Contact info

Head Team


Postal Address

Facultad de Informática
Campus de Espinardo
CP: 30100 Murcia, Spain
Phone: +34 868 884311
Fax: +34 868884151

How to get to the Faculty

The Faculty of Computer Science is located in the Campus of Espinardo of the University of Murcia. This campus is around 4 kms to the north of the city of Murcia. It can easily be accessed by car:

  • Exit 134A of the A-30 motorway in the direction to Murcia.
  • Exit 396 of the A-7 motorway in the direction to Murcia.
  • Exit 136 of the A-30 motorway in the direction to Madrid.

There are also bus (line 39) and tram services from Murcia to the Campus (approximately 20 minutes).