Author Archives: langcorp

Call for papers: Language and Law / Linguagem e Direito Vol 2.1

The editors of Language and Law / Linguagem e Direito (LL / LD), the new international bilingual bi-annual online journal, invite original unpublished contributions from researchers, academics and practitioners alike, in Portuguese or English. Articles are welcome in any area of forensic linguistics / language and the law for Volume 2.1, to be published in 2015.

Language and Law / Linguagem e Direito is completely electronic and freely available for everyone to download at Because Language and Law has no printing costs it can be extremely flexible to individual author’s requirements: not only can it publish quickly all the high quality articles it receives, but also it can cope with long appendices, reproduce illustrations, photographs and tables in full colour, as well embed sound files and hyperlinks.

All submissions must be made by email, in MS Word or Latex format, to the journal’s email address Manuscripts can vary in length, but we suggest that they should be between 4,500 and 8,000 words and be preceded by an abstract of no more than 150 words in the language of the article and, if possible, in the journal’s other language as well. The abstract should also include up to five keywords. Contributors should indicate in the body of the accompanying email their name, institutional affiliation and email address(es). Articles submitted for publication should not have been previously published nor submitted simultaneously for consideration elsewhere.

In submitting an article, authors cede to the journal the right to publish and republish it in both the journal languages. However, copyright remains with the authors. Thus, if they wish to republish, they simply need to inform the editors and on publication send complete bibliographical data.

The deadline for contributions is January 31, 2015. All papers will be double blind peer-reviewed by the end of March 2015 and the issue will be published by the end of July 2015.

For further information on the journal, templates and author guidelines, please visit the journal webpage:

Malcolm Coulthard & Rui Sousa-Silva, Editors
Language and Law / Linguagem e Direito

#CFP Academic Exchange Quarterly Language: Education, Society and Profession #apliedlinguistics @corpuscall

CALL FOR PAPERS: Academic Exchange Quarterly (ISSN 1096-1453)
Spring 2015, Volume 19, Issue 1

Language: Education, Society and Profession

Deadline extended until 3rd January 2015

Keyword: LANGUAGE-2015


Feature Editors:
Emilia Di Martino
Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli (Italia)
Marilyn Pasqua
University of Calabria, Italy
Anna Franca Plastina
University of Calabria, Italy
Bruna Di Sabato
Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli (Italia)

Every published article automatically qualifies for inclusion in the upcoming Sound Instruction Book Language: Education, Society and Profession

This is the announcement of the Academic Exchange Quarterly (ISSN 1096-1453) on Language, Education, Society and Profession.

This issue aims to explore helpful cutting-edge knowledge pertaining to three broad areas: Language Teaching/Learning and Education, Language in Social Practices and Language use in the professions. The target language may be any second/foreign language, including English as a second language (ESL). Both quantitative and qualitative studies are welcome. More specific topics encompass, but are not limited to:

1. Applied linguistics
2. Bilingualism, multilingualism, language policies, and language planning
3. Classroom research
4.Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Technology-Enhanced Language (TELL)
5. Content Based Instruction (CBI ) and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
6. Corpus linguistics
7. Course and syllabus design
8. Cultural and linguistic issues related to migration
9. Discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis, multimodal discourse analysis
10. Focused instruction
11. Interlanguage or learner language analysis (e.g. error, discourse and conversation analyses)
12. Language and dialect contact, code-switching and code-mixing
13. Language and Education
14. Language for Science and Technology (LST)
15. Language for Specific Purposes (LSP)
16. Language ideologies
17. Language in professional and academic practices
18. Learner autonomy
19. Learner variables (such as motivation, personality characteristics, age, aptitude, and
learning styles)
20. Methodologies and approaches to language teaching
21. Migration and hybridism in language
22.Pedagogical Translation
23. Second and foreign language teaching and learning
24. Sociolinguistics
25. Teaching cultural understanding in a second/foreign language class
26. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
27. Translation as cultural mediation
28. Translation Pedagogy
Papers may be in the form of research reports, case studies, research in progress, or
theoretical papers.
Who May Submit:
Submissions are welcome from teachers, researchers, administrators, teacher educators at all levels, and graduate students Please identify your submission with keyword: LANGUAGE-2015
Submission deadline extended until January 3, 2015
due to popular request to allow writing during the holidays.

Submission Procedure:

Ethnography as a research-support discipline in ESP teaching, learning and research in the French academic context , by Shaeda Isani

This article posits that there is a natural affinity between an ethnographic-inspired approach and ESP teaching and research in the wide-angled, sociocultural perspective prevalent in French universities. In spite of little bibliometric evidence to this effect, this study identifies an unrecognised but nevertheless discernible ethnographic-orientated current which underlines the involvement of all three central protagonists of the discipline, ESP teachers, learners and researchers. The article concludes by advocating that the sociocultural orientation of ESP teaching and research in the French academic context stands to benefit from greater integration of the principles and practices of ethnography in French ESP studies.

Read on.