
Bachelor Degree programmes

General description

Geography is a science that integrates both the natural and human aspects taking place in the territory at different scales. The Bachelor's Degree in Geography trains professionals capable of identifying, interpreting and solving land and environmental problems.

This degree is framed in the technification and applicability of the most important aspects of geography using the technologies available related to spatial analysis (Geographic Information Technologies - GIT), and providing students with the necessary tools and resources to achieve a solid training that will facilitate their access to the labour market.

Most courses include field trips as part of their practice activities: visits to companies and institutions related to spatial planning, urban planning, agricultural, industrial and livestock activities, etc., as well as trips to places of interest that allow students to get to know the territories directly.

Languages of instruction

All courses are taught in Spanish.

Group division

Courses are organised into theory and practice sessions. Groups may be divided into smaller ones if required to work in the computer rooms or in the laboratory.


1st-year courses are taught in the afternoon/evening (3:00 pm - 9:00 pm). 2nd, 3rd and 4th  years are taught in the morning/afternoon (9:00 am - 3:00 pm).


All courses are held at the Aulario de La Merced (Facultad de Letras, city campus) (

General description

The Bachelor's Degree in French Studies covers a wide range of knowledge areas traditionally associated with French Philology. The main objective of this degree is to provide students with a solid grounding in French language, literature and culture. Students can study subjects such as French Language, French and Francophone Literature, Civilisation, History of the French Language, Medieval Romance Literature, Medieval French Language and Literature, History and Geography of France and Francophone countries, Business French, Legal French, Applied Linguistics... These courses are complemented by the advanced study of a second foreign language, its literature and culture, to be chosen among Arabic, English, German and Italian.

Languages of instruction

Courses in the Bachelor's Degree in French Studies are taught in French or Spanish. Arabic, English, German and Italian are used in minor language courses of the chosen pathway.

Group division

Courses are organised into theory and practice sessions, without further subgroups.


1st-year courses are taught in the afternoon/evening (3:00 pm – 9:00 pm), while those in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years are taught in the morning/afternoon (9:00 am – 3:00 pm).  


All courses are held at the Aulario de La Merced (Facultad de Letras, city campus) (

General description

The Degree in English Studies is aimed at those students interested not only in English as a language itself but also in other areas related to it such as the culture of English-speaking countries (mainly their literature) and linguistics, broadly speaking. Different courses are taught at the degree such as English language (advanced level), phonetics, morphology and grammar, semantics, history of the language, British and North-American literature, etc.

Languages of instruction

Most courses are taught fully in English, except for Spanish language and second foreign languages like French, Italian, German or Arabic, which are taught in the corresponding language.

Group division

Courses are organised into theory and practice sessions. There are two groups (A and B) for the theory classes and four (A1 & A2; B1 &B2) for the practice ones. Students are usually assigned to each group according to their surnames, but international students can request to move to a different group in case of timetable overlap. Further information may be provided upon arrival.


1st-year courses are taught in the afternoon/evening (from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.), while 2nd, 3rd and 4th courses are taught in the morning/afternoon (from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.). 


All courses are held at the Aulario de La Merced (Facultad de Letras, city campus) (

General description

The Bachelor's Degree in Classical Philology trains specialists in all aspects of Greco-Latin Antiquity (linguistic, literary, cultural, etc.) through its texts. Students will acquire an in-depth knowledge of Greek and Latin that will enable them to interpret and translate classical literary and non-literary texts. Students will also study the cultural manifestations that contextualize Greek and Latin literature (mythology, rhetoric, religion, art, thought, civilization, etc.) and the survival and reception of Greek and Roman culture in later centuries, by developing knowledge of the auxiliary disciplines of Classical Philology (epigraphy, text editing, paleography, textual criticism, etc.).

Languages of instruction

Courses are taught in Spanish; the only exception is Modern Greek (a course in the 4th year), in which Modern Greek is also used.

Group division

Courses are organised into theory and practice sessions, without further subgroups.


1st-year courses are taught in the afternoon/evening (3:00 pm – 9:00 pm), while those in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years are taught in the morning/afternoon (9:00 am – 3:00 pm). 


All courses are held at the Aulario de La Merced (Facultad de Letras, city campus) (

General description

This Degree is the ideal path for anyone who is interested in issues related to history, has sensitivity for the past, and would like to contribute to society not only the historical knowledge they have acquired, but also a critical view of it. In addition, the Degree in History lays the foundations for those who wish to work in the teaching profession in secondary education; in archaeology, archives and museums; or in research in the different branches of History (Prehistory, Archaeology, Ancient History, Medieval History, Historiographic Sciences and Techniques, Modern History, Contemporary History and American History).

