null Conditions for the participation in the XXX FIOJ

1- Contact between the Orchestra and the Festival.

1.1- Each Orchestra will name a representative/spokesperson, who be act as a link between their orchestra and the management team, formed by the International Orchestra Co-ordinator, the Co-ordinator for Guides, the Secretary and the Director of the Festival. This representative/spokesperson must be the same person prior to, during and after the Festival. No contact between other members of the visiting party and the management committee will be permitted on any aspect of the Festival.

Therefore the presence of the representative/spokesperson for each orchestra is a requirement during the Festival.

1.2- The representative/spokesperson must sign this document and send it by

e-mail to ( and by post to the following address:

José Antonio Clemente Buhlal

Avenida Antonete Gálvez, nº 18, 3ºA

30.006 – Murcia

2- Stipulations for each Orchestra's expedition.

2.1- The proportion of accompanying adults during the stay:

Each orchestra will have a maximum of 1 accompanying adult or tutor for 10 musicians.

2.2- Number of orchestra members and their respective ages.

The total number of muscians, accompanying adults, drivers, etc should be made known to the Festival from the first moment of contact between the two parties.

Once this number has been established, it cannot be changed and, as a consequence, it will only be possible to substitute one person for another, not add members of the visiting party. (Please remind that the age of the majority of the participants should be between 14 and 25 years old).

2.3- The possibility of reducing the number of orchestra members and/or the adapting it the requirements of the FIOJ regarding the maximum number of participants per orchestra. (We remind you that, due to budget restrictions, chamber orchestras are more likely to be admitted than symphonic orchestras.)

3- Travel, Board and Lodging.

3.1- Travel for Non-Spanish Orchestras.

The Festival Organisers will be responsible for the following concepts:

- Once in Spain, travel from the airport to Murcia, if travelling by plane.

- From the train station to the hotel if travelling by train.

- The Festival Organisers will also be responsible for the return journey to the airport or train station.

- The orchestra will cover the cost of travel from their country of origin to Spain and back.

3.2- Travel for Spanish Orchestras.

The Festival Organisers will be responsible for the following concepts:

- Travel from the town/city of origin to Murcia will be covered by the orchestra.

3.3- Lodgings:

- During their stay in Murcia for the Festival, the Festival Organisers will pay the costs for the accommodation with breakfast included.

All other costs will be covered by the orchestra.

3.4- Board:

- The Festival Organisers will be responsible for lunch and dinner for the orchestra members while they are in Murcia.

3.5- During the Festival, coaches travels from Murcia to the different venues where the concerts will be held, will be in vehicles supplied by the organisation and under no circumstances in vehicles used to travel from the place of origin to Murcia. Any other travel will be the responsibility of the Orchestra, both financially and in terms of transport.


4- Instruments.

4.1- Materials and Instruments:

- The Festival Organisers will provide instruments such as pianos (exclusively for concerts in the Murcia Auditorium. For the other concerts, pianos will not be provided) or keyboards like “Clavinova”, and large percussion instruments such as bass drums, kettledrums, xylophones and marimba.

- Each orchestra must bring small percussion and other instruments.

- Each orchestra must also bring double basses

- We will under no circumstances provide a harp.

- Each orchestra must bring its own music stands. The Festival Organisers will not provide or hire out music stands for the musicians.

5- Types of musical activity that the Orchestras will take part in during the


5.1- Concerts in the ‘Auditorio y Centro de Congresos “Víctor Villegas”’ (Murcia):

- Two orchestras will perform each day (one in each half for a maximum of 45 minutes).

- The concerts will take place at 20.00.

The technical capacity and the infrastructure make it possible to perform the work of your choice. However, please note the restrictions on instruments mentioned above.

5.2- Concerts in the Region of Murcia:

- An orchestra will perform a traditional concert in two halves.

- The concert starting times may vary from one location to another, though no concert will start before 20.00.

- Works that include instruments that are difficult to transport, such as pianos, should be avoided (as previously stated pianos will only be provided at the Murcia Auditorium).

5.3- Open Air Performances:

- The performances will take place at different locations within the city of Murcia and at the two University Campuses.

- The starting time will be 13.00.

- These concerts will last an estimated 45 minutes.

- We ask the orchestra to choose works that will not need instruments such as bass drums or kettledrums to be transported.

5.4- Other requirements. The Orchestra will provide the following data:


1- Programme of the concert of 45 minutes maximum (one part) for the Auditorium of Murcia. Comments on the programme in Spanish in format Word. Each piece must not exceed 8 text lines in Arial 12. As a reminder, the Auditoum can take control of all the instruments except for the arp.


