Category Archives: Research

Corpus linguistics and applied linguistics research event: Thanks

We’d like to thank everyone that signed up for our “Corpus linguistics and applied linguistics research online event October 2021“.

Almost 2000 people signed up for the talks ny Dr Phil Durrant, Prof Encarna Hidalgo, Dr Rachelle Vessey and Dr Kris Kyle. Despite time zone differences almost 500 showed up for the live talks. Thank you all.

Special thanks to the fab line up of speakers that took part in this first edition of “Corpus linguistics and applied linguistics research”. This event has been a huge success thanks to their expertise and willingness to spread their research.

Thanks also to the Facultad de Letras and the English Department at Universidad de Murcia for supporting and sponsoring this event.

Recordings will be available soon. Stay tuned for more details.

Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis 3 (ADDA 3)

May 13-15, 2022, St. Petersburg, Florida

Conference website:

Conference themes

Papers are invited from discourse scholars from different traditions focusing on digital discourse and other relevant fields, among others:

Research methods in digital discourse analysis
Theoretical approaches to digital discourse analysis
Critical digital discourse analysis
Micro analysis of digital discourse
Digital genres
Discourse and identities in the digital world
Multimodality and digital discourse
Conflict in digital discourse
Digital discourse and the professions
Digital service encounters
Political discourse in the digital age
Gender and digital media
Digital discourse and journalism
Digital discourse and education
Digital discourse and health
Digital discourse and society
Digital discourse in gaming
Any other relevant topics related to digital discourse

Important dates

Panel proposals deadline October 1, 2021
Notification of acceptance of panels will be sent by November 1, 2021
Individual paper proposals deadline November 15, 2021
Notification of acceptance of individual papers will be sent by Jan 31, 2022

6th Corpora & Discourse International Conference 2022

26-28 August 2022, Bertinoro, Italy

Conference website:
(Twitter: @ConfDisc #cads2022)

Deadline for submission: April 2nd 2022

Notification of acceptance: May 27th 2022

Full CFP here

Corpus & Discourse Conference 2022 is the 6th edition and celebrates the 20th anniversary since the first conference. CADSConf2022 will be held in the Medieval hill town and fort of Bertinoro in Emilia-Romagna, Italy from Friday morning 26 Aug – 28 Aug 2022. The conference is organised by members of the Corpora, Linguistics, Technology (CoLiTec) research centre at Bologna Unviersity’s Department of Interpreting and Translation Studies (DIT), and by the SiBol group.

Corpora and Discourse International Conference showcases research which combine corpus linguistics and discourse analysis in all forms and under all names. This might include work that self-describes as: corpus-assisted discourse studies, corpus-based (critical) discourse studies, corpus-based sociolinguistics, corpus-driven discourse studies, corpus pragmatics, corpus stylistics, corpus-informed discourse studies or corpus & discourse work that does not go under any particular label. Our aim is simply to bring together all researchers who are interested in how discourse/s are structured, patterned or received and who use corpus linguistics in their work.

Conference themes

We encourage different kinds of paper. Please specify in your abstract which you are proposing. Please send your abstract in Word format without personal identification and with covering letter to our e-mail: Call for papers closes on April 2nd 2022. Notification of acceptance by May 27th.

Research papers

We invite papers which include corpus approaches to:

discourse organisation, including cohesion and coherence, lexical priming
scientific, technological and medical discourse
discourses of political institutions, political and media interaction
new media, social media, hybrid text types
academic and educational discourses
studies of historical documents
discourse analyses of socially important issues
language ideology and /or policy
discourse/s and identity
translation studies
stylistics and literary studies
discourse/s in language acquisition and language teaching
discourse/s in languages for specialised purposes
investigations of non-literal language in discourse (e.g. metaphor, metonymy, irony)
comparative studies of different discourse/s and discourse types
comparative studies of discourse/s and/or language change over different periods of time
investigations of cultural and cross-cultural topics

Position papers

We also welcome papers which include reflective considerations on theoretical-methodological issues. These might include discussion of questions such as:

How is the combination of corpus methodologies and discourse analysis developing?
What are the potential future directions of corpus and discourse analysis?
What counts as best practice and are there any practices best avoided?
How can we increase our awareness and reflexivity as researchers in this field?
What forms can triangulation in corpus and discourse take?
Searching for similarities; searching for absences from a corpus.
What new software may be of particular relevance to the area?
What challenges do particular forms of corpus and discourse face? (e.g. analysis of social media, hybrid media, responsive analysis of fast-moving topics, analysis of historical discourse/s etc.)
What can a corpus and discourse approach do with big data that was not collected/designed for corpus work?
Pure’ research, applied research, and committed (or ‘caring’) research into discourse using corpora. How are they defined? What are their relative merits? Are they always compatible?

Research posters

For work-in-progress, projects in the early stages of development or descriptions of new corpora, we encourage poster presentations.