Languages of instruction

All courses are taught in Spanish.

Group division

Courses are organised into theory and practice sessions. 1st- and 2nd-year courses are divided into two groups for the theory classes and four for the practice ones. 3rd- and 4th-year courses are organised into one group for theory sessions and two for practice sessions.


1st-year courses are taught in the afternoon/evening (3:00 pm – 9:00 pm), while those in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years are taught in the morning/afternoon (9:00 am – 3:00 pm).


All courses are held at the Aulario de La Merced (Facultad de Letras, city campus) (

General description

The Degree in History of Art proposes a reasoned, critical and evaluative study of artistic production throughout history, taking into account the circumstances of creation, conservation, management and dissemination of the works.

Most courses include field trips as part of their practice activities, such as visits to museums and other institutions.

Languages of instruction

All courses are taught in Spanish.

Group division

Courses are organised into theory and practice sessions, without further subgroups.


1st-year courses are taught in the afternoon/evening (4:00 pm – 9:00 pm), while those in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years are taught in the morning/afternoon (8:00 am – 3:00 pm). 


All courses are held at the Aulario de La Merced (Facultad de Letras, city campus) (

General description

The main objective of the degree is the critical and rigorous study of the Spanish language and its literature, including the linguistic diversity of Latin American countries and the richness of their literatures. It trains students in the reception and interpretation of oral and written literary and non-literary texts, as well as in the knowledge of the nature and history of the Spanish language. The study of Spanish language and literature fosters an open, flexible and responsible attitude, the ability to argue solidly and the ability to establish a dialogue with present and past values and cultures. This degree offers the acquisition of competences such as oral and written expression skills, critical sense, autonomy, and the ability to speak in public, among many others.

Please note that courses in this Degree (e.g. Spanish language) are addressed from a specialist (literary/linguistic) perspective, rather than from a purely instrumental standpoint.

Languages of instruction

All courses are taught in Spanish, except for foreign language courses (English, French, Italian or German), in which the corresponding language is used.

Group division

Courses are organised into theory and practice sessions. All courses are organised into one group for theory sessions and either two or three for practice sessions, depending on the type of course.


1st-year courses are taught in the afternoon/evening (3:00 pm – 9:00 pm), while those in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years are taught in the morning/afternoon (8:00 am – 3:00 pm). 


All courses are held at the Aulario de La Merced (Facultad de Letras, city campus) (

General description

Training in translation and interpreting stands out for its essentially applied nature, its clear orientation towards the labour market and the excellent possibilities it offers for the concurrent learning of several foreign languages. In this degree students take courses such as general, economic, legal, scientific and technical, audiovisual, literary translation, etc.; along with courses on Spanish (language A) and two foreign languages, a major language (language B) and a minor language (language C).

Languages of instruction

All courses are taught in Spanish, although it is possible that English, French, Italian, German and/or Arabic may be partially used in some courses, especially (but not exclusively) in those which focus on the study of the language.

Group division

Courses are organised into theory and practice sessions. Theory sessions are addressed to all the students in the course, while in practice sessions students are usually divided into two subgroups.

The courses involving language B (English) are divided into 2 practice groups (P1 and P2), which means that the student only attends the session corresponding to his/her practice group. At the very beginning of the semester, it is necessary to check with the lecturer which practical group s/he belongs.

In other courses, for the practice sessions there are 3 practice groups (P1, P2 and P3). The student only attends the session corresponding to his/her practice group. At the very beginning of the semester, it is necessary to check with the lecturer which practical group s/he belongs.


1st-year courses are taught in the morning/afternoon (9:00 am - 3:00 pm), while those in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years are taught in the afternoon/evening (3:00 pm - 9:00 pm).


Courses in the 1st year are held at Rector Sabater (, while the others (2nd-, 3rd- and 4th-year courses) are held at the Aulario de La Merced (, both in Murcia.

Master Degree programmes

General description

The Master's degree offers specialised training that prepares students for the development of professional activities related to History, Archaeology and Historical Heritage and its management, as well as for a research career.

