

Martínez-Sánchez, F., 2024. Competing to sell the reference product. Review of Industrial Organization, Volume 64, 515–531.



Martínez-Sánchez, F., 2022. Privatization Policies by National and Regional Governments, International Game Theory Review, 24(2): 1-23. Article 2150011.

Faura-Martínez, Úrsula, Lafuente-Lechuga, M., & Cifuentes-Faura, J. (2022). ¿Desigualdad territorial en Selectividad? Analizando la asignatura de matemáticas en Ciencias Sociales. Revista de Investigación Educativa, 40(1), 69–87.

Camacho, M.; Gadea, M., y Gomez-Loscos, A. 2022. A new approach to dating the reference cycle. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. En prensa.

Camacho, M., y Romeu, A. 2022. Tourism and GDP short-run causality revisited: a Symbolic Transfer Entropy approach. Tourism Economics. En prensa.



Martínez-Sánchez, F., 2021, Price versus quantity in a duopoly of vertical differentiation with loss-averse consumers, Research in Economics, 75(1): 1-6.

Solana-Ibáñez, J., & Caravaca-Garratón, M. (2021). Stakeholder engagement and corporate social reputation: The influence of exogenous factors on efficiency performance (stakeholder engagement and exogenous factors). Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 28(6), 1891–1905.

Parra-Frutos, I.,  & Molera-Peris, L., (2021) Removing skewness and kurtosis by transformation when testing for mean equality, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 50:9, 2598-2618, DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2019.1610439

Molina C. F.J., de Reuver, Mark, Bouwman, Harry and  G. Clavel, J., (2021) Business model experimentation in SMEs: the application of a dual scaling technique; Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2021-09-11 | Journal article,

G. Clavel, J., G. Crespo, Francisco J., Sanz San M., Luis, (2021), Rising above their circumstances: what makes some disadvantaged East and South-East Asian students perform far better in science than their background predicts?, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 2021-02-27 | Journal article,  

Nishisato, Shizuhiko, Beh, Eric J., Lombardo, Rosaria and G. Clavel, J., (2021) Modern Quantification Theory, Springer Singapore, 2021-07-25 | Book,

García-Luque, O. , Lafuente-Lechuga, M. y Faura-Martínez, Ú. (2021), “Eficiencia territorial del gasto social en España”, Revista Internacional de Economía Social , vol.48.

Ursula Faura-Martínez, Matilde Lafuente-Lechuga y Javier Cifuentes-Faura (2021) Sustainability of the Spanish university system during the pandemic caused by COVID-19, Educational Review,

Lafuente-Lechuga, M.; Cifuentes-Faura, J.; Faura-Martínez,U. Sustainability, Big Data and Mathematical Techniques: A Bibliometric eview. Mathematics 2021, 9, 2557.

Gil-Doménech, D.; Magomedova, N.; Sánchez-Alcázar, E.J.; Lafuente-Lechuga, M. Integrating Sustainability in the Business Administration and Management Curriculum: A Sustainability Competencies Map. Sustainability 2021, 13, 9458.

Molera, L.; Sánchez-Alcázar, E.J.; Faura-Martínez, Ú.; Lafuente-Lechuga, M.; Llinares-Ciscar, J.V.; Marín-Rives, J.L.; Martín-Castejón, P.J.; Puigcerver-Peñalver, M.C.; Sánchez-Antón, M.C. Embedding Sustainability in the Economics Degree of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Murcia: A Methodological Approach. Sustainability 2021, 13, 8844.

Martínez-Sánchez, F., 2021, Tracking the price of almonds in Spain, Journal of Competition Law & Economics, 17(3), 750–763.

Camacho, M.; Palmieri, G. 2021. Evaluating OECD’s main economic indicators at anticipating recessions. Journal of Forecasting 40: 80-93

Camacho, M.; Romeu, A.; y Ruiz, M. 2021. Symbolic transfer entropy test for causality in longitudinal data. Economic Modelling 94: 649-661

Camacho, M.; Ramallo, S., y Ruiz, M. 2021. Price and spatial distribution office rental in Madrid: a decision tree analysis. Economia 44: 20-40.

Gómez-Gallego, J. C., Gómez-Gallego, M., García-García, J. F., & Faura-Martinez, U. (2021). Evaluation of the Efficiency of European Health Systems Using Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis. In Healthcare (Vol. 9, No. 10, p. 1270). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.

Faura-Martínez, Ú., & Cifuentes-Faura, J. (2021). Building a dynamic indicator on inclusive education in higher education. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 1-8.

Manresa, A., Berbegal-Mirabent, J., Faura-Martínez, Ú., & Llinares-Ciscar, J. V. (2021). What Do Freshmen Know about Sustainability? Analysing the Skill Gap among University Business Administration Students. Sustainability, 13(16), 8813.

Cifuentes-Faura, J., & Faura-Martínez, U. (2021). Situation of European airlines caused by COVID-19: restrictions, government subsidies and future prospects. Aviation, 25(4), 232-240.

Guillamón, M. D., Cifuentes, J., Faura, U., & Benito, B. (2021). Effect of political corruption on municipal tax revenues: Efecto de la corrupción política en los ingresos impositivos municipales. Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review, 24(2), 231-240.

Cifuentes-Faura, J., & Faura-Martínez, U. (2021). Twenty Years of Airport Efficiency–A Bibliometric Analysis. Promet-Traffic&Transportation, 33(4), 479-490.



