Category Archives: ICAME

ICAME45 – Universidad de Vigo – 18-22 June 2024

International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English – ICAME 45 – Interlocking Corpora and Register(s): Diversity and Innovation 

Submission instructions:

The call for abstracts will close on 1 December 2023. Notification of acceptance will be sent out in early February 2024.

Abstracts should be between 400 and 500 words (excluding references) and should clearly state research question(s), approach, data, method, and (expected) results. Submission should be anonymous and via EasyAbs.

Authors may submit a maximum of two abstracts if at least one paper is co-authored.

We invite abstracts for the following presentation formats:
– Full paper: 20 + 10 mins discussion
– Short paper/Work-in-progress report: 10 + 5 mins discussion
– Software demonstration: 20 + 10 mins discussion
– Poster: on display for the duration of the conference and brief presentations (c.5 mins) during a special session. Maximum A0 size (portrait).

We also invite proposals for pre-conference workshops on Tuesday 18 June 2024. If you would like to convene a workshop, please send your proposal by 15 November 2023 directly to the organisers <>.

The proposal should contain the title of the workshop, name and contact details of the organisers and of the proposed participants, and a short description of the topics to be discussed (between 400 and 700 words, excluding references). If the workshop is accepted, workshop conveners will be responsible for putting the individual abstracts together, including peer reviewing. This should be completed and notified to the conference organisers before 15 January 2024.