SIUFCC   2004
Murcia, March 15-17

XIV Inter-University Workshop on Philosophy and Cognitive Science

Escudo de la Universidad de MurciaUniversidad de Murcia

XIV Inter-University Workshop on Philosophy and Cognitive Science

Inveted speaker: John McDowell

Murcia, March 15-17, 2004

2004 Call for papers

The Spanish Society for Analytic Philosophy and the Philosophy Department at the University of Murcia announce that the 14th Inter-University Workshop on Philosophy and Cognitive will take place in Murcia (Spain), between 15-17 March 2004.  The invited speaker will be John McDowell, from the University of Pittsburgh.

John McDowell has made an important contribution to different fields of contemporary philosophy, such as the philosophy of language, the philosophy of mind, epistemology and ethics.  He is the author of Mind and World (Harvard University Press, 1994), Mind, Value and Reality (Harvard University Press, 1998), and Meaning, Knowledge and Reality (Harvard University Press, 1998).
The organizers invite submission of research papers (or long abstracts) for presentation at the workshop, on any philosophical topic where John McDowell has made a significant contribution.  Submissions must be written in English, and must not exceed a reading time of 40 minutes (about 4000 words) for a total 60 minute session.  Submissions will be refereed and selected by a panel appointed by the Spanish Society for Analytical Philosophy.
The organizers will cover the expenses (hotel and meals) of those speakers whose papers are selected.
Deadline for submissions: December 1, 2003
Papers should be sent, preferably by e-mail, to:
Ángel García-Rodríguez

Departamento de Filosofía
Universidad de Murcia
E-30071  Murcia   (Spain)

Organizing Committee: Francisco Calvo Garzón, Ángel García Rodríguez, Manuel Hernández Iglesias.
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Updated: 26/01/2004