Submission Instructions





We welcome submissions with respect to the topics put forward in the programme. Topics related and highly relevant for the study of motor development in infancy will be considered. All submissions will be reviewed by the scientific commiteee. The committee will select and invite from the submissions the oral (12 slots in morning) and afternoon (9 slots; especially for young investigators) and poster presentations. Participants who want to submit a presentation as a young investigator should have received their doctorates at least one year, but no more than seven years, before the moment of the conference.


Number of submissions per person: There is no limitation in appearance as  author on posters.


Each poster submission should include:

·        One copy of the Participants Registration Form (on page ...)

·        One copy of an abstract in either Microsoft Word, WordPerfect or PDF format for review purpose (500 words) to be mailed to

·        One  copy of an abstract in either Microsoft Word, WordPerfect or PDF format for publication (200-300 words) to be mailed to AND send a hard copy to:

Marina Olmos

Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación

Universidad de Murcia

Edificio Luis Vives

30100 Campus de Espinardo- Murcia



·        All abstract submissions should be confined to one page and consist of a title, the names and affiliations of all authors, full postal address, fax number, and the e-mail address of the first author.


The final deadline for receipt of submissions is the 1st of December 2004 and authors can expect to receive decisions on their submissions by January 15th, 2005. Indicate on abstract whether or not your poster can be published in the conference book (see for instructions next section). The conference book will be available during the conference.


Guidelines for submissions for Conference Book


Only submissions with a completed registration form will be considered.


Authors of accepted (see above) oral and poster presentations will be given the opportunity to publish an extended abstract (maximum of 4 A4 pages, including figures, tables and references) in the conference book. The book will be entitled:


Advances in motor development and learning in infancy II:

Fundamental Concepts and Applications


And will be edited by GJP. Savelsbergh,  E. Thelen, J.A. Carranza y M. Olmos.


The book will also include the abstracts of the papers presented at the conference.

Please send the poster book submission as an e-mail attachment to the organisers to: The final deadline for receipt of submissions for the conference book is 1st of March, 2005.


Below are some general rules to assist you in preparing your submission for the conference book:


All submissions should include a title and the names and affiliations of all authors. Contributions should be no more than 1200 words, including all text, figures, tables and references. Each figure counts as 150 words. Contributions do not contain an abstract.

Do not send any margin specifications: use default settings.

Do not select any specific fonts: use default font.

Do not use hard returns at the end of each line: only use hard returns to separate paragraphs.

Also, please, be aware that submissions will not be severely copy-edited: the writing style in which you submit your contribution wil be the style in which it will be published.

Please provide the submission in either Microsoft Word, WordPerfect or PDF format. Only IBM formats will be aceptable. So for Mac users, save your submission in IBM format.

Provide tables and figures on a separate page and indicate in the text where it should be inserted. Standard IBM formats (e.g, Excel, CorelDraw, etc.) are acceptable. Please note that your figures will be reduced when printed (70%), so try to ensure that all relevant text and information will still be readible after reduction.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding these guidelines, please contact the conference organisers at: