
At present the Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics is formed, as it shows its own name, by two areas of knowledge, the Spanish Language area and the General Linguistics area. . This department, apart from having an administrative staff (PAS), is constituted by a total of twenty - four members of PDI (Teacher and Researcher Staff), of which nineteen belong to the area of Spanish Language and five to the General Linguistics one. Along with the Department of Spanish Literature, Literary Theory and Comparative Literature , the Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics is the main responsible of faculty in the Undergraduated degree of Spanish Language and Literature . I fact, this departament is the body in charge of coordinating the teaching in both areas of knowledge mentioned in the different centres of the University of Murcia and in supporting the researches of the faculty.
Most of the faculty of the Department is, certainly, on the Undergraduated degree of Spanish Language and Literature:




Knowledge area

Regulatory Spanish I



Spanish language

Regulatory Spanish II



Spanish language

Introduction to the Study of Human Language



General Linguistics

Spanish Phonology and Morphology



Spanish language

Spanish Syntax and Semantics



Spanish language

History of Spanish Language I



Spanish language

Linguistic Theories and Models



General Linguistics

History of Spanish Language II



Spanish language

Spanish Second Language / L2 I



Spanish language

Spanish Pragmatics



Spanish language

Dialectal Varieties of Spanish



Spanish language

American Spanish



Spanish language

Current Perspectives on Linguistics



General Linguistics

Spanish Second Language / L2 II



Spanish language

Types of Speech in Spanish



Spanish language

Social Varieties of Spanish



Spanish language

Specific Uses of Spanish



Spanish language

Linguistic-communicative competence in L2



Spanish language

Applied Linguistics



General Linguistics

Subjects of the Undergraduated degree in Spanish Language and Literature, responsibility of the Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics

In addition to the faculty mentioned before, the Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics is in charge of teaching subjects of different undergraduate degrees from both the Faculty of Letters and other faculties of the University of Murcia. This department is involved in teaching the following subjects in the Faculty of Arts:


Undergraduate degree


Knowledge area

Spanish Language Regulation and Use

French Studies


Spanish language

Spanish language

English Studies


Spanish language

Linguistics. Introduction to the Study of Human Language

Classical Languages


General Linguistics

Language AI

Translation and Interpretation


Spanish language

Language A II

Translation and Interpretation


Spanish language

Language A III

Translation and Interpretation


Spanish language

Linguistics Applied to Translation

Translation and Interpretation


General Linguistics

Language D II (Spanish Sign language)

Translation and Interpretation


Spanish language

Language D II (Spanish Sign language)

Translation and Interpretation


Spanish language

Language D II (Spanish Sign language)

Translation and Interpretation


Spanish language

Subjects (from other undergraduate degrees of the Faculty of Letters) responsibility of the Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics

The Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics is also in charge of some subjects of other faculties degrees apart from the Faculty of Arts, such as the Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty of Communication and Documentation:


Undergraduate degree


Knowledge area

Spanish language

Degree in Information and Documentation


Spanish language

Spanish Language for Social Media

Degree in Journalism


Spanish language

Spanish Language for Social Media

Degree in Advertising and Public Relations


Spanish language

Sign language

Degree in Speech Therapy


Spanish language


Degree in Speech Therapy


General Linguistics

Applied Psycholinguistics

Degree in Speech Therapy


General Linguistics

Subjects (from undergraduate degrees of the Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty of Communication and Documentation) responsibility of the Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics


Finally, the professors of the Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics teach different subjects in official masters at the University of Murcia. In this sense, almost all the faculty is concentrated in the Máster Universitario de Lingüísitca Teórica y Aplicada, MALTA (University Master of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics), where the department is in charge of teaching nine subjects, two of them compulsory. Other masters where other professors of the Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics are involved in are the Máster Universitario en Formación del profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato (University Master in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate), Formación Profesional (Professional Training), Enseñanza de Idiomas (Language Teaching) y Enseñanzas Artísticas (Artistic Teaching) and the Máster Universitario en Traducción Editorial, MUTE (University Master in Editorial Translation). The following table includes the subjects of these masters and the area that deals with them:




