Author Archives: langcorp

Obesity in the News: Combining Corpus and Critical Perspectives

Online talk. October 12, 18:00 (Madrid time) / 17:00 (UK time)

Dr Gavin Brookes, University of Lancaster

This talk is part of the Corpus & applied linguistics research 2022 online event.

Free registration link.


In this talk, I describe findings from a recently completed programme of research which combined corpus linguistics and critical approaches to discourse analysis in order to investigate how language is used to represent obesity in British newspapers. In particular, I will demonstrate how corpus linguistics techniques can be used to compare broadsheet and tabloid discourses around obesity, as well as to investigate how aspects of identity such as gender and social class intersect with such discourses in the specific representation of people with obesity. I will offer a critical appraisal of the corpus approach to critical discourse studies taken in this project, and briefly outline some of the ways we have set out to apply our findings to real world contexts of communication around obesity.

Gavin Brookes is UKRI Future Leader Fellow in the Department of Linguistics and English Language at Lancaster University. He is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Corpus Linguistics and co-editor of the Bloomsbury Corpus and Discourse book series. He has published five books and over thirty journal articles in the fields of corpus linguistics, applied linguistics, discourse studies and health communication.

You can check out the 2021 talks here:

This online event is organized by the Universidad de Murcia and the E020-07 research group (Lenguajes de especialidad, corpus lingüísticos y lingüística inglesa aplicada a la ingeniería del conocimiento).

Corpus linguistics & applied linguistics research 2022

“Corpus linguistics & applied linguistics research 2022“ es un ciclo de conferencias organizado por la Universidad de Murcia entre el 5 y el 26 de octubre de 2022. Las conferencias tendrán lugar a las 18:00 (hora de Madrid) los días 5, 12, 19 y 26 de octubre via ZOOM.

–Corpus Linguistics, Learner Corpora, and SLA: Employing Technology to Analyze Language Use,

Prof Tony McEnery, University of Lancaster

October 5, 18:00 (Madrid time) / 17:00 (UK time)

–Obesity in the News: A Corpus Linguistics Perspective

Dr Gavin Brookes, University of Lancaster

October 12, 18:00 (Madrid time) / 17:00 (UK time)

–A corpus-friendly analysis of fragmentary constructions in English

Prof Javier Pérez Guerra, Universidad de Vigo

October 26, 18:00 (Madrid time) / 17:00 (UK time)

–Corpus linguistics and the discursive construction of migrants

Dr Charlotte Taylor, University of Sussex

November 9, 12:00 (Madrid time) / 11:00 (UK time) New date!!!!!!

Registration link:

Tras la inscripción, se enviará un correo electrónico con el enlace del seminario web para las cuatro charlas.

Las charlas de la edición de 2021 se encuentran aquí:

You can check out the 2021 talks here:

“Corpus linguistics & applied linguistics research 2022“ está organizado por el grupo de investigación E020-07  de la Universidad de Murcia “Lenguajes de especialidad, corpus lingüísticos y lingüística inglesa aplicada a la ingeniería del conocimiento” y esponsorizado por la Facultad de Letras y el Departamento de Filología Inglesa de la Universidad de Murcia.

Para más información:

Texts, corpora, evidence: using a NLP pipeline to examine textual genres

Prof Pascual Pérez-Paredes

Universitat Jaume I, 9 September 2022

In this workshop we will discuss how corpus approaches to textual analysis have increased our understanding of genres and registers. By looking at existing research designs, we will explore both what corpora can and can’t offer to researchers. The main focus of the workshop is to explore the use of ProTool GENTT, a natural processing (NLP) pipeline that makes use of basic machine learning algorithms.

Summer school: Digital resources for academic and scientific writing – San Javier, 18 – 22 July

The 7th edition of Writing Science in English aims to provide participants with strategies to write in a clearer and more academic way in English.

In this edition, we will delve into the use of digital resources that allow us to achieve these goals. To this end, we will combine theoretical sessions with practical activities.

The course will be conducted in English and will be taught by specialist teachers from various universities in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Spain.

Click here to know more about your instructors.

Sessions and schedule here.

Registration here.

Corpus linguistics and applied linguistics research 2022

We can now confirm the lineup for the forthcoming edition of Corpus linguistics and applied linguistics research 2022. As in the previous 2021 edition, we are so lucky to have a fabulous group of scholars that will share their insights into the use of corpus linguistics methods in a range of applied linguistics research areas.

In this 2022 edition, the four talks will be given by:

Dr Gavin Brookes, University of Lancaster

Prof Tony McEnery, University of Lancaster

Prof Javier Pérez Guerra, University of Vigo

Dr Charlotte Taylor, University of Sussex

Further details about dates and titles will be provided shortly.

This online event is organized by the Universidad de Murcia and the research group E020-07 (Lenguajes de especialidad, corpus lingüísticos y lingüística inglesa aplicada a la ingeniería del conocimiento).