Baños, Tuning of fractional PID controllers by using QFT, Proceedings IECON '06- 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Paris 2006.
  • J. Cervera, A. Baños, Automatic loop shaping in QFT by using CRONE structures , Proceedings 2nd IFAC WorkShop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, Porto, Portugal, 2006.
  • J. Cervera, A. Baños , Automatic loop shaping in QFT using a complex fractional order terms, Proceedings 7th Int. Symposium on QFT and Robust Frecuency, University of Kansas, 2005.
  • J. Cervera, A. Baños,Robust stability of uncertain systems with hard rate and amplitude constraints, Proceedings 7th Int. Symposium on QFT and Robust Frecuency, University of Kansas, 2005.
  • J. C. Moreno, A. Baños, M. Berenguel, A synthesis theory for a class of uncertain linear systems with amplitude saturation, IV IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Milano, 2003.
  • J. C. Moreno, A. Baños, M. Bereguel, Robust Control of linear systems with actuator rate and amplitude saturation using QFT, IV IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Milano, 2003.
  • J. C. Moreno, A. Baños, M. Bereguel, A general framework for robust anti-windup schemesEuropean Control Conference, Cambrigde, 2003.
  • J. Cervera, A. Baños, I. Horowitz, Non plant modifying multiloop QFT revisited, QFT Symposium, Cape Town, SouthAfrica, 2003.
  • J. C. Moreno, M. Bereguel, A. Baños, Robust Control of greenhouse climate exploiting measurable disturbances, IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 2002.
  • J. Cervera, A. J. van der Schaft, Composition of Dirac structures and control of Port-Hamiltonian systems, International Symposium on the Theory of Networks and Systems, South Bend, Indiana, USA, 2002.
  • A.Baños, I. Horowitz, A method for nonlinear quantitative stability, Proceedings of International Symposium on QFT and Robust Frequency Domain Methods, pp. 297-302, 2001.
  • A. Barreiro, A. Baños, F. Gordillo, J. Aracil, Nonlinear Problems in Simple Electromechanical Systems, 3rd Nonlinear Control Network Workshop, Irsee, Germany, 2001.
  • J. Cervera, A. Baños, I. Horowitz, Computation of SISO general plant templates, Proceedings of International Symposium on QFT and Robust Frequency Domain Methods, pp. 247-254, 2001.
  • J. Cervera, A. J. van der Schaft, A. Baños, On composition of Dirac structures and its implications for control by interconnection, 4th NCN Workshop, Sheffield, UK, 2001.
  • J. C. Moreno, A. Baños, M. Berenguel, QFT design with phase specifications, Proceedings of International Symposium on QFT and Robust Frequency Domain Methods, pp. 123-132, 2001.
  • C. Raimúndez, A. Baños, A. Barreiro, QFT Controller synthesis using evolutive strategies, Proceedings of International Symposium on QFT and Robust Frequency Domain Methods, pp. 291-296, 2001.
  • R. K. Boel, F.J. Montoya, Modular synthesis of efficient schedules in a timed discrete event plant, 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Sidney, Australia, 2000.
  • A. Arenas, A. Baños, L. Victoria, J. Abellán, Small flow control by using nonlinear QFT, QFT Symposium, Durban, SouthAfrica, 1999.
  • J. Cervera, A. Baños, A. Arenas, Análisis del entorno Simulink/RTW para el diseño de sistemas de control con la tarjeta DSPACE 1102, III Congreso de usuarios de MATLAB, Madrid, España, 1999.
  • J. J. García, M. J. Majado, F. J. Montoya, J.L. Fernández, Introducción a la Programación, ICE-Universidad de Murcia, 1999.
  • A. Baños, F. N. Bailey, Design and validation of linear robust controllers for nonlinear plants , International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 8, pp. 803-816, 1998.
  • A. Barreiro, A. Baños, Nonlinear robust stability by conic analysis and QFT synthesis, in H. J. C. Huiberts, H. Nijmejer, A. J. van der Schaft, and J. M. A. Scherpen (Eds.), Nonlinear Control Systems Design 1998, Pergamon Press.
  • F. J. Montoya, A. Baños, J. C. Moreno, Improvements on the computation of templates in nonlinear QFT, Third European Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Control Conference (invited session), Athens, Greece, 1998.
  • J. C. Moreno, A.Baños, M. A. Sánchez, Robust stability of QFT designs: computational aspects, in N. Mastorakis (Ed.), Recent Advances in Circuits and Systems, World Scientific, 1998.
  • A. Baños, Stabilizing nonlinear observer-controller compensators, European Control Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 1997.
  • A. Baños, F. N. Bailey, F. J. Montoya, Design of nonlinear QFT controllers by using finite sets of acceptable outputs, International Symposium on QFT and other Frequency Methods and Applications, Glasgow, U.K., 1997.
  • A. Baños, A. Barreiro, Stability of nonlinear QFT control systems, International Symposium on QFT and Other Frequency Methods and Applications, Glasgow, U. K., 1997.
  • J. C. Moreno, A. Baños, F. J. Montoya, An algorithm for computing QFT performance bounds, International Symposium on QFT and other Frequency Methods and Applications, Glasgow, U. K., 1997.
  • A. Baños, F. J. Montoya, J. C. Moreno, Un algoritmo para el cálculo de restricciones en sistemas de control robusto, II Congreso de usuarios de MATLAB, pp. 41-48, Madrid, España, 1996.
  • A. Baños, F. J. Montoya, A. M. Sánchez, A CACSD tool for analysis and design of robust control systems using QFT, Circuits, Computers and Systems, pp. 631-638, Piraeu, Greece, 1996.
  • F. J. Montoya, A.Baños, Un entorno integrado CAD para el diseño de sistemas de control robusto mediante QFT, II Congreso de usuarios de MATLAB, pp. 33-40, Madrid, España, 1996.
  • A. Baños, F. N. Bailey, Linear control of uncertain nonlinear plants, in A. J. Krener and D. Q. Mayne (Eds.), Nonlinear Control Design 1995, Ed. Pergamon Press, 1995.
  • A. Baños, F. N. Bailey , Stabilization of nonlinear systems based on a Bezout identity, European Control Conference, Rome, Italy, 1995.
  • A. Baños, F. Bailey, Validation of performance in QFT design for nonlinear plants, QFT Symposium, University of Purdue, USA, 1995.