Knowledge area

Theoretical Principles for Linguistic Data Analysis



Spanish Language and General Linguistics

Language and Society



General Linguistics

Application of Historical Documents to Linguistic Research



Spanish language

Sources for the Historical Study of the Spanish Lexicon



Spanish language

Planning and Linguistic Legislation. Study of its Fundamental Aspects and Guidance on its Research



Spanish language

History and Current Panorama of Specialized Spanish Language. Study of Specialized Spanish Fundamental Aspects and Guidance on its Research



Spanish language

Research on Classical Rhetoric and Contemporary Rhetoric



General Linguistics

Research in Clinical Linguistics



General Linguistics

Linguistic Anthropology



General Linguistics

Spanish language

Master's Degree


Spanish Language and General Linguistics

Ortotipography and Writing in Spanish language



Spanish language

Subjects (masters) responsibility of the Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics

Brief history of the Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics
The studies of Spanish Language and Literature have the same beginning that it has the University of Murcia. The Royal Order of the Ministry of Public Instruction and Fine Arts that grants the authorization to create the University of Murcia, it talked already about "subjects of Spanish Language and Literature":

1.º To the nine universities of district consigned in the law of Public Instruction, on 9th September 1857, one is added that will be established in Murcia with comprehensive jurisdictional territory of the two provinces of Murcia and Albacete, and with the same rights and prerogatives than the other universities.
2. The subjects of the new university were all those belonging to the Law Degree with its preparatory course, that is, the first group of studies common to the three sections of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, constituted by the subjects of Spanish Language and Literature, Fundamentals of Logic and History of Spain »( Gaceta de Madrid , March 28, 1915, page 920 bc ;Sánchez Jara, 1967: 193).

