Sistemas Dinámicos
Group members Group members
José Carlos Valverde Fajardo

Name: José Carlos
Surname(s): Valverde Fajardo
Department: Departamento de Matemáticas
University: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Address: Avda. de España s/n, 02071 Albacete, Spain
Current member of the group: Yes


This professor does not have any publication.


Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 Juan Luis García Guirao
                 F.L. Pelayo
Title: Modeling the dynamics of concurrent computing systems
Serial: Computers & Mathematics with Applications
Volume: 61
Year: 2011
Pages: 1402–1406

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 Martínez Plaza, Antonio
Title: Bifurcations of continuous dynamical systems under extreme and new transversality conditions
Serial: Appl. Math. Comput.
Volume: 210
Year: 2009
Pages: 33-38

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
                 Martínez Plaza, Antonio
Title: Local stability of continuous dynamical systems in the presence of non-hyperbolic equilibria
Serial: Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg.
Volume: En prensa
Year: 2009

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: Near a local topological equivalence when a quasi-center like point appears
Serial: Topology Appl.
Volume: En prensa
Year: 2009

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 Gardini, L.
Title: On the changes of periodicities in a piecewise linear rotation model
Serial: Appl. Math. Comput.
Volume: 194
Year: 2007
Pages: 381-388

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 Pelayo, F. L.
                 Martínez, J. J.
                 Miralles, J. J.
Title: Stability of continuous systems by Routh-Hurtwitz and Mathematica
Serial: J. Comput. Methods Sci. Engrg.
Volume: 4
Year: 2004
Pages: 125-134

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 Pelayo, F. L.
                 Martínez, J. J.
                 Miralles, J. J.
Title: Symbolic mathematical computing of bifurcations in dyamical systems
Serial: J. Comput. Methods Sci. Engrg.
Volume: 4
Year: 2004
Pages: 115-123

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
Title: Cusp and generalized flip bifurcations under higher degree conditions
Serial: Nonlinear Anal.
Volume: 52
Year: 2003
Pages: 405-419

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 Manjabacas, G.
                 Orengo, J. J.
Title: Versatilidad instrumental del número e en la asignatura de Cálculo de Ingenierías y carreras de Ciencias
Serial: Bol. Soc. Puig Adam Prof. Mat.
Volume: 65
Year: 2003
Pages: 77-93

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: Simplest normal forms of Hopf-Neimark-Sacker bifurcations
Serial: Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg.
Volume: 13
Year: 2003
Pages: 1831-1839

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 Aledo, J. A.
Title: Aplicaciones didácticas del uso de matrices y grafos en el estudio de relaciones
Serial: Bol. Soc. Puig Adam Prof. Mat.
Volume: 61
Year: 2002
Pages: 59-72

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
Title: Structural stability under conditions of non-hyperbolicity
Serial: Comput. Math. Appl.
Volume: 41
Year: 2001
Pages: 755-768

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
Title: Topological normal forms of higher degree for the simplest bifurcations
Serial: Appl. Gen. Topol.
Volume: 2
Year: 2001
Pages: 155-164

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
Title: Extreme degenerations for some generic bifurcations and new transversality conditions
Serial: Discrete Contin. Dynam. Systems
Volume: added
Year: 2001
Pages: 22-31

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: Topological conjugation of normal forms in bifurcations
Serial: Acta Math. Hungar.
Volume: 88
Year: 2000
Pages: 113-121

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
Title: Bifurcations under non-degenerated conditions of higher degree and a new simple proof of the Hopf-Neimark-Sacker bifurcation theorem
Serial: J. Math. Anal. Appl.
Volume: 237
Year: 1999
Pages: 93-105


Books and teaching publications

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 G. Manjabacas Tendero
                 J. Orengo Valverde
                 I. Martín Monteagudo
Title: Ejercicios de Cálculo II
Publisher: Popular Libros
Place of publication: Albacete
Year: 2003

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 J. Á. Aledo Sánchez
                 J. Penabad Vázquez
                 J. J. Villaverde Tomé
Title: Ejercicios de Álgebra y Matemática Discreta II
Publisher: Alpeviva
Place of publication: Albacete
Year: 2002

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 G. Manjabacas Tendero
                 J. Orengo Valverde
                 I. Martín Monteagudo
Title: Ejercicios de Cálculo I
Publisher: Popular Libros
Place of publication: Albacete
Year: 2002

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 J. Á. Aledo Sánchez
                 J. Penabad Vázquez
                 J. J. Villaverde Tomé
Title: Álgebra y Matemática Discreta (2ª edición revisada)
Publisher: Alpeviva
Place of publication: Albacete
Year: 2002