The Master's degree consists of two itineraries: initiation to research and professional specialisation. The professional itinerary is divided into three profiles: Archaeology and archaeological heritage; Historical-documental heritage; and Management and dissemination of historical-cultural heritage. Students must choose one profile and take all its courses (21 ECTS, 6 of which correspond to the Practicum); the remaining 15 ECTS can be chosen from the courses of the other professional itineraries (except the Practicum (i.e., tutored internship)) as well as from the research itinerary. In the research itinerary, a minimum of 21 ECTS must be chosen from the optional subjects and the rest may be chosen from the remaining courses from this itinerary or from the professional ones, except for the Practicum course.

Languages of instruction

All courses are taught in Spanish.

Group division

There is no group division. However, some courses are held simultaneously, so the student must check the schedules before registration.


From Monday to Friday, from 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm.


All courses are held at the Aulario de La Merced (Facultad de Letras, city campus) (

General description

The Master's degree offers specialised training on specific skills in the professional fields of Art History, Visual Culture, Museums and Cultural Heritage, as well as in the field of research. Accordingly, the Master's degree consists of two itineraries: initiation to research and professional specialisation. In this sense, the Master's Degree paves the way to PhD studies.

This Master is open to those students who hold an Official Degree of Architect, Bachelor or Graduate in History of Art, Fine Arts, Tourism, Tourism Art History, Fine Arts, Tourism, Audiovisual Communication, Philosophy and Arts, Geography and History, History and Sciences of Music (or Higher Degree of Conservatory), Humanities, Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations. However, Bachelor's Degree in History of Art have particular priority.

Languages of instruction

All courses are taught in Spanish.

Group division

There is no group division.


From Monday to Friday, from 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm.


All courses are held at the Aulario de La Merced (Facultad de Letras, city campus) (

General description

This is a joint Master's degree of the Faculty of Arts. It has a flexible structure that allows students to design a tailored-made curriculum plan thanks to the 75 ECTS offered, from which 39 must be chosen. In addition, 9 compulsory credits and 12 corresponding to the Master's Thesis must be taken. For this Master's Thesis more than 100 lines of research are offered, led by 8 areas of knowledge and 14 research groups from the University of Murcia.

Languages of instruction

All courses are taught in Spanish, although it is possible that English, French and German may be partially used in some courses.

Group division

There is no group division.


From Monday to Thursday, from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm.


All courses are held at the Aulario de La Merced (Facultad de Letras, city campus) (

General description

The Master's Degree in Comparative European Literature is an introductory research program into Literary Studies in the European tradition. Accordingly, students will specialise in the theoretical and methodological knowledge of Comparative Literature, with special attention to those theoretical-critical and methodological approaches that are most influential. The syllabus is designed as a support for historical knowledge through the study of interrelated European literary traditions, i.e., as networks of fluid transversality and mutual influence.

Languages of instruction

All courses are taught in Spanish, but it is required that students have a B2 level in at least one of the languages in which courses are offered.

Group division

There is no group division.


From Monday to Friday, from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm..


All courses are held at the Aulario de La Merced (Facultad de Letras, city campus) (

General description

The Master's Degree in Theology, held online, is the result of the collaboration between the Theological Institute of Murcia OFM and the University of Murcia through the Faculty of Arts. Its goal is to establish synergies between Theology and studies on Humanities. No previous training in theology is required.

The syllabus is divided into two types of subjects: compulsory and optional. During the first term, 5 compulsory courses of 6 ECTS each are offered, with a total of 30 compulsory ECTS. During the second term, 18 ECTS must be taken from 6 optional courses offered. In addition, students have to enrol in the Master's Thesis (12 ECTS).

Languages of instruction

All courses are taught in Spanish, although it is recommended that students have reading skills in other Romance languages and English.

Group division

There is no group division.


As it is an online Master's degree, there is no a fixed timetable. The lectures are recorded and available in Aula Virtual. For tutorials, a flexible schedule is established at students' request.


This Master is held online through Aula Virtual from the University of Murcia.

General description

Translation for the publishing industry perfectly combines foreign language skills with creativity: we offer the opportunity to learn to translate books and texts in the context of a very active professional sector such as the publishing industry in Spain. The Master's degree offers a comprehensive training in translation: professional genres (not only literary, but also technical, political, audiovisual, historical, economic, legal, audiovisual and comics) and research in the field of translation. This Master offers a double itinerary consisting of a research and a professional itineraries, although it is possible to take both at the same time.

Languages of instruction

All courses are taught in Spanish, although it is possible that English, French and Italian may be partially used in some courses

Group division

There is no group division.


From Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Thursdays are devoted to orientation lectures, alternating each week those of the research and the professional itineraries.


All courses are held at the Aulario de La Merced (Facultad de Letras, city campus) (