A corpus-friendly analysis of fragmentary constructions in English

Online talk. October 26, 18:00 (Madrid time) / 17:00 (UK time)

Prof Javier Pérez-Guerra, Universidade de Vigo

This talk is part of the Corpus & applied linguistics research 2022 online event.

Free registration link.

The concept of ‘fragment’ covers a wide array of structures of a very diverse nature, from interjections and headings to lists. In this talk, ‘fragment’ is narrowed down to encompass only stand-alone constructions which, despite their reduced, non-canonical, fragmentary structure, convey a propositional meaning comparable to that of complete sentences, as in Well done to Giles! and Good old Hendon next stop. The talk presents a theoretical (couched within Cognitive Construction Grammar) and an empirical characterisation of fragmentary expressions in contemporary English, based on the corpus analysis of sentence fragments in written and spoken English in recent diachrony (BNC1994 and BNC2014).

Javier Pérez-Guerra is Professor in the English Department of the University of Vigo (Spain). Javier is the coordinator of the LVTC (Language Variation and Textual Categorisation) research group in this institution, and the principal investigator of a number research projects funded by mainly the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science. His areas of specialisation are information packaging in the clause, multidimensional approaches to register variation as applied to earlier periods of English, the study of grammatical variation between Early Modern and Present-day English by means of computational techniques, and the impact of performance preferences and ease of processing on the design of grammars.

You can check out the 2021 talks here:


This online event is organized by the Universidad de Murcia and the E020-07 research group (Lenguajes de especialidad, corpus lingüísticos y lingüística inglesa aplicada a la ingeniería del conocimiento).