According to Díez de Revenga Torres (2014: 54-55), there were several eminent professors who succeeded each other in the chair of Spanish Language and Literature. On many occasions they were professors who had the University of Murcia as a temporary destination before reaching a better one, as it was at the time, for example, the Central University of Madrid. The first professor of Spanish Language and Literature was José Ramón Lomba de la Pedraja (1868-1951), who had been a disciple of Marcelino Menéndez Pidal. His arrival at the University of Murcia was early, in 1920, and after three years, in 1923, he moved to the University of Oviedo. Jorge Guillen later obtained, in 1925, the vacant chair of Lomba, and occupied it from February of 1926 to 1929, moment in which it stopped in Murcia and began to develop another one in Seville. In the decade of the twenties we know about José María Ruiz, thanks to a work by the professor Puche Lorenzo (2015), who was an assistant professor, and dealt with the subject Castilian historical grammar. This professor published in 1924 a notebook of fifty-six pages called Apuntes de gramática castellana para los alumnos de la Universidad de Murcia (Notes of Castilian historical grammar for students of the University of Murcia). Puche Lorenzo (2015: 575) arrived at "the conclusion that the discourse by José María Ruiz is a reduced and summarized version of the Manual by Menéndez Pidal , published in 1904".
In 1934, Joaquín de Entrambasaguas Peña (1904-1995) got the chair, and then, in 1943, Angel Valbuena Prat (1900-1977), who had been until then professor at the University of Barcelona. This forced transfer meant for Valbuena Prat a mild punishment of the Franco dictatorship, a decline in his professional category, since he went from a great university to a smaller one. On this case in particular, we can attend the study of Serrano Asenjo «Historia y ounición: Ángel Valbuena Prat, depurado» (History and punishment: Angel Valbuena Prat, debugged), (Serrano Asenjo, 2006). As we can see, for decades the University of Murcia was, in fact, a destination "in passing" for many of the professors who passed through it.
One person who deserves be mentioned here for his inteligence and commitment for the University of Murcia (no fewer than thirty five years dedicated to the chair of Spanish Language and Literature) is Mariano Baquero Goyanes (1923-1984), who obtained, at the end of 1949 the chair, in a court leaded by Dámaso Alonso, at the age of twenty six, being the youngest professor of Spanish universities.   In the same dates, between 1950 and 1954 he was professor by opposition of General Grammar and Literary Criticism Academician of the Spanish Carlos Claveria Lizana (1909-1974; cf..Álvarez de Miranda, 2010: 9-16).
We were in a period, mid-century, in which the old Faculty of Philosophy and Arts offered "common studies" with which students subsequently studied different humanistic licences, mainly from the Section of Romance Philology. In addition, from Valbuena Prat, Baquero Goyanes or Clavería Lizana, we must mention Professor Manuel Muñoz Cortés (1915-2000), who in 1950 obtained the Historical Grammar Chair by opposition and, " although he could have gone to other universities, he remained Murcia until the end of his days »(Albero Muñoz, 2001).The teaching staff at that time were assigned to different professorships. In the seventies there was the Chair of General Grammar and Literary Criticism, headed by Antonio Roldán Pérez, and the Chair of Historical Grammar, represented by Professor Muñoz Cortés.
It was in the seventies when we have the first news of the academic-administrative units that we now know as "departments".In the list of contributors that appear in the Estudios Literarios dedicados al professor Mariano Baquero Goyanes (Literary Studies dedicated to Professor Mariano Baquero Goyanes) (Murcia, 1974) appear several professors who then belonged both to the Department of Spanish Literature (among others, Francisco Javier Díez de Revenga or Antonio López Herrera) and to the Department of Spanish Language (for example, Manuel Martínez Arnaldos).During the 1977-78 academic year, Professor Estanislao Ramón Trives launched, within the Chair of Historical Grammar, the foundation of the Spanish Language Seminar, which led, after one year, the creation of the Department of Spanish Linguistics, which had yet to experience various changes before its current composition.
In the eighties, there was an administrative unit called the Department of General Linguistics and Literary Criticism , to which they belonged, among other professors, José María Pozuelo Yvancos or José Miguel Hernández Terrés.Indeed, a revised and summarized version of José Miguel Hernández Terrén doctoral thesis La ellipsis en la teoría gramtical (The Elipsis in Grammatical Theory , Murcia, 1984) was published, as recorded on its cover, by the "Publications of the Department of General Linguistics and Literary Criticism."
The Organic Law 11/1983, of August 25, of University Reform , commonly called LRU, supposed significant changes in the university organization and in relation to the teaching staff. Regarding the organization, the LRU promoted, with the establishment of the areas of knowledge, the creation of departments. At the end of the eighties there was a new change: the department was then called, according to the programs that were published at the beginning of each course, Department of Spanish Philology, General Linguistics and Theory of Literature.
The main change that brings us closer to the current situation took place in the early nineties, when in in 1992-1993 becomes officially the Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics. In 2005 a new area, Translation and Interpreting, was provisionally integrated into it; so that until 2010 it was called the Department of Spanish Language, General Linguistics and Translation and Interpretation. Finally, it should be take into account that in this first decade of the twenty-first century the Department had a significant number of professors (Ramón Almela Pérez, Pilar Díez de Revenga Torres, Ricardo Escavy Zamora, José Perona Sánchez, Estanislao Ramón Trives, Antonio Roldán Pérez, Agustín Vera Luján, headlines: Mercedes Abad Merino, Eulalia Hernández Sánchez, José Miguel Hernández Terrés, Dolores Annunciation Igualada Belchí, José María Jiménez Cano, María Isabel López Martínez, Sonia Madrid Cánova , Miguel Ángel Puche Lorenzo).At present, the Department holds a university chair, eight university professors, four doctor teachers and two professors assistants doctors, also many different college's faculty members or fellows of investigation.