CFPM Digital genres and Open Science

International Conference, 26-27 May, 2022. University of Zaragoza (Spain)


Submissions on all aspects of digital genres for science communication are welcomed, but contributions addressing the theme of digital genres and Open Science are particularly encouraged. This includes, but is not limited to, papers addressing issues such as:​

  1. Theories and methods for the study of digital genres for Open Science 
  2. Discourse and multimodal studies of digital genres for research communication
  3. Digital genres for scientific knowledge dissemination and public engagement
  4. Processes of recontextualization and generic hybridization in science communication online
  5. Open Science practices, Open Access publishing and open peer review
  6. Studies on perceptions towards Open Science practices
  7. Digital literacies, Languages for Academic Purposes and pedagogies for professional development

Important dates

Deadline for abstracts: January 30th, 2022

Notification of acceptance: February 20th, 2022

Early registration: No later than March 30th, 2022

Deadline for standard registration: May 16th, 2022

39 Congreso de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA2022)

AESLA 2022 : Intercultural perspectives on language varieties / Las variedades lingüísticas desde el enfoque intercultural

Texto distribuido en la lista de correo de AESLA

El congreso se celebrará los días 27 a 29 de abril de 2022 en la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Las conferencias plenarias estarán a cargo de Silvia Betti (Universidad de Bolonia), Marina Bondi (Universidad de Módena), María del Pilar García Mayo (Universidad del País Vasco) y de Istvan Kesckes (Universidad de Nueva York).

Como novedad en esta edición, existe un panel específico para estudiantes pre-doctorales que contará con una breve introducción sobre formatos de publicación científica.

Video: Corpus linguistics and the analysis of language ideology, 20 October 2021

Corpus linguistics and the analysis of language ideology
Dr. Rachelle Vessey, Carleton University, Canada
20 October, 19:00 (Madrid-Paris-Brussels-Berlin time) Zoom registration link

In this presentation, I will introduce the notion of ‘language ideology’ and how it can be studied using corpus linguistics. Although the notion of ‘ideology’ is widely associated with discourse and is analyzed in various discourse analytic approaches (including corpus-assisted discourse approaches), the concept of language ideology is more specific and has been less frequently tackled using corpus linguistic methods. In this paper, I show how corpus linguistic methods can help identify and examine language ideologies in both their implicit and explicit manifestations. Moreover, I argue that language ideology provides a critical reflexive lens, enabling corpus linguists to (re)consider the nature of the data they examine. To highlight the opportunities and challenges, I draw on examples from research on the United Nations, newspaper articles, and Twitter.

Rachelle Vessey is an Assistant Professor in the School of Linguistics and Language Studies at Carleton University (Canada). Her research centres on language ideologies and how these manifest in discourse.  She is particularly interested in how beliefs about language contribute to social inclusion and exclusion. She has examined language ideologies in large corpora of (English and French) Canadian newspapers, online forums, interviews with domestic workers, United Nations official documents and extremist magazines.

Coordination: Prof Pascual Pérez-Paredes

This event is sponsored by the Facultad de Letras, Universidad de Murcia, and the English Department, Universidad de Murcia.

EU citizens in the UK. Elena Remigi speaks at the Advice to Justice Conference in Liverpool

Elena Remigi (InLimbo) speaks at the Advice to Justice Conference in Liverpool (7th September 2021).

Check out our presentation “Where´s home? EU citizens as migrants” at Approaches to migration, language and identity 2020 AMLI Conference (www) University of Sussex, Wednesday 9 – Friday 11 June 2021

Pascual Pérez-Paredes & Elena Remigi
Universidad de Murcia / The In Limbo Project


Since January 2021, UK and EU citizens can no longer exercise freedom of movement between the two areas. EU, EEA or Swiss citizens living in the UK before 31 December 2020 have been forced to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme to continue living in the UK. In practical terms, EU citizens have become a new migrant community. The 2016 Brexit referendum started a period of uncertainty, agony and frustration for both EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU that ended with the trade deal that the EU and the UK made public on 24 December 2020. The anger, the sense of betrayal (Bueltmann, 2020) and various mental health issues (Reimer, 2018; Bueltmann, 2020), however, linger on. This study uses a corpus of 200 testimonies from EU citizens in the UK to explore their feelings and reactions to Brexit and the hostile environment (Leudar et al., 2008) that emerged soon after the referendum. The In Limbo corpus of testimonies contains personal accounts by EU citizens living in Britain from 2017 until 2020. It has 81,000 tokens and 7,600 types. The collection of the data was organised by volunteers on a not-for-profit basis. The testimonies in Remigi, E., Martin, V., & Sykes (2020) were chosen as the basis of our corpus.

We used keyword (Baker, 2006; Baker et al., 2008) and collocation (Baker, 2006; Pérez-Paredes, Aguado & Sánchez, 2017; Pérez-Paredes, 2020) analyses to explore the self-representation of EU citizens across four emerging areas of interest: family life, loss of identity, feeling unwelcome and representations of post-Brexit Britain, including discourses about settled status and Britishness. In order to moderate the impact of Brexit-as-a-topic in the analysis of the narratives, we used two reference corpora in our study: the Brexit corpus and the enTenTen 2015, both provided through Sketch Engine. We used Wodak’s (2001) framework of analysis of representation strategies to pin down our discussion of the discourses emerging in the testimonies. Two strategies appear to be relevant in the context of our data: predication and perspectivation. The former is used mainly when expressing feelings about the UK while the latter are crucial to deliver the narratives discursively. While our research confirms some of the conclusions in the survey conducted by Bueltmann (2020), the combination of corpus-based CDA methods and the rich data provided through these narratives open up further understanding of the discursive strategies used by EU citizens when resisting the anti-EU environment that was unleashed in the wake of Brexit. Our analysis provides an alternative representation of the consequences and impact of Brexit on EU migrants that is in contrast with the recent triumphalist discourse of the Tory government that misrepresents EU citizens as happily embracing the settled status scheme.

Keywords: Brexit, EU citizens, migrants, keyword analysis, representation strategies