6 ECTS course in 2nd year of Bachelor of Laws (Language: English)

1. From the European Communities to the EU.
2. The institutional system.
3. The legal order of the Union.
4. The judicial system.
5. The European Union and us, the ordinary citizens.

This course provides the students with a thorough knowledge of the EU integration process, the functioning of EU institutions and the nature and features of the EU legal order. The course is taught in English by the Chair holder in the degree in Law, facilitating the online participation of lecturers from the EU institutions and other European universities. The course employs innovative law teaching methodologies including group-based problem-solving methods such as the flipped classroom. The impact of this course is significant as 3 team members will teach this course in Spanish in other groups of the Law Degree and/or in the Degree on Political Science and in the Double Degree of Business administration and Law, reaching over 400 students. Teaching materials (cases and materials) will be prepared and uploaded in the web for Open Access.