ERASMUS+ KA2 project n. 2016-1-ES01-KA203-025001 // Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
MobiAbility Team Picture
MobiAbility Team

MobiAbility Team Picture

From left to right: - Mr. Matias Balibrea, Director of the International Office, University of Murcia (SP) - Mr. Boris Janča, Administration, Support Centre for Students with Special Needs, Masarik…


Results presentation event

October 24th 2018 At the University of Murcia, Spain. Preliminary results will be presented Stakeholders: European policy representatives, national agencies for internationalization, Vice Chancellors, university staff, students, etc. Open and…

Survey-report of support measures currently offered
Survey-report of support measures currently offered

Survey-report of support measures currently offered

We need to know the current situation regarding the offer of support measures for international students with disabilities. If you belong to a European university, please, take part in this…

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