Information on the Bilingual Group (ADE)

The faculty of Economics and Business includes in its grade bilingual groups (Spanish-English) in the degree of Business Management and Administration (BMA) since the academic year 2011-12. The aim of this innovative educational project, carried out in the scope of the European Area of Higher Education, and the reform of the educational system is that of enhancing the professional integration of the graduates, both in Spain as well as abroad, accomplishing a greater adaptation to social demands and fostering internationalization. The project was originally conceived with the objective of generating a steady teaching offer and anticipates a gradual implementation, year by year, of the bilingual course, in such a way that the first course was taught in the academic year 2011-2012, the second in 2012-2013, and so on.

Course Offering / Entry

70 places will be offered for the bilingual group of each of the different courses. Students having taken place in previous courses have guaranteed admission and, for the remaining students- in case the demand exceeds the offer and once the requirements are met-, the applications will be sorted according to the entry mark obtained for bachelor degrees offered in Spanish public universities.

Entry Requirements

Students having been granted admission in the degree of Business Management and Administration (BMA) - after the pre-enrollment process-, and meeting one of the requirements below, are eligible for their inclusion in the bilingual group.

Certifying a B1 level in English Having studied the bilingual modality during secondary school Having passed the corresponding English placement test


Lectures will be taught by a group of professors of considerable experience and qualification in English as a second language. Attendance at the bilingual group will be maintained at least for a term. After the first year, attendance will be compulsory along the complete academic year. The participation in the present project will be reflected in the European Diploma Supplement and, if relevant, in the academic transcripts of the corresponding degree. The commission of International Relations may value positively the participation in the bilingual group so as to select candidates for the Erasmus Programme.

Placement Test for the Bilingual Group in BMA (Certification of B1 Level)

Description: Foreign language placement test for those students that would like to enroll on the course and cannot certify B1 level in the corresponding language. 
The University of Murcia sets placement tests for those who cannot document their command of English, French, German, Italian and Spanish aimed at foreign students (B1 level). More information.

Through Cambridge English Language Assessment one can as well certify B1 or superior levels.

The subjects taught in English are highlighted in bold in the degree outline as it follows:


1º cuatrimestre
2343 Introducción a la Economía I / Introduction to Economics I 6
2344 Contabilidad Financiera I / Financial Accounting I 6
2345 Administración de Empresas / Business Management 6
2346 Matemática de las Operaciones Financieras 6
2350 Matemáticas para la Empresa I/Mathematics for Business Administration I 4,5
2º cuatrimestre
2347 Introducción a la Economía II / Introduction to Economics II 6
2353 Matemáticas para la empresa II / Mathematics for Business Administration II 4,5
2349 Introducción al Marketing / Introduction to Marketing 6
2348 Estadística para la Empresa I  6
2351 Contabilidad Financiera II 4,5
2352 Derecho Civil 4,5
1º cuatrimestre
2354 Estadística para la empresa II / Statistics for Business II 6
2357 Contabilidad Financiera Superior / Advanced Financial Accounting 4,5
2358 Microeconomía / Microeconomics 4,5
2478 Historia Económica / Economic History 4,5
2359 Diseño Organizativo 4,5
2477 Derecho Mercantil I 4,5
2º cuatrimestre ECTS
2355 Economía Financiera  6
2356 Economía Mundial / World Economy 6
2361 Direccíon de Operaciones / Operations Management 6
2363 Sociología de la Empresa y las Organizaciones / Sociology of Business and Organizations 4,5
2360 Contabilidad de Sociedades 4,5
2362 Derecho Mercantil II 4,5
1º Cuatrimestre
2364 Contabilidad de Costes I / Cost Accounting I 4.5
2369 Economía Española / Spanish Economy 6
2365 Dirección de Marketing I / Marketing Management I 6
2366 Dirección Financiera I 6
2367 Macroeconomía / Macroeconomics 4,5
2368 Dirección de Recursos Humanos / Human Resources Management 6
2º Cuatrimestre
3496 Contabilidad de Costes II 4,5
2371 Dirección de Marketing II / Marketing Management II 6
2373 Sistema Financiero / Financial System 6
2374 Econometría / Econometrics 6
2372 Dirección Financiera II 6
1º Cuatrimestre ECTS
2375 Investigación de Mercados / Market Research 4,5
2379 Análisis de estados Contables / Financial Statement Analysis 4,5
2376 Fiscalidad I 4,5
2377 Dirección Estratégica I / Strategic Management I 6
2378 Economía Financiera Avanzada 4,5
2380 Derecho del trabajo / Labour Law 4,5
2º Cuatrimestre ECTS
2381 Estrategia de Marketing / Market Strategy 4,5
2382 Fiscalidad II 4,5
2383 Dirección Estratégica II 4,5
2386 Tecnologías de la Información en la Empresa 6
2387 Inglés para la Empresa 6
2384 Prácticas Externas 6
2385 Trabajo Fin de Grado / Bachelor Dissertation (end of degree proyect) 6


Formulario de solicitud de plaza en el grupo bilingüe (Castellano-Inglés)
Antes de rellenar el formulario debe de realizar la matrícula
