“TIC Cruz del Sur” Project and Criteria Recognition Workshop at UPNFM and UTH

The Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán (UPNFM) hosted the Kick-off Meeting of the Erasmus+ CBHE Project TIC Cruz del Sur, a capacity building project for the internationalization of Latin American Universities on August 15th.

In Honduras, UPNFM and the Technological University of Honduras (UTH) participate under the proposal “TIC Cruz del Sur: Uso de las TIC para la Gestión Integral de la Internacionalización en América Latina”.

Under this proposal, the ten partners institutions belonging to Honduras, Panama, Argentina, Spain, Portugal and Latvia will be able to develop new and innovated internal procedures for international management.

The main objective of the TIC Cruz del Sur proposal is to enhance capacity for international cooperation between universities in Latin America’s least developed regions and HEIs in EU countries by facilitating the transfer of knowledge and best practice in transparency and credit recognition. Furthermore, it aims at promoting the exchange of know-how and good practices among the partnership HEIs, thus creating IT´s tools in the management of mobility programmes as a part of a future internationalization strategy.

In this event in Honduras took part the Rector of the UPNFM, Prof. Hermés Díaz and the Rector of UTH, Prof. Carlos Young, the Ambassador and Head of the Delegation of the European Union in Honduras Alessandro Palmero (FINALLY CAN NOT ATTEND).



