Reunión de Química Orgánica del Mediterráneo
Murcia 23-25 October 2019


It is a great pleasure to announce the IX Mediterranean Organic Chemistry Meeting (IX REQOMED), which pretent to be an scientific congress focus on the presentation and discussion of research works concerning any theoretical and practical aspects in the Organic Chemistry. Participation is open to organic chemists and also for scientist from other related research fields, coming from every Mediterranean country.

The Meeting will be held in Murcia, Spain, 23-25 October, 2019.

The Autonomous Region of Murcia a result of its intense historical tradition, the reiterative superposition of cultures, its strategic location as a Mediterranean enclave and its transitional character as a border territory mid-way between the Meseta and Andalusia, the Murcia Region retains innumerable vestiges of the past, making it an ideal meeting-point where History and tradition have been instilled with new life and placed at the visitor's disposal. The abundant remains and archaeological sites include rock-paintings in cave-shelters dating back to the Iberian period, the splendour of Roman antiquity with its urbanistic refinement and penchant for the theatrical, Visigothic cities, Arab medinas, Christian castles, watch-towers, churches and temples, civil and military constructions...

This ample historical, artistic, architectural and cultural heritage can be contemplated and admired in a diversity of natural settings, in the actual locations where the monuments themselves were erected, or within the thematic spaces provided by the Region's complete network of museums. The Region of Murcia is thus likened to a rich printed fabric upon which History has been depicted for our contemplation.

Murcia, capital city of the Autonomous Region, on the banks of the Segura, Cartagena, a port fronting on the Mediterranean, Lorca, the town of a Hundred Coats of Arms, and Caravaca, the Holy Town, will furnish all the reasons a visitor needs to choose them any time of the year for a holiday or just a short stay. You can find more information about Murcia here.

Dr. Antonio Caballero
President of the Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee

Dr. Antonio Caballero (President)
Dr. Fabiola Zapata (Secretary)
Dr. María de los Desamparados Velasco López de los Mozos
Paula Sabater Rabadán
Encarnación Navarro García

Scientific Committee

Prof. Antonio Frontera Universidat de las Islas Baleares
Prof. Francisco Foubelo Universidad de Alicante.
Prof. Ángela Sastre Santos Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
Dr. Fabiola Zapata Fernández Universidad de Murcia
Dr. Antonio Caballero Universidad de Murcia


Murcia 23-25 October 2019