2- Complete concert programme to two parts for the concerts in the towns of the Region of Murcia. Comments on the programme in Spanish in format Word. Each piece must not exceed 8 text lines in Arial 12. All the instruments except for the arp and the piano can be taken control of.

3- Audition programme in the street. Comments on the programme in Spanish in format Word. Each piece must not exceed 6 text lines in Arial 12. We advice not to use instruments which require from a special movement, as percussion, apart from those referred to with anteriority.

Please note: The programmes chosen for the concerts and auditions to the open air sent by the orchestras cannot be changed once they are in the Festival power. We suggest that before sending them, you make sure of your election.

Personal Data:

1- Photo of the orchestra and of the conductor (must be in 300 ppp in format JPG or TIFF).

2- Name and curriculum of the conductor in Spanish in format Word. The maximum text will be one sheet in Arial 12.

3- Name and curriculum of the orchestra in Spanish in format Word. The maximum text will be one sheet in Arial 12.

4- Name of the integrant parts of the orchestra classified by instruments in format Word in two columns. The text must not be in capital letter in its full extension, but only the first letter of the Name, Surname and instruments.

5- Final number of the integrating parts of the expedition, included musicians, companions, drivers, etc.

6- Detailed template of the orchestra in format Word in two columns. The text must not be in capital letters in its full extension, but only the first letter of the Name, Surname and position.

7-Distribution map of the orchestra on stage (raider)

Please note: The data of the people forming part of each orchestra, number and integrating parts, won´t have the chance to be changed once the list is on the part of the Festival.

6- The International Orchestra.

6.1- Each Orchestra will provide members to make up the International Orchestra. This is a requirement of being invited to take part in the festival.

6.2- Once the members of the International Orchestra have been selected from each orchestra, we will only admit the substitution of one muscian for another.

6.3- Attendance at the practise sessions for the International Orchestra are compulsory.

6.4- The Director of the International Orchestra has the authority to substitute any musician for whatever reason, if he/she deems it necessary.

7- Security.

7.1- The Festival organisers will not accept any responsibility for the theft, loss or damage to any instrument, etc or personal damage to any member of a visiting orchestra.


8- Other materials that must be sent to the Festival Organiser which will

determine the acceptance of the orchestra's participation.

8.1- The orchestra will send a CD or DVD of itself by post in order for it to be evaluated artistically.

9- Orchestra Selection Criteria.

1- Artistic.

2- Economic (number of orchestra members)

3- Social (the Orchestra complies with a non-for-profit musical ideology, organisation, etc)

We hereby present the conditions for participation of Orchestras interested in the Festival Internacional de Orquestas de Jóvenes. Without the signature of this document, evidence of agreement to accept said conditions, the Orchestras will not be able to take part in the Festival.

Some of the conditions expressed in this letter enable the creation of informative materials for the public: concert programmes, the Festival magazine, general programmes, posters, etc. The Festival organisers reserve the right to change any orchestra, even once it has received a formal invitation, which does not comply with the rules detailed in this letter.

XXIV Premio de Pintura-Universidad de Murcia

XXIII Premio de Pintura-Universidad de Murcia

XXII Premio Fotografía Universidad de Murcia / La Cámara Roja

XXI Premio de Fotografía Universidad de Murcia / La Cámara Roja

XX Premio de Fotografía-Universidad de Murcia

Plazo: Del 3 al 14 de mayo de 2021

XIX Premio de Fotografía-Universidad de Murcia

Documentación requerida:

  • Copia digital o fotocopia del DNI
  • Boletín de inscripción: proyecto fotográfico // premio fotografía
  • Declaración / Autorización
  • Curriculum artístico (Solo opción de Premio Producción Proyecto Fotográfico)
  • Dossier con imágenes de las obras y una descripción gráfica (Solo opción de Premio Producción Proyecto Fotográfico)
  • Memoria breve del proyecto (Solo opción de Premio Producción Proyecto Fotográfico)

XVIII Premio de Fotografía

Documentación requerida:

  • Copia digital o fotocopia del DNI
  • Boletín de inscripción firmado
  • Declaración / Autorización
  • Curriculum artístico (Solo opción de Premio Producción Proyecto Fotográfico)
  • Dossier con imágenes de las obras y una descripción gráfica (Solo opción de Premio Producción Proyecto Fotográfico)
  • Memoria breve del proyecto (Solo opción de Premio Producción Proyecto Fotográfico)

XVII Premio de Fotografía

XVI Premio de Fotografía - 2016

XV Premio de Fotografía - 2015