Paco Calvo

Director, MINT Lab

Paco Calvo is a renowned cognitive scientist and philosopher of biology, known for his groundbreaking research in the field of plant cognition and intelligence. He is a professor at the University of Murcia in Spain, where he leads the Minimal Intelligence Lab (MINT Lab), focusing on the study of minimal cognition in plants. Calvo’s interdisciplinary work combines insights from biology, philosophy, and cognitive science to explore the fascinating world of plant behavior, decision-making, and problem-solving. By investigating the complex interactions and adaptive responses exhibited by plants, Paco Calvo has significantly contributed to our understanding of cognition beyond the animal kingdom, challenging conventional perspectives on intelligence and mental capacities.


+34 (868) 88-7752


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Research Areas

Plant Signaling & Behavior

Plant Cogntion & Sentience

Philosophy of Plant Neurobiology

Paco’s Book

Paco’s News

Podcast: Plants may be more intelligent than we think

We haven’t been giving the Plant Kingdom enough credit. Plants can move, attack, communicate, and adapt — even though they don’t have what's normally defined as a brain. Plants may not have brains, but they still exhibit behaviors that some scientists interpret as...

4 New Projects at the MINT Lab!

The MINT Lab obtained grants for 4 new projects.

An impassioned plea for a radical reorientation of our atti­tude towards plants

Check out this Planta Sapiens book review by Uziel Awret on Imprint Academic.

Zen Mind, Vegetal Mind

Read this blog post on the intersection of plant intelligence and buddhism.

The Science of Plant Intelligence & Neurobiology

“The different tips, the shoots, the roots — even the very notion, the very idea of an individual, is lost. It doesn't translate easily. It's something more akin to a form of swarm intelligence or collective intelligence, like a flock of birds, a school of fish. The...

Listening to & Being with the Earth: A Conversation with John Borrows & Paco Calvo

Plants show signs of communication and of learning. They produce and respond to many of the same neurochemicals as humans, including anesthetics. They share resources with one another, and when under threat, emit signals of warning and of pain.  Today on Speaking Out...

New Video on Diverse Intelligences featuring the MINT Lab

Scientists are discovering a surprising array of diverse intelligences across the universe. This video offers a look into findings from recent research about animal intelligence, and explores new ways of framing how we think about plant and cellular intelligences.

The Potential of Action Potentials Now in Synthese

The journal article "The Potential of Action Potentials" by Johnny Lee and Paco Calvo finally made it from a pre-print to an article published in Synthese!         Download the original pre-print here.

Learning to Speak Plant

What does it take to learn to speak plant? MINT Lab Director Paco Calvo and others tell Ambrook Research how they are getting closer to decoding plant language.

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