Sistemas Dinámicos
Group members Group members
Raquel Martínez Lucas

Name: Raquel
Surname(s): Martínez Lucas
Department: Departamento de matemáticas
University: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Address: Camino del Pozuelo s/n, 16071 Cuenca, Spain
Current member of the group: Yes


This professor does not have any publication.


Authors: Raquel Martínez Lucas
                 Juan Luis García Guirao
                 Miguel Ángel López Guerrero
                 M.T. de Bustos, Z. Diab
Title: Existence of Periodic Solutions for a Class of the generalized Liénard equations
Serial: Symmetry
Volume: 14(944)
Year: 2022
Pages: 1-9
PDF:  pdf

Authors: Raquel Martínez Lucas
                 Miguel Ángel López Guerrero
                 De Bustos Muñoz, M. Teresa
Title: On the periodic orbits of the perturbed Wilberforce pendulum
Serial: J. Vib. Control
Volume: 22(4)
Year: 2016
Pages: 932-939

Authors: Raquel Martínez Lucas
                 Miguel Ángel López Guerrero
                 Juan Antonio Vera López
Title: Periodic orbits of the anisotropic Kepler problem with quasihomogeneous potentials
Serial: Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg.
Volume: 25(14)
Year: 2015
Pages: 1540025-1-1540025-7

Authors: Raquel Martínez Lucas
                 Miguel Ángel López Guerrero
                 Mota Utanda, Carmen
Title: Analysis of transport networks in the urban environment in order to plan the integration of high-speed rail
Serial: Appl. Math. Inf. Sci.
Volume: 9(5)
Year: 2015
Pages: 2323-2331

Authors: Raquel Martínez Lucas
                 Miguel Ángel López Guerrero
                 De Bustos Muñoz, M. Teresa
Title: On the periodic solutions of a linear chain of three identical atoms
Serial: Nonlinear Dynam.
Volume: 76(2)
Year: 2014
Pages: 893-903

Authors: Raquel Martínez Lucas
                 Miguel Ángel López Guerrero
Title: A note on the generalized Rayleigh equation: limit cycles and stability
Serial: Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
Volume: 51 (4)
Year: 2013
Pages: 1164-1169

Authors: Raquel Martínez Lucas
                 Miguel Ángel López Guerrero
                 De Bustos Muñoz, M. Teresa
Title: On the Periodic Auto–Oscillations of an Electric Circuit with Periodic Imperfections on Its Variables
Serial: Appl. Math. Inf. Sci.
Volume: 7(6)
Year: 2013
Pages: 2105-2111

Authors: Raquel Martínez Lucas
                 Juan Luis García Guirao
                 Miguel Ángel López Guerrero
                 Llibre, Jaume
Title: A note on the equilibria of an economic model with local competition `à la Cournot´
Serial: J. Comput. Appl. Math.
Volume: 236
Year: 2012
Pages: 3052-3057


Books and teaching publications

Authors: Raquel Martínez Lucas
                 Miguel Ángel López Guerrero
                 Sanz Martínez, David
                 Torres Aranda, Ana María
                 varios autoures
Title: Investigación y transferencia en la Escuela Politécnica de Cuenca
Publisher: Escuela Politécnica de Cuenca (UCLM)
Place of publication: Cuenca
Year: 2015


Written communications at conferences

This professor does not have any written communication to a conference.

Conference papers

This professor does not have any paper.

Doctoral thesis

This researcher has not directed any PhD theses.

Other research projects directed

This researcher has not directed any undergraduate theses.
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