Poesía Inglesa (siglos XVI-XX)(2009)




Assessment will take place by means of a written exam. This exam will be divided in two parts. Part One will consist of two sections with questions on authors, works and periods of English Poetry studied during the course. In Part Two students will be asked to answer a number of questions on a given poem and to produce two brief essays on poems studied during the course. Students will be awarded a maximum of 4 points for Part One and 6 points for Part Two. The pass mark is 5 points.

Students will be expected to produce answers with contents which are correct, precise, clearly exposed and well structured. They will also be required to show a good command of English grammar and written academic discourse.


  • Precision and accuracy in the exposition of contents
  • Good organization and structure in the written essays
  • Clarity and conciseness in the exposition of ideas
  • Good command of the written English