



Prof.  Dr. G.J.P. Savelsbergh Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

and Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Prof. Dr. J.A. Carranza                     Universidad de Murcia, Spain

Dr. M. Olmos                                        Universidad de Murcia, Spain


Local organisation

Dr. M. Olmos, Prof. J.A. Carranza, Dr. A. Escudero, Dra. Mª Teresa Calvo


Conference book editors

Prof.  Dr. G.J.P. Savelsbergh

Dr. M. Olmos 

Prof. Dr. J.A. Carranza



Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. Scott P. Johnson                         New York University, USA

Prof. Dr. Dilwyn Marple-Horvat             Manchester Metropolitan University, England

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang I. Schöllhorn   University of Münster, Germany


Scientific committee

Prof. Dr. K. Adolph                            New York University, New York, USA

Dr. R. Angulo-Barroso                      University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

Prof. Dr. B. Berthental                      University of Chicago, Chicago, USA

Prof. Dr. B. Bril                                   L’École des Hautes Études, Paris, France

Prof. Dr. J. Clark                                 University of Maryland, Collage Park, USA

Prof. Dr. C. von Hofsten                   University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden

Dr. A. Ledebt                                        Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Prof. Dr. K. Newell                   Pennsylvania State University, USA

Dr. J. van der Kamp                          Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Prof. Dr. B. Ulrich                              University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA