Category Archives: Corpus linguistics

Corpus linguistics and applied linguistics research event: Thanks

We’d like to thank everyone that signed up for our “Corpus linguistics and applied linguistics research online event October 2021“.

Almost 2000 people signed up for the talks ny Dr Phil Durrant, Prof Encarna Hidalgo, Dr Rachelle Vessey and Dr Kris Kyle. Despite time zone differences almost 500 showed up for the live talks. Thank you all.

Special thanks to the fab line up of speakers that took part in this first edition of “Corpus linguistics and applied linguistics research”. This event has been a huge success thanks to their expertise and willingness to spread their research.

Thanks also to the Facultad de Letras and the English Department at Universidad de Murcia for supporting and sponsoring this event.

Recordings will be available soon. Stay tuned for more details.

Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis 3 (ADDA 3)

May 13-15, 2022, St. Petersburg, Florida

Conference website:

Conference themes

Papers are invited from discourse scholars from different traditions focusing on digital discourse and other relevant fields, among others:

Research methods in digital discourse analysis
Theoretical approaches to digital discourse analysis
Critical digital discourse analysis
Micro analysis of digital discourse
Digital genres
Discourse and identities in the digital world
Multimodality and digital discourse
Conflict in digital discourse
Digital discourse and the professions
Digital service encounters
Political discourse in the digital age
Gender and digital media
Digital discourse and journalism
Digital discourse and education
Digital discourse and health
Digital discourse and society
Digital discourse in gaming
Any other relevant topics related to digital discourse

Important dates

Panel proposals deadline October 1, 2021
Notification of acceptance of panels will be sent by November 1, 2021
Individual paper proposals deadline November 15, 2021
Notification of acceptance of individual papers will be sent by Jan 31, 2022

6th Corpora & Discourse International Conference 2022

26-28 August 2022, Bertinoro, Italy

Conference website:
(Twitter: @ConfDisc #cads2022)

Deadline for submission: April 2nd 2022

Notification of acceptance: May 27th 2022

Full CFP here

Corpus & Discourse Conference 2022 is the 6th edition and celebrates the 20th anniversary since the first conference. CADSConf2022 will be held in the Medieval hill town and fort of Bertinoro in Emilia-Romagna, Italy from Friday morning 26 Aug – 28 Aug 2022. The conference is organised by members of the Corpora, Linguistics, Technology (CoLiTec) research centre at Bologna Unviersity’s Department of Interpreting and Translation Studies (DIT), and by the SiBol group.

Corpora and Discourse International Conference showcases research which combine corpus linguistics and discourse analysis in all forms and under all names. This might include work that self-describes as: corpus-assisted discourse studies, corpus-based (critical) discourse studies, corpus-based sociolinguistics, corpus-driven discourse studies, corpus pragmatics, corpus stylistics, corpus-informed discourse studies or corpus & discourse work that does not go under any particular label. Our aim is simply to bring together all researchers who are interested in how discourse/s are structured, patterned or received and who use corpus linguistics in their work.

Conference themes

We encourage different kinds of paper. Please specify in your abstract which you are proposing. Please send your abstract in Word format without personal identification and with covering letter to our e-mail: Call for papers closes on April 2nd 2022. Notification of acceptance by May 27th.

Research papers

We invite papers which include corpus approaches to:

discourse organisation, including cohesion and coherence, lexical priming
scientific, technological and medical discourse
discourses of political institutions, political and media interaction
new media, social media, hybrid text types
academic and educational discourses
studies of historical documents
discourse analyses of socially important issues
language ideology and /or policy
discourse/s and identity
translation studies
stylistics and literary studies
discourse/s in language acquisition and language teaching
discourse/s in languages for specialised purposes
investigations of non-literal language in discourse (e.g. metaphor, metonymy, irony)
comparative studies of different discourse/s and discourse types
comparative studies of discourse/s and/or language change over different periods of time
investigations of cultural and cross-cultural topics

Position papers

We also welcome papers which include reflective considerations on theoretical-methodological issues. These might include discussion of questions such as:

How is the combination of corpus methodologies and discourse analysis developing?
What are the potential future directions of corpus and discourse analysis?
What counts as best practice and are there any practices best avoided?
How can we increase our awareness and reflexivity as researchers in this field?
What forms can triangulation in corpus and discourse take?
Searching for similarities; searching for absences from a corpus.
What new software may be of particular relevance to the area?
What challenges do particular forms of corpus and discourse face? (e.g. analysis of social media, hybrid media, responsive analysis of fast-moving topics, analysis of historical discourse/s etc.)
What can a corpus and discourse approach do with big data that was not collected/designed for corpus work?
Pure’ research, applied research, and committed (or ‘caring’) research into discourse using corpora. How are they defined? What are their relative merits? Are they always compatible?

