Aim of the Workshop

The workshop on the Modular Isomorphism Problem will be held at the University of Murcia, Spain. It will bring together experts on various aspects of modular group algebras to discuss the recent developments around the Modular Isomorphism Problem and exchange ideas on further research.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate and write to us:


The workshop will be held from September 6th to 8th 2021. It will start in the afternoon on the 6th of September and finish around lunch time on the 8th.

Local Organizers

Àngel García
Diego García

  • Czeslaw Bagiński (University of Bialystok, Poland)
  • Bettina Eick (Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany)
  • Àngel GarcÍa (University of Murcia, Spain)
  • Diego GarcÍa (University of Murcia, Spain)
  • Alexander Konovalov (University of St Andrews, UK)
  • Leo Margolis (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid, Spain)
  • Tobias Moede (Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany)
  • Ángel del Río (University of Murcia, Spain)
  • Lleonard Rubio y Degrassi (University of Verona, Italy)
  • Mima Stanojkovski (RWTH Aachen and Max Planck Institure for Mathematics in the Sciences, Germany)
  • Matteo Vannacci (University of the Basque Country, Spain)


Leo Margolis (ICMAT, Madrid, Spain)
Tobias Moede (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
Ángel del Río (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
Mima Stanojkovski (RWTH Aachen/MPI MiS Leipzig, Germany)



If you would like to participate (and give a talk) please let us know. It will be possible to follow some of the talks online. If you are interested please write to

Event schedule

  • Monday


    Discussion and Lunch

    15h: Àngel GarcÍa

    The Isomorphism Problem for Group Rings: Introduction and Chronology

    16h: Leo Margolis

    The Small Group Algebra

    17h: Mima Stanojkovski

    New invariants and a reduction theorem

  • Tuesday

    10h: Matteo Vannacci

    A probabilistic approach to the MIP

    11h: Lleonard Rubio y Degrassi

    A cohomological approach to the MIP

    Discussion and Lunch

    15h: Ángel del Río

    Numerical invariants determining 2-generated groups with cyclic commutator .... with MIP in mind

    16h: Diego García

    Connections between invariants determining 2-generated groups with cyclic commutator and group algebra invariants

    17h: Leo Margolis

    Counterexamples to the MIP

  • Wednesday

    10h: Tobias Moede

    Computational approaches to the MIP

    11h: Alexander Konovalov

    Software demo: sharing reproducible GAP experiments in Jupyter notebooks on

    Discussion and Lunch

It will be possible to follow all the talks online. If you are interested in doing this, please register and you will be send a link.


The participants will be located in the hotel El Churra.
The center of Murcia is not big and completely accesible by foot. A direct tram to the University of Murcia, where the workshop will take place, departs from Plaza Circular.

Here are some links with interesting sites in Murcia and its surroundings.


For international arrivals the airport of Alicante is the closest airport. From there buses are available to the city of Murcia. The bus ride takes about one hour and a schedule is available here. To take the bus to Murcia exit the airport and walk right until you reach the bus stop at the end of the sidewalk. A ticket can be bought directly at the bus stop. Note that the last bus on Sundays already departs at 19:15h and the bus schedule has been reduced heavily recently.

Alternatively, it is possible to take a bus to the Bus or Train station of Alicante and travel to Murcia from there. Note that there are also many cercanias running between Alicante and Murcia which sometimes do not appear on train searches.

In case you can not take the bus, a taxi from the airport to the city of Murcia costs around 120 Euros. For arrivals from other Spanish cities bus and train services are available, please check the websites of Renfe and ALSA for more information.

Coordinates of the workshop site:

Departamento de Matemáticas
Facultad de Matemáticas
Universidad de Murcia
Murcia 30100