The Philosophy of Music: Meaning, Emotion and Value


Murcia (Spain), April 19 - 21, 2007



Invited SpeakerS:


Peter Kivy (Rutgers University, USA): “Musical Morality”


               Derek Matravers (Open University, UK): “Expression as a way that music appears to us”





The Inter-University Workshop on Mind, Art and Morality promotes the relation among different areas of philosophy. In particular the workshop aims at working in a point where ethical, aesthetical and the philosophy of mind’s discussion topics converge and interweave.


In the former editions the workshop has been dedicated to the work of the philosophers Richard Wollheim, Jonathan Dancy, and Kristine Koorsgard. In this occasion, however, the workshop will focus on a theme, the philosophy of music. We invite philosophers wanting to reflect on the topic to join the seminar, and hope the occasion makes possible the interchange and discussion of ideas in this flourishing area of aesthetics.






Contributions are welcome on any aspect of the philosophy of music, with a special emphasis on the analysis and reflection on musical meaning, experience, expression, and values.


       Papers should be about 15 pages long (4000 words), to be read in 40 minutes maximum and to allow discussion of 15 minutes.


The Deadline for receiving proposals is December 15th, 2006. Proposals are accepted either in English or Spanish. Submission as an e-mail attachment is preferred.


The Workshop will take place in Centro Cultural “Las Claras”.


(NEW): A selection of the papers presented at the Workshop will be published.












Francisca Pérez Carreño (fpc@um.es), Mª José Alcaraz (mariajo@um.es)

Universidad de Murcia

Departamento de Filosofía

30071 Murcia (Spain)

Tel. +34 968 36 34 65 / 4109

Fax. +34 968 36 42 66






(NEW) Accepted papers will be covered accommodation expenses




Organizing Committee


Mª José Alcaraz León (Universidad de Murcia)

Francisca Pérez Carreño (Universidad de Murcia)

Jesús Vega Encabo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)




Scientific Committee


Cristina Corredor (Universidad de Valladolid)

Angel García (Universidad de Murcia)

Manuel García Carpintero (Universitat de Barcelona)

Salvador Rubio (Universidad de Murcia)

Marcelo Sabatés (Kansas State University)

Josep Corbí (Universitat de València)

Carlos Thiebaut (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid)

Agustín Vicente (Universidad de Valladolid)

José Luis Zalabardo (University College London)



The workshop is hosted by Phrónesis. Analytic Philosophy Group, Department of Philosophy (Universidad de Murcia).  It is organized under the auspices of SEFA. Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica.



Spanish version



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