Tag Archives: Legal English

Conference: Law and Language: Legislative Drafting and Translation

Conference: Law and Language: Legislative Drafting and Translation

Date: Friday 27 June, 11:00 – 17:00

Web Page: http://events.sas.ac.uk/events/view/16220

Venue: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR

This conference will consider the following aspects of legislative drafting and translation:
· Multilingual Legal Systems: Challenges and benefits for legal systems which operate in more than one language.
· Translation and EU Texts: The EU institutions function in 24 languages but to some extent English serves as a lingua franca. Is EU English a separate variety of English?
· Legal Translation and Language: Linguistic and textual features of special-purpose texts and their function in specialized translation.

Speakers include:
William Robinson, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies;
Ingemar Strandvik, European Commission Translation Directorate-General;
Manuela Guggeis, Legal Service of the Council of the European Union;
Professor Maurizio Gotti, University of Bergamo;
Professor Silvia Ferreri, University of Turin;
Andrè Michelle Labelle, International Court of Justice; and Canada;
Dr Giulia Adriana Pennisi, University of Palermo and Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies;
William Robinson, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies;
Ingemar Strandvik, European Commission Translation Directorate-General;
Professor Thomas Glyn Watkin, University of Cardiff Law School;
Professor Helen Xanthaki, Academic Director, Sir William Dale Centre, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies;

REGISTRATION: To book your place and pay the registration fee using the online payments system, please go to the conference web page http://events.sas.ac.uk/events/view/16220

Registration Fees: £75.00; Students: £45.00.

More info:

Belinda Crothers
Academic Programmes Manager
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
School of Advanced Study, University of London
17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR
Tel: 020 7862 5841. Fax: 020 7862 5850
Email: Belinda.Crothers@sas.ac.uk
Web: www.ials.sas.ac.uk

Basics of English contract law

Dr. Eileen Fry is visiting the University of Murcia to lecture on aspects of English contract law.

The schedule will be the following:

May 3-Thursday: 12:00 – 13:30 – Aula 3.3 (Aulario, Campus La Merced)
Basics of contract law I

May 4-Friday: 10:30 – 12:00 – Aula 3.3 (Aulario, Campus La Merced)
Basics of contract law II


Worked at a large trade union (TGWU, now Unite) before becoming a researcher, then senior lecturer in law at Newcastle Polytechnic, which became Northumbria University (1981-2010). Doctoral thesis on the subject of social security adjudication.

Responsibilities included: Programme Leader LLB (Hons) Exempting with French Law, 1993-2005; Programme Leader Postgraduate Certificate in Legal Advice (PGCLA), 2008-2010; Academic Co-ordinator of SOCRATES-ERASMUS exchanges in Northumbria University School of Law, 1997-2010.

Teaching Specialisms: Contract Law; Employment Law; Discrimination in Employment. Lectured to undergraduate and postgraduate students and on professional courses in the School of Law and Newcastle Business School at Northumbria on full-time, part-time, distance learning and work-based learning programmes.

Current Research: Employers’ dress codes and unlawful discrimination; Status of independent professionals in EU member states.