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 J. Á. Aledo Sánchez
                 J. Penabad Vázquez
                 J. J. Villaverde Tomé
Title: Ejercicios de Álgebra y Matemática Discreta I
Publisher: Alpeviva
Place of publication: Albacete
Year: 2001

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 J. Á. Aledo Sánchez
                 J. Penabad Vázquez
                 J. J. Villaverde Tomé
Title: Álgebra y Matemática Discreta
Publisher: Alpeviva
Place of publication: Albacete
Year: 2000


Written communications at conferences

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 F. López Pelayo
                 J.A. Martínez
                 J.J. Miralles
Title: Stability of continuous systems by Routh-Hurwitz and Mathematica
Conference: International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2002)
Publisher:  J. Vigo Aguiar y B.A. Wade Editores
Place of publication: Alicante
Year: 2002
Pages: 237-247

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 F. López Pelayo
                 J.A. Martínez
                 J.J. Miralles
Title: Symbolic mathematical computing of bifurcations in dynamical systems
Conference: International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2002)
Publisher: J. Vigo Aguiar y B.A. Wade Editores
Place of publication: Alicante
Year: 2002
Pages: 328-338

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
Title: Aparición de curvas invariantes previas a una bifurcación de Neimark-Sacker
Conference: XVII C.E.D.Y.A./VII Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Salamanca, 2001
Publisher: Dep. Mat. Apl., Univ. Salamanca
Place of publication: Salamanca
Year: 2001
Pages: 749-750

Authors: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
Title: Hopf Bifurcation for maps: a simple proof of the non-stand­ard case
Conference: XVI C.E.D.Y.A./VI Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1999
Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones y Producción Documental de la U.L.P.G.C.
Place of publication: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Year: 1999
Pages: 185-192


Conference papers

Speakers: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: Chenciner bifurcation: some results on diffeomorphic systems
Conference: European Conference on Iteration Theory (ECIT 2006)
Place: Gargnano (Italia)
Year: 2006

Speakers: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: Topological normal forms of higher order for the Chenciner bifurcation
Conference: V Iberoamerican Conference on Topology and its Applications
Place: Lorca (Murcia)
Year: 2003

Speakers: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: Symbolic mathematical computing of bifurcations in dynamical systems
Conference: International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2002)
Place: Alicante
Year: 2002

Speakers: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: Stability of continuous systems by Routh-Hurwitz and Mathematica
Conference: International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2002)
Place: Alicante
Year: 2002

Speakers: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: Topological conjugations including higher order terms
Conference: IV Iberoamerican Conference on Topology and its Applications
Place: Coimbra (Portugal)
Year: 2001

Speakers: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: Aparición de curvas invariantes previas a una bifurcación de Neimark-Sacker
Conference: XVII C.E.D.Y.A./VII Congreso de Matemática Aplicada
Place: Salamanca
Year: 2001

Speakers: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: Structural stability under conditions of non-hyperbolicity
Conference: NOLINEAL 2000
Place: Almagro (Ciudad Real)
Year: 2000

Speakers: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: Topological normal forms of higher degree for the simplest local bifurcations
Conference: Third Italian-Spanish Conference of General Topology and its Applications
Place: La Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia)
Year: 2000

Speakers: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: From the euclidean tool to the computer algebra system
Conference: Exam Questions and Basic Skills in Technology Supported Mathematics Education
Place: Portoroz (Eslovenia)
Year: 2000

Speakers: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: Simplest normal forms of Neimark-Sacker bifurcations
Conference: European Conference on Iteration Theory (ECIT 2000)
Place: La Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia)
Year: 2000

Speakers: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: Topological conjugations of normal forms in bifurcations
Conference: III Congreso Iberoamericano de Topología y sus Aplicaciones
Place: Gandía (Valencia)
Year: 1999

Speakers: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: Hopf bifurcation for maps: a simple proof of the non-standard case
Conference: XVI C.E.D.Y.A./VI Congreso de Matemática Aplicada
Place: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Year: 1999

Speakers: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: Bifurcations of uniparametric families of maps under some new nondegenrated conditions
Conference: Advanced Course on Dynamical Systems
Place: Barcelona
Year: 1998

Speakers: José Carlos Valverde Fajardo
Title: On multivalued dynamical systems which are deliveried by evolution inclusions
Conference: 2nd Nonlinear Oscillations Conference
Place: Praga (República Checa)
Year: 1996


Doctoral thesis

This researcher has not directed any PhD theses.

Other research projects directed

This researcher has not directed any undergraduate theses.
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