Guided visit

FRIDAY 24 – VISIT TO CARTAGENA (16:00 h. – 22:30 h.)

During this journey we will visit and discover the main attractions of this historical city, which was founded around the year 227BC by the Carthaginians and which even once became the capital of the province of Carthaginensis during the ancient Roman Empire.

Trip itinerary:

  • 16:45 h. Visit City center
  • 17:30 h. Catamaran route
  • 18:30 h. Foro Romano neighborhood
  • 19:00 h. Roman Theatre
  • 20:00 h. Arqua Museum
  • 20:30 h. Cocktail (Restaurant Arqua)
  • 21:30 h. Return to Murcia
  • 22:30 h. Arrival to Murcia


The regeneration project of the Roman Theatre in Cartagena has taken into account the integration of the remains in the urban network, as well as its adequate preservation and presentation for learning and cultural purposes. Also, the considerable wealth of the pieces for the successive excavation campaigns discovered in the Theatre have given the opportunity to provide the city with a new museum space, the Roman Theatre Museum, that not only serves as an adequate exhibition framework, but also, in the bright concept of the architect Rafael Moneo, leads the visitors to the interior of the monument, converting the Roman Theatre into its ultimately great hall.




During our city tour, between other cultural or historical attractions from different eras, we may notice:

  • The Submarine Peral, placed at the “Naval´s Museum”. This prototype, launched in 1888, was the first electric battery powered submarine built by the Spanish engineer and sailor, Isaac Peral, for the Spanish Navy).
  • The Wall Of Carlos III dated on the 18th century.
  • The beautiful harbour and city sea-port.
  • The Town hall, a modernist building dated in 1907.


ARQUA is the institution responsible for raising public awareness of the Underwater Cultural Heritage of Spain.

SATURDAY 25 – VISIT TO FISH PASSAGES (9:00 h. – 15:00 h.)

On the Saturday 25th, a guided visit to the sites managed in the Project LIFE12 ENV/ES7001140 SEGURA RIVERLINK is offered. This project, funded by the LIFE European programme aims at improving the longitudinal continuity of the river by removing an unused dam and by constructing 8 fish passes. The project is being implemented in 54-km long stretch of the Segura river located between Cañaverosa and Abarán, and in the final stretch of the Benamor river before that it flows into the Segura river. In the guided visit, we will see different kind of passes, such as an artificial river at the Menjú dam and a ‘pool and weir’ fish pass in Abarán, and we will receive an explanation on monitoring methods used in fish passes. We will performed a rafting activity along the Segura river will be offered (free activity), between the towns Cieza and Abarán, where we will come across several fish passes.

Trip itinerary:

  • 9:00 h. Parking of the Auditorium and Congress Centre Victor Villegas (Venue of the Congress)
  • 10:00 h. Meeting point in Club de Piragüismo de Blanca
  • 10:15 h. – 14:00 h. Rafting activity (low difficulty) along the Segura river. Stops in El Menjú (fish pass and weir), Noria de Abarán and Soto Damián (fish pass and weir). Small snack and drinks will be offered
  • 14:00 h. Return to Murcia city
  • 15:00 h. Approximate arrival to the Auditorium and Congress Centre Victor Villegas

* Please confirm your presence in the Secretariat during the Congress

* Swimwear and sports shoes required (clothes are wet with activity). Changing rooms for showers after the activity will be available

* Lunch is not included