Albero Muñoz , María del Mar (2001): «Perfil de Manuel Muñoz Cortés », Tonos Digital , ii .Online: https://www.um.es/tonosdigital/znum2/perfiles/PerfilMCortesTonos2.htm.
Álvarez de Miranda , Pedro (2010): «Prólogo», en España en Europa. Aspectos de la difusión de la lengua y las letras españolas desde el siglo XIV, by Carlos Clavería Lizana, Madrid, Instituto Cervantes.
Díez de Revenga Torres , Francisco Javier (2014): «A prestigious faculty: Ruiz de Elvira, Valbuena Prat, Jorge Guillén, Andrés Sobejano, González Álvarez, Muñoz Alonso and Baquero Goyanes, among others», in Centenario de la Universidad de Murcia (1915-2015) , Murcia, Jiménez Godoy.
Gaceta de Madrid , No. 87, March 28, 1915.[This is the number in which the Ministry of Public Instruction and Fine Arts authorizes the creation of the University of Murcia: "Royal order establishing in Murcia a district University, with jurisdictional territory, comprehensive of the two provinces of Murcia and Albacete» ]
Puche Lorenzo, Miguel Ángel (2015): « Contributions to the knowledge of works of grammatical disclosure », in Eulalia Hernández Sánchez and María Isabel López Martínez (eds.), Sodalicia dona. Homenaje a Ricardo Escavy Zamora , Murcia, Publications Service of the University of Murcia .
Sánchez Jara, Diego (1967): Cómo y porqué nació la Univesidad murciana?, Murcia, Nogués, 1976.[There is an ed. facsimile, Murcia, Publications Service, 2010, with a prologue by the rector José Antonio Cobacho Gómez and an introductory study ("It was the press") by Felipe Julián Hernández Lorca].
Serrano Asenjo, Enrique (2006): «Historia y punición: Ángel Valbuena Prat, depurado», Revista de Literatura , vol. lxviii , No. 135, pp.249-259.


Text for the following address: https://www.um.es/web/lengua-espa/contenido/investigacion

A remarkable part of the research activity of the members of the Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics is developed by different research groups of the University of Murcia .Some of these groups are listed below (NB: the college's faculty members of the Department are indicated in groups, updated in February 2019):

    • Juan Francisco Jiménez Alcázar (IP)
    • María Mercedes Abad Merino
    • Joaquín Lomba Maurandi
    • Herminia Provencio Garrigós
    • María Esther Vivancos Mulero
    • Diego Antonio Reinaldos Miñarro


    • Miguel Ángel Puche Lorenzo (IP)
    • Francisco Javier Sánchez Martín
    • Marta Sánchez Orense
    • Pedro de Alba y Vega
    • Oscar de Jódar Bonilla
    • Manuel Martínez Balbí
    • Marta Belmonte Treviño
    • María de los Ángeles Sidrach by Cardona López
    • Eulalia Hernández Sánchez (IP)
    • María del Carmen Sánchez Manzanares
    • Ricardo Escavy Zamora
    • María Isabel López Martínez


    • Antonio Pablo Zamora Muñoz (IP)
    • Ana Belén Mansilla Pérez
    • Manuel María Sevilla Muñoz
    • Arianna Alessandro
    • Elvira Manero Richard
    • David Prieto García-Seco
    • M.ª Ángeles Solano Rodríguez
    • Carola Strohschen
    • Alba María Gálvez Vidal
    • Carmen Mellado Blanco
    • Lucia Clara Serrano Lucas
    • Julia Sevilla Muñoz
    • José María Jiménez Cano (IP)
    • Carmen María Pujante Segura
    • Eva María Serna López
    • Manuel Martínez Arnaldos
    • Esther Martínez Gómez
    • José Luis Molina Martínez


  • E0B7-06 RESINET
    • Sonia Madrid Cánovas (IP)
    • José Miguel Hernández Terrés
    • Diego Mollá Furió
    • Lidia Pellicer García
    • Javier Valenzuela Manzanares (IP)
    • José Antonio Mompeán González
    • Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas
    • Ana María Bravo Martín
    • María del Rosario Illán Castillo
    • Antonio Barcelona Sánchez
    • Nicolás Estévez Fuertes
    • María Pilar Martínez Pelegrín
    • Pilar Mompeán Guillamón
    • Rafael Alberto Rocamora Abellán
    • Cristina María Soriano Salinas


