Category Archives: New publication

Researching New Uses of Corpora for Language Teaching and Learning headline story on Cambridge University Press Extra Language blog

The use of language data in the analysis of language and communication has become commonplace, due in part to the increasing range of software tools and functions, as well as to the fact that linguists today are more sensitive to data-driven research methods that have become standard in other disciplines. In particular, corpus linguistics has revolutionised different fields of language study by bringing in data (aka corpora) to language description.

Read on.

CFP: Special Issue: Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and the teaching of languages for specific purposes

LFE, 19 (Autumn, 2013) 20th Anniversary Issue

Special Issue: Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and the teaching of languages for specific purposes/Aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lenguas extranjeras (AICLE) y didactica de la enseñanza de lenguas para fines específicos

Guest editors: Marta Nadales Ruiz, University Complutense Madrid, Mª Luisa Pérez-Cañado, University of Jaén and Mª Jesús Vera-Cazorla, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

In this special 20th anniversary issue, the Journal Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos (LFE) invites submissions both in Spanish and English of original full-length articles from scholars in the field of English on Content and Language Integrated Learning and on the Teaching of Languages for Specific Purposes. Manuscripts should not exceed 8000 words, including references and notes, and should be submitted electronically using this Internet form.
Prospective authors are encouraged to follow the guidelines for submissions in the journal webpage (here). Contributions submitted to LFE should not be under consideration in any other journal.
All submissions will be subject to our peer-review process, and the last decision regarding the publication of contributions falls on the General Editors.
For further queries on this special issue, you may contact us via email: lfe(at)
Important dates:
Submission deadline: 20 March 2013
Readers’ reports due: 15 May 2013
Final draft due: 30 June 2013
Publication: Autumn 2013

New book release

Researching Specialized Languages

Edited by Vijay Bhatia, Purificación Sánchez Hernández and Pascual Pérez-Paredes.

A new volume of the Studies in Corpus Linguistics Series edited by two members of this research group in collaboration with V. Bhatia has just been released.


The present colletion of articles represents research efforts in the field of specialised languages, including the analysis of research articles in disciplines as diverse as Biomedicine and Computing, on the one hand, and overlapping disciplines such as in Social Sciences, on the other, all with high relevance to English for Academic Purposes, and English for specific Purposes. The volume offers empirical evidence obtained from corpus-based analyses of language, both from diachronic as well as synchronic perspectives, on topics such as the role of mother tongue in professional writing, the analysis of conference abstracts as a genre, or the analysis of visual data transfer. This collection addresses issues such as the implementation of lexicons for specialised language learning, and the development of ontologies to research language patterns. The volume thus provides a rich repertoire of research methodologies, in-depth analyses of specialised discourses, and the identification and discussion of relevant pedagogic issues. 

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