Digital resources for academic and scientific writing – San Javier 18 – 22 July – Instructors

Sessions and schedule here.

Registration here.

Meet your instructors

Dr Pilar Aguado

Dr Pilar Aguado is a Tenured Lecturer in the Dept. of English Studies at University of Murcia, Spain. She is interested in the design of materials for EFL teaching; research through linguistic corpora on orality, ideological representation in specialised languages, use of mobile devices for learning English, and professional languages, in particular Business English; teacher training and the use of open teaching resources and apps.

Dr Begoña Bellés Fortuño

Dr Begoña Bellés-Fortuño is a senior lecturer in the Department of English Studies at Universitat Jaume I (UJI), Spain. She is currently the Director of the Interuniversity Institute of Modern Applied Languages (IULMA) at Universitat Jaume I. Since the beginning of her academic career, she has been immersed in Discourse Analysis research through corpus linguistics methods. She was a Morley Scholar in the ELI (English Language Institute) at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, USA) in 2007, where she worked together with the MICASE team. She is the Language Value journal Editor-In Chief and one of the executive directors of IBERICA journal. Her research interests are focused on Discourse Analysis, and more concretely, academic discourse both written and spoken, as well as on Discourse of Medicine and clinical setting communication encounters. In the educational side, she runs an educational project on CLIL in the university classroom.

Prof Marisa Carrió-Pastor

María Luisa Carrió-Pastor is a Professor of English language at Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. Currently, she is the head of the Department of Applied Linguistics, the coordinator of the Doctorate degree “Languages, Literature, Culture and, their applications” and a member-at-large of AILA Executive Board. Her research areas are contrastive linguistics, pragmatics and the study of academic and professional discourse both for second language acquisition and discourse analysis. Some of her publications are available here.

Dr Niall Curry

Niall Curry is an Assistant Professor at Coventry University. His research is interdisciplinary and centres on the application of corpus linguistics approaches to different areas of applied linguistics. Among these areas is a focus on corpus-based studies of academic and scientific communication and metadiscourse in English, French, and Spanish, corpus-based contrastive linguistics, corpus-based studies of English language and language change, and corpus linguistics for TESOL and language teaching materials development. He is Managing Editor of the Journal of Academic Writing, Section Editor of the Elsevier Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, and is a Géras International Correspondent. For further details on his background, areas of interest, projects, and current research, see his website at  

Dr Geraldine Mark

Dr Geraldine Mark is a Research Associate at Cardiff University and Associate Lecturer at the University of Malta. She has 30+ years’ experience as an editor, author, researcher and lecturer, in the applied linguistics areas of language teaching and learning, language analysis and materials development. Her interests centre around corpus linguistics and its many multi-disciplinary applications.

Prof Pascual Pérez-Paredes

Pascual Pérez-Paredes is a Professor in Applied Linguistics and Linguistics, U. Murcia, and former Lecturer in Research in Second Language Education at the University of Cambridge. His main research interests are the use of corpora and digital resources in language education, learner language variation, and corpus-assisted discourse analysis. He was the Overall Coordinator of the MEd Research Methods Strand at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge (2016-2019). He’s Assistant Editor of Cambridge University Press ReCALL journal (2.917 IF 2020). Most of his publications and research can be found here.