Without pretension to exhaustiveness, the following are some of the research lines developed in these research groups: discourse analysis, textual criticism , didactics, literary discourse, musical discourse, second language teaching, phrasing, phraseology, Murcian dialects, history of the grammar, history of language, history of lexicon, history of lexicography, history of linguistics, specialized languages, textual linguistics, inflectional and derivative morphology of Spanish, paremiography, paremiology, pragmatics, rhetoric-lexico-sociolinguistics, rhetoric-pragmatics , semantics, pragmatic syntax, historical sociolinguistics, contextual varieties of Spanish and dialectal varieties of Spanish.
From these lines of research, the Department of Language and General Linguistics has carried out in recent years various scientific activities (management, organizing committees, scientific committees, etc.). Here are some of these activities:

  • congresses
    • V International Congress of Linguistic Historiography , November 7-10, 2005
    • XXX Course in Textual Linguistics. Texts commenting , February 26-March 8, 2007.
    • International Congress on the current assessment of the diversity and hierarchy of languages in Europe. Analysis and teaching instruments , November 12-14, 2008.
    • I International Congress «History and videogames» , 26-27 November 2015.
    • Sociolinguistics Symposium 21 , June 15-18, 2016.
    • I International Phraseology Symposium: Current Trends in Fraseopragmatics and Fraseodidactics Research , October 18-19, 2018.
    • II International Congress «History and videogames» , November 28-30, 2018.


  • courses
    • Spanish Phraseology , April 11-20, 2016.
    • Cinema, literature, comics, specialized texts and much more: phraseology surrounds us, July 11-13, 2017.
  • series of conferences
    • One hundred years of General Linguistics, November 11-December 2, 2016.
    • Current approaches to Hispanic studies, November 8-29, 2018.


Finally, the Journal of Linguistic Research (Revista de Investigación Lingüística, RIL) should be mentioned , devoted to the study of linguistics and Spanish language in all its varieties and from any theoretical model or methodological approach.It is a publication that began in 1997. RIL provides its contents in immediate open access and full text in order to give maximum spread to research works and reviews published.This journal, published by the Publications Service of the University of Murcia, has an annual frequency since 2004. In it, they have published the results of their research, among many others, authors such as Tomás Albadalejo Mayordomo (vol. 8), Enrique Alcaraz Varó (vol. 9), Jean Claude Anscombre (vol.13), Manuel Ariza (vols. 3, 15), Dolores Azorín Fernández (vols 7 and 11), Antonio M. Bañón Hernández (vol. 1), José Jesús de Bustos Tovar (vol. 3), M.ª Teresa Cabré Castellví (vol.12), María Luisa Calero Vaquera (vol. 15), Mar Campos Souto (vol. 11), Rafael Cano Aguilar (vol. 3), José Ramón Carriazo Ruiz (vol. 11), Manuel Casado Velarde (vol. 13), José Luis Cifuentes (vol. 2), Gloria  Clavería Nadal (vol. 7), María Teresa Echenique (vol. 3), Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres (vol. 19), María Pilar Garcés Gómez (vol. 13), Cecilio Garriga (vols 1 and 11), Juan Gutiérrez Cuadr ado (vols 7, 11 and 20), Bertha M. Gutiérrez Rodilla (vol.20), Gerda Hassler (vols 9 and 19), Ángeles Líbano Zumalacárregui (vol. 11), Ángel López Garcí a (vol.4), Óscar Loureda Lamas (vol.13), Juan Martínez Marín (vol. 3), Elena de Miguel (vol. 6), M.ª Isabel Montoya Ramírez (vol. 11), José Ramón Morala (vol. 15), Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera (vol.4), Manuel Muñoz Cortés (vols. 1 and 3), Jesús Pena (vol. 11), José Ignacio Pérez Pascual (vol. 11), Antonio Rifón (vol. 4), Teresa María Rodríguez Ramalle (vol. 17), M.ª Victoria Romero Gualda (vol. 6), Ramón Trujillo (vol. 2), Antonio Salvador Plans (vol.3), Javier Valenzuela Manzanares (vols 3 and 14) and Teun A. van Dijk (vol.13).