Research posters

For work-in-progress, projects in the early stages of development or descriptions of new corpora, we encourage poster presentations.

The International Conference for Learner Corpus Research – LCR 2022 University of Padua


The International Conference for Learner Corpus Research (LCR 2022) will be held at the University of Padua (Italy), at the Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies ( on 22-24 September, 2022.

The LCR2022 Conference aims to showcase the latest developments in the field of learner corpus research regarding the description of learner language and the design of innovative methods and tools to analyse it. 

The conference will feature keynote lectures, full paper presentations, work in progress reports, poster presentations, software demonstrations and a book exhibition. Pre-conference workshops are also planned. 

Keynote speakers

–          Silvia Bernardini (Università di Bologna, Italy)

–          Anke Lüdeling (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)

–          Hilary Nesi (Coventry University, England)


All topics related to learner corpus research based on any language are welcome. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • Language for Academic Purposes; 
  • Language for Specific Purposes;
  • Language Teaching, Assessment and Testing;
  • Learner corpus-based SLA studies;
  • Corpora as pedagogical resources;
  • Multimodal learner corpora;
  • Software for learner corpus analysis;
  • Corpus-based translation studies;
  • English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI);
  • English as a Lingua Franca (ELF);
  • Data mining and other explorative approaches to learner corpora;
  • Statistical methods in learner corpus studies.


Abstracts, written in English, should be between 600 and 700 words (excluding a list of references) and should provide the following:

–          clearly articulated research question(s) and its/their relevance;

–          the most important details about research approach, data and methods;

–          (preliminary) results and their interpretation.

Abstracts will be submitted through EasyChair. Abstract submission will open on 18 November 2021 and the deadline for submission is 23 January 2022. Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by the scientific committee. Notification of the outcome of the review process will be sent by 31 March 2022.

Further information is available at

The Graduate Student Conference in Learner Corpus Research 2021

A virtual conference, under the aegis of the  Learner Corpus Association at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN)

Program here.

Event URL.

This event offers a great opportunity for MA and PhD students to present their (in-progress) results, share ideas, receive feedback from senior researchers in the field, and further develop their professional networks. Senior researchers are welcome as delegates, helping to ensure the high quality of the event and foster the careers of Early Career Researchers.

The Learner Corpus Association (LCA) is an international association which aims to promote the field of learner corpus research and provide an interdisciplinary forum for all the researchers and professionals who are actively involved in the field or simply want to know more about it. 

LCA supports the compilation of learner corpora (i.e. electronic collections of written and/or spoken language produced by foreign/second language learners) in a wide range of languages and the design of innovative methods and tools to analyze them. It seeks to link up learner corpus research to second language acquisition theory, first language acquisition theory and linguistic theory in general and to promote applications in fields including foreign language teaching, language testing and natural language processing (automated scoring, spell- and grammar-checking, L1 identification).

Video: Corpus Linguistics and the Analysis of L2 Spoken and Written Texts, 26 October 2021

Corpus Linguistics and the Analysis of L2 Spoken and Written Texts
Dr Kris Kyle, University of Oregon
26 October, 19:00 (Madrid-Paris-Brussels-Berlin time) Zoom registration link

Productive lexical proficiency has been an important topic in applied linguistics for over 25 years (e.g., Crossley et al., 2011; Kyle & Crossley, 2015; Laufer & Nation, 1995). During this time, word frequency measures have played a dominant role (Laufer & Nation, 1995). While word frequency is undoubtedly important, a number of recent studies have demonstrated that lexical proficiency is most accurately modeled when multiple lexical and lexicogrammatical features are used (e.g., Kim et al., 2018; Kyle et al., 2018;). In this talk, an overview of selected measures of lexical proficiency at the word (e.g., concreteness, contextual diversity, lexical access, etc.) and lexicogrammatical (i.e., n-gram, dependency relations and verb-verb argument construction strength of association) level is provided. The use of these features is then highlighted in two learner corpus research studies.

Kristopher Kyle is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Oregon. His research interests include second language acquisition, second language writing, and second language assessment. He is addresses these topics using corpus linguistic methods through the adaptation and development of natural language processing tools.

Coordination: Prof Pascual Pérez-Paredes

This event is sponsored by the Facultad de Letras, Universidad de Murcia, and the English Department, Universidad de Murcia.