The Chair holder is Doctor of Law from the European University Institute (Florence 2013). He had formerly graduated from Harvard University (LL.M., Harvard Law School 2007), the College of Europe (Master in Advanced European Studies, Natolin, Poland 2005) and the University of Murcia (Law Degree, Spain, 2003). The Chair holder is currently Senior Lecturer (‘Profesor Titular’) at the University of Murcia and international consultant on European Union law and policy for the World Bank, several governments and for the ENI CBC Med Program. He has participated in various competitive European and national research projects, including one as co-principal investigator. He has also published extensively on European Union Law, highlighting his monograph entitled The Concept of State Aid under EU Law: From internal market to competition and beyond, published by Oxford University Press (Oxford Studies in European Law) in 2015. His publications have been cited 6 times by three Advocate Generals of the Court of Justice of the European Union.