Course: 40 hours (Additional studies of UMU)

Language: Spanish/English (some sessions will be taught in English and some in Spanish).


1. The EU’s strategic autonomy in defence.

2. The EU’s green transition and international law.

3. The EU and International Migration and Refugee Law.

4. The EU’s contribution to global cyber security.

5. The proposal for a regulation to address distortions caused by foreign subsidies in the single market and the EU’s open strategic autonomy.

6. The impact of the EU Charter of Rights on the EU’s external action.

7. Conclusion: The Global Transformative Power of EU Law.

The course studies the impact of EU Law on other legal systems (national and international) beyond the EU borders in different areas. The course pays particular attention to the legal implications of the recently proclaimed EU’s open strategic autonomy in sensitive areas, from trade or competition to cybersecurity. This course is taught by the Chair holder and team members and will benefit from guest speakers for some of the sessions, including Commission officials and distinguished university professors that have already agreed to participate. The seminar is aimed primarily at university students of different Bachelor’s Degrees (Law, International Relations, Political Science, Economics, Sociology…), as well as civil servants and professionals in businesses and consultancy firms who wish to gain a deeper knowledge of the EU’s external action priorities.