Tag Archives: research

Plenary: From data literacy to AI literacy: examining engagement with corpora and technology in language education

Prof Pascual Pérez-Paredes will deliver a keynote at the 2nd EUt+ International Conference on Languages  EUt LC 2024 -Merging New Trends and Consolidating Good Practices in Languages for Specific Purposes – UPCT, Cartagena, Spain, June 26-28, 2024


In this talk, I discuss recent developments in what I have described elsewhere as Broad scope DDL (BsDDL) (Pérez-Paredes, 2024), an alternative approach that situates learners’ learning ecology (Pérez-Paredes, 2022b) at the centre of a learning process and where a variety of language data sources such as corpora, Gen AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) coexist. This ecology acknowledges the important role of new digital literacies and the symbolically mediated practices involving different types of knowledge and skills when engaged with texts in electronically mediated environments (Kern, 2021).


Boulton, A. (2021). Research in data-driven learning. In Pérez-Paredes, P., & Mark, G. (Eds.) Beyond concordance lines: Corpora in language education. John Benjamins, pp.9-34.

Boulton, A., & Cobb, T. (2017). Corpus use in language learning: A meta‐analysis. Language learning, 67(2), 348-393.

Boulton, A., & Vyatkina, N. (2021). Thirty years of data-driven learning: Taking stock and charting new directions over time. Language, Learning & Technology, 25(3), 66-89.

Boulton, A., & Vyatkina, N. (2023). Expanding Methodological Approaches in DDL Research. TESOL Quarterly.

British Council, The. (2023). Artificial intelligence and English language teaching: Preparing for the future. URL: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/publications/case-studies-insights-and-research/artificial-intelligence-and-english-language

Curry, N., Baker, P., & Brookes, G. (2024). Generative AI for corpus approaches to discourse studies: a critical evaluation of ChatGPT. Applied Corpus Linguistics, 4(1).

Kern, R. (2021). Twenty-five years of digital literacies in CALL. Language Learning & Technology, 25(3), 132–150.

Mizumoto, A. (2023). Data-driven Learning Meets Generative AI: Introducing the Framework of Metacognitive Resource Use. Applied Corpus Linguistics, 3(3), 100074.

Pérez-Paredes, P. (2010). Corpus Linguistics and Language Education in Perspective: Appropriation and the Possibilities Acenario. In T. Harris & M. Moreno Jaén (Eds.), Corpus Linguistics in Language Teaching (pp. 53-73). Peter Lang.

Pérez-Paredes, P. (2022a). A systematic review of the uses and spread of corpora and data-driven learning in CALL research during 2011–2015. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 35(1-2), 36-61.

Pérez-Paredes, P. (2022b). How learners use corpora. In R. R. Jablonkai & E. Csomay (Eds). The Routledge Handbook of Corpora and English Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 390-405). Routledge.

Pérez-Paredes, P. (2024) Data-driven learning in informal contexts? Embracing Broad Data-driven learning (BDDL) research. In Crosthwaite, P. (Ed.). Corpora for Language Learning: Bridging the Research-Practice Divide. Routledge.

Video: Corpus linguistics and the analysis of language ideology, 20 October 2021

Corpus linguistics and the analysis of language ideology
Dr. Rachelle Vessey, Carleton University, Canada
20 October, 19:00 (Madrid-Paris-Brussels-Berlin time) Zoom registration link

In this presentation, I will introduce the notion of ‘language ideology’ and how it can be studied using corpus linguistics. Although the notion of ‘ideology’ is widely associated with discourse and is analyzed in various discourse analytic approaches (including corpus-assisted discourse approaches), the concept of language ideology is more specific and has been less frequently tackled using corpus linguistic methods. In this paper, I show how corpus linguistic methods can help identify and examine language ideologies in both their implicit and explicit manifestations. Moreover, I argue that language ideology provides a critical reflexive lens, enabling corpus linguists to (re)consider the nature of the data they examine. To highlight the opportunities and challenges, I draw on examples from research on the United Nations, newspaper articles, and Twitter.

Rachelle Vessey is an Assistant Professor in the School of Linguistics and Language Studies at Carleton University (Canada). Her research centres on language ideologies and how these manifest in discourse.  She is particularly interested in how beliefs about language contribute to social inclusion and exclusion. She has examined language ideologies in large corpora of (English and French) Canadian newspapers, online forums, interviews with domestic workers, United Nations official documents and extremist magazines.

Coordination: Prof Pascual Pérez-Paredes

This event is sponsored by the Facultad de Letras, Universidad de Murcia, and the English Department, Universidad de Murcia.

Escribir ciencia en inglés

Participantes curso ECI

El pasado viernes 20 de julio se clausuró el curso de la Universidad de Verano de la Universidad de Murcia “Escribir ciencia en inglés“. La clausura y la entrega de diplomas corrió a cargo del Vicerrector de Investigación e Internacionalización de la Universidad de Murcia, D. Gaspar Ros Berruezo.

