Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Contributors:
#    Antonio López Martínez-Carrasco <>

"""This file contains the implementation of the Support quality measure.

from subgroups.quality_measures.quality_measure import QualityMeasure
from subgroups.exceptions import SubgroupParameterNotFoundError

# Python annotations.
from typing import Union

[docs] class Support(QualityMeasure): """This class defines the Support quality measure. """ _singleton = None __slots__ = () def __new__(cls) -> 'Support': if Support._singleton is None: Support._singleton = object().__new__(cls) return Support._singleton
[docs] def compute(self, dict_of_parameters : dict[str, Union[int, float]]) -> float: """Method to compute the Support quality measure (you can also call to the instance for this purpose). :param dict_of_parameters: python dictionary which contains all the necessary parameters used to compute this quality measure. :return: the computed value for the Support quality measure. """ if type(dict_of_parameters) is not dict: raise TypeError("The type of the parameter 'dict_of_parameters' must be 'dict'.") if (QualityMeasure.TRUE_POSITIVES not in dict_of_parameters): raise SubgroupParameterNotFoundError("The subgroup parameter 'tp' is not in 'dict_of_parameters'.") if (QualityMeasure.TRUE_POPULATION not in dict_of_parameters): raise SubgroupParameterNotFoundError("The subgroup parameter 'TP' is not in 'dict_of_parameters'.") if (QualityMeasure.FALSE_POPULATION not in dict_of_parameters): raise SubgroupParameterNotFoundError("The subgroup parameter 'FP' is not in 'dict_of_parameters'.") tp = dict_of_parameters[QualityMeasure.TRUE_POSITIVES] TP = dict_of_parameters[QualityMeasure.TRUE_POPULATION] FP = dict_of_parameters[QualityMeasure.FALSE_POPULATION] return tp / ( TP + FP )
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: """Method to get the quality measure name (equal to the class name). """ return "Support"
[docs] def optimistic_estimate_of(self) -> dict[str, QualityMeasure]: """Method to get a python dictionary with the quality measures of which this one is an optimistic estimate. :return: a python dictionary in which the keys are the quality measure names and the values are the instances of those quality measures. """ return dict()
def __call__(self, dict_of_parameters : dict[str, Union[int, float]]) -> float: """Compute the Support quality measure. :param dict_of_parameters: python dictionary which contains all the needed parameters with which to compute this quality measure. :return: the computed value for the Support quality measure. """ return self.compute(dict_of_parameters)