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null 06/06/2017 Transferring EU Public policies into Regional Social Innovation: improving AHA for a better society

Healthy ageing is high on the European and global policy agendas.

According to the WHO, promoting good health through the life-course includes reducing health inequalities ni old age, reinforcing the European health systems to meet the changing needs of citizens and expanding the evidence of health and social initiatives that impact in the wellbeing of older people.

In this context, European and Non-european stakeholders working to improve the quality of life of older people will meet in Valencia in several parallel events and conferences between the 6th and 9th of June 2017. They will discuss and propose innovative solutions contributing to encourage Active and Healthy Ageing in Europe, while leveraging the opportunity of the Silver Economy and the Blueprint Strategy, exchanging regional and national good practices from a quadruple helix perspective.

Members of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) will have the opportunity to meet in Valencia the 8th of June of 2017 and continue working in the Action Plan agreed at the beginning of 2016.

Organised by Polibienestar Research Institute, SEAS and |Kveloce I+D+I.