Al curso han asistido 33 alumnos procedentes de diferentes ámbitos de la ciencia y las humanidades con un interés común en el estudio de la escritura científica desde la óptica de la lingüística aplicada y el análisis de género. El curso intentó combinar perspectivas teóricas con sesiones tipo workshop más encaminadas a la puesta en práctica de competencias analíticas.

El curso contó con la participación de profesores e investigadores de las Universidades Politécnicas de Cartagena, Madrid y Valencia, así como de la propia Universidad de Murcia. Los Profesores Aguado, Sánchez Hernández y Pérez-Paredes, miembros del GI Lenguajes de especialidad, corpus lingüísticos y lingüística inglesa aplicada a la ingeniería del conocimiento, participaron como docentes en el curso.

CFP: Special Issue: Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and the teaching of languages for specific purposes

LFE, 19 (Autumn, 2013) 20th Anniversary Issue

Special Issue: Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and the teaching of languages for specific purposes/Aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lenguas extranjeras (AICLE) y didactica de la enseñanza de lenguas para fines específicos

Guest editors: Marta Nadales Ruiz, University Complutense Madrid, Mª Luisa Pérez-Cañado, University of Jaén and Mª Jesús Vera-Cazorla, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

In this special 20th anniversary issue, the Journal Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos (LFE) invites submissions both in Spanish and English of original full-length articles from scholars in the field of English on Content and Language Integrated Learning and on the Teaching of Languages for Specific Purposes. Manuscripts should not exceed 8000 words, including references and notes, and should be submitted electronically using this Internet form.
Prospective authors are encouraged to follow the guidelines for submissions in the journal webpage (here). Contributions submitted to LFE should not be under consideration in any other journal.
All submissions will be subject to our peer-review process, and the last decision regarding the publication of contributions falls on the General Editors.
For further queries on this special issue, you may contact us via email: lfe(at)ulpgc.es
Important dates:
Submission deadline: 20 March 2013
Readers’ reports due: 15 May 2013
Final draft due: 30 June 2013
Publication: Autumn 2013

ReCALL Journal Special Issue: Call for Papers > Researching uses of corpora for language teaching and learning

ReCALL Journal Special Issue: Call for Papers

Researching uses of corpora for language teaching and learning

Submission deadline: 30 November 2012
Publication date: May 2014

Guest editors:

Pascual Pérez-Paredes
English Department
Universidad de Murcia
Campus de la Merced
30071 Murcia

Alex Boulton
CRAPEL — ATILF / CNRS, Nancy-Université
BP 3397
54015 Nancy cedex

Corpus linguistics has revolutionised many fields of language study, and represents the epitome of empirical research in language description. Corpora can even be used as a learning tool or reference resource by learners and teachers, as well as other native and non-native language users, in what has come to be known as ‘data-driven learning’ (DDL). However, it is frequently claimed that there is a dearth of empirical research in the field of DDL — especially outside the restricted environment of higher education. Such research is essential to afford further insight into both the possibilities and limitations of using language corpora in a variety of contexts, whether in mainstream practice among ‘ordinary’ teachers and learners, or for more innovative or specialised uses.

Proposals are invited for qualitative and quantitative empirical studies investigating various aspects of corpus use in language teaching and learning, from individual case studies to large-scale quantitative statistical studies, from short-term acquisition to long-term outcomes and changes in learner behaviour.

We are especially interested in new populations of potential corpus users, such as:

younger learners in primary and secondary education;

adult learners in continuing education and language schools;

trainee teachers and practising teachers (pre-service or in-service);

academic users in fields from translation to literature, civilisation and other disciplines;

non-academic users in professional contexts.

Innovative practice in terms of corpus use for new environments and new activities is also welcomed: in class, in computer rooms, on line, and in blended or distance programmes; in directed instruction as well as in more autonomous conditions; using paper-based materials, hands-on consultation, or integrating corpora into other software; showing innovative uses of corpora beyond traditional concordancing; based on new types of corpora, from the Internet to disposable corpora to multimodal corpora; involving learners at other levels of corpus use, e.g. in building their own corpora; using learner corpora to feed back into teaching and learning practices; etc.

This special issue of ReCALL marks over two decades of data-driven learning since the publication of the seminal Classroom Concordancing (Johns & King 1991), and is dedicated to the ground-breaking but ever practical work of the late Tim Johns.

Papers, to a maximum of 8000 words, should be submitted electronically to June Thompson,

no later than 30 November 2012.

Please use the published ReCALL guidelines awhen preparing your paper.

ReCALL is the journal of EUROCALL, an international journal published by Cambridge University Press and listed in the major abstracting and indexing services.