Sistemas Dinámicos
Group members Group members
R. Chacón

Name: R.
Surname(s): Chacón
Current member of the group: No


This professor does not have any publication.


Authors: R. Chacón
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
                 Miguel Ángel López Guerrero
Title: Reshaping-induced order-chaos routes in a damped driven Helmholtz oscillator
Serial: Chaos Solitons Fractals
Volume: 24
Year: 2005
Pages: 459-470

Authors: R. Chacón
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
                 Miguel Ángel López Guerrero
Title: Bifurcation on elliptic functions
Serial: Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg.
Volume: 11
Year: 2001
Pages: 793-800

Authors: R. Chacón
Title: Maintenance and suppression of chaos by weak harmonic pertubations: a unified view
Serial: Phys. Rev. Lett.
Volume: 86
Year: 2001
Pages: 1737-1740

Authors: R. Chacón
                 Martínez García Hoz, A.
Title: Chaotic behavior in a dissipative non-ideal periodically kicked rotator
Serial: Phys. Lett. A
Volume: 281
Year: 2001
Pages: 231-239

Authors: R. Chacón
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
                 Miguel Ángel López Guerrero
Title: Role of nonlinear dissipation in the suppression of chaotic escape from a potential well
Serial: Phys. Lett. A
Volume: 279
Year: 2001
Pages: 231-239

Authors: R. Chacón
Title: Role of ultrasubharmonic resonances in taming chaos by weak harmonic perturbations
Serial: Europhys Lett.
Volume: 54
Year: 2001
Pages: 148-153

Authors: R. Chacón
Title: General results on chaos suppression for biharmonically driven dissipative systems
Serial: Phys. Lett. A
Volume: 257
Year: 1999
Pages: 293-300

Authors: R. Chacón
                 Martínez García Hoz, A.
Title: Bifurcations and chaos in a parametrically damped two-well Duffing oscillator subjected to symmetric periodic pulses
Serial: Phys. Rev. E
Volume: 59
Year: 1999
Pages: 6558-6568

Authors: R. Chacón
Title: Comparison between parametric excitation and additional forcing terms as chaos-suppressing perturbations
Serial: Phys. Lett. A
Volume: 249
Year: 1998
Pages: 431-436

Authors: R. Chacón
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
                 Miguel Ángel López Guerrero
Title: Inhibition of chaotic escape by an additional driven term
Serial: Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg.
Volume: 8
Year: 1998
Pages: 1719-1723

Authors: R. Chacón
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
                 Miguel Ángel López Guerrero
Title: Role of parametric resonance in the inhibition of chaotic escape from a potential well
Serial: Phys. Lett. A
Volume: 235
Year: 1997
Pages: 153-158

Authors: R. Chacón
Title: Chaos and geometrical resonance in the damped pendulum subjected to periodic pulses
Serial: J. Math. Phys.
Volume: 38
Year: 1997
Pages: 1477-1483

Authors: R. Chacón
Title: Nonlinear and chaotic oscillations of an India-rubber band
Serial: Phys. Rev. E
Volume: 56
Year: 1997
Pages: 5321-5326

Authors: R. Chacón
                 Martínez, J. A.
                 Sánchez, M.
Title: Geometrical resonance analysis of chaos suppression in the bichromatically driven van der Pol oscillator
Serial: Phys. Rev. E
Volume: 56
Year: 1997
Pages: 1541-1549

Authors: R. Chacón
                 Pérez, A. T.
                 Castellanos, A.
Title: Behavior of dynamical systems subjected to continuous and discontinuous forcing: application to laminar chaotic mixing
Serial: Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg.
Volume: 6
Year: 1996
Pages: 2627-2634

Authors: R. Chacón
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
                 Miguel Ángel López Guerrero
Title: Inhibition of chaotic escape from a potencial well using small parametric modulations
Serial: J. Math. Phys.
Volume: 37
Year: 1996
Pages: 5518-5523

Authors: R. Chacón
                 Díaz Bejarano, J.
Title: Natural symmetries and regularization by means of weak parametric modulations in the forced pendulum
Serial: Phys. Rev. E
Volume: 52
Year: 1995
Pages: 2330-2337

Authors: R. Chacón
Title: Homoclinic and heteroclinic chaos in a triple-well oscillator
Serial: J. Sound Vibration
Volume: 186
Year: 1995
Pages: 269-278


Books and teaching publications

This professor does not have any book.

Written communications at conferences

This professor does not have any written communication to a conference.

Conference papers

This professor does not have any paper.

Doctoral thesis

Title: Umbral orden-caos y bifurcaciones en sistemas no autónomos bajo perturbaciones periódicas generalizadas
PhD student: Miguel Ángel López Guerrero
Place it was read: Facultad de Matemáticas (Universidad de Murcia)
Year: 1998
Grade: Sobresaliente Cum Laude
Director: R. Chacón
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego

Other research projects directed

This researcher has not directed any undergraduate theses.
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