Martínez-Sánchez, F., (2020), Preventing Commercial Piracy when Consumers are Loss Averse, Information Economics and Policy, 53 (December 2020): 1-11. Article 100896;

Solana Ibáñez, J., Caravaca Garratón, M., & Teruel Sánchez, R. (2020). Stakeholder perception on corporate reputation and management efficiency: Evidence from the Spanish Defence sector. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(5), 2381–2399.

Solana Ibáñez, J., Caravaca Garratón, M., & Soto Meca, A. (2020). A literature review of DEA efficiency methodology in defence sector. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion, 33(3–4), 381–403.

Martínez-Sánchez, F., 2020. Collusion and Customization, International Game Theory Review, 22(4): 1-11. Article 2050007. DOI: 10.1142/S0219198920500073

Isabel P. Albaladejo and M.Teresa Díaz Delfa (2020) “The effects of motivations to go to the country on rural accommodation choice: A hybrid discrete choice model”, Tourism Economics, Abril 2020.

Isabel P. Albaladejo, María Isabel González-Martínez, María Pilar Martínez-García (2020) “A double life cycle in tourism arrivals to Spain: an unit root tests with gradual change analysis” , Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 18, 100497

Francisco Cabo, Guiomar Martín-Herrán and María Pilar Martínez-García (2020) “Non-constant discounting, social welfare and endogenous growth with pollution externalities”  , Environmental and Resource Economics, 76(2), 369-403

Francisco Cabo, Guiomar Martín-Herrán and María Pilar Martínez-García (2020) “Present bias and the ineffiency of the centralized economy. The role of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution” , Economic Modelling 93, 702-716

Lafuente-Lechuga, M; Cifuentes-Faura, J and Faura-Martínez,U. (2020): Mathematics Applied to the Economy and Sustainable Development Goals: A Necessary Relationship of Dependende. Educ. Sci. 2020, 10(11), 339: 

Javier Cifuentes-Faura, Ursula Faura-Martínez and Matilde Lafuente-Lechuga (2020) Assessment of Sustainable Development in Secondary School Economics Students According to Gender, Sustainability 2020, 12(13), 5353; doi: .

Úrsula Faura-Martínez ,Matilde Lafuente-Lechuga y Olga García-Luque (2020) Social and Territorial Cohesion in Spain: Relevance of the Socioeconomic Context, Social Indicators Research (2020), doi: .

Camacho, M.; Caro, A.; y  Lopez-Buenache, G. 2020. The two-speed Europe in business cycle synchronization. Empirical Economics 59: 1069-1084.

Camacho, M.; y Ramallo, S. 2020. ¿Qué indicadores económicos adelantan las recesiones en España? Papeles de Economía Española 165: 33-51.

Faura-Martínez, U., & Cifuentes-Faura, J. (2020). Does E-Government Promote Transparency and the Fight Against Corruption in the European Union?. International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR), 16(4), 42-57.


Matilde Lafuente-Lechuga & Úrsula Faura-Martínez (2019) Evaluation of videos of mathematical concepts made by students / Evaluación de vídeos de conceptos matemáticos elaborados por los estudiantes, Cultura y Educación, doi: .

María Isabel González Martínez, María López Martínez, Ginés Martínez Hermosilla (2019): "Desigualdad de género y convergencia en los países de la UE-28 (2005-2015)", Revista de Economía Mundial, 53, 91-112.  DOI:

Isabel P. Albaladejo and María Isabel González-Martínez (2019) “Non-constant Reputation Effect at Spanish Mediterranean Destinations”, in Tourist Destination Management, Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management, N. Kozak, M. Kozak (eds.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, pages 209-225.

Lafuente-Lechuga, M., Faura-Martínez, U. and García-Luque, O. (2019), “Employment exclusion in Spain: a territorial approach”, Applied Economic Analysis, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Faura-Martínez, U. y Lafuente-Lechuga, M. (2019): LOS MODELOS SOCIALES AUTONÓMICOS EN EL CONTEXTO ESPAÑOL. Coord. Hernández Pedreño, M. Colección Estudios, nº235, CES. ISBN: 978-84-8188-381-7.

Benito, B., Faura, Ú., Guillamón, M. D., & Ríos, A. M. (2019). The efficiency of public services in small municipalities: The case of drinking water supply. Cities, 93, 95-103.

Benito, B., Faura, Ú., Guillamón, M. D., & Ríos, A. M. (2019). Empirical evidence for efficiency in provision of drinking water. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 145(4), 06019002.

Paez, A., López, F., Ruiz, M. y Camacho, M. (2019). Inducing non-orthogonal an non-linear decision boundaries in decision trees via interactive basis functions. Expert Systems with Applications, 122: 183-206

Álvarez, R., Camacho, M. y Ruiz, M. 2019. Inference on filtered and smoothed probabilities in Markov-switching autoregressive models. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 37: 484-495.


Faura-Martínez, U. y Lafuente-Lechuga, M. (2019): Los Modelos Sociales Autonómicos en el Contexto Español. Coord. Hernández Pedreño, M. Colección Estudios, nº235, CES. ISBN: 978-84-8188-381-7.

Camacho, M., Leiva, D. 2019. Extracting nonlinear signals from several economic indicators. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 23: 144-177

Isabel P. Albaladejo and María Isabel González-Martínez (2019) “Congestion affecting the dynamic of tourism demand: evidence from the most popular destinations in Spain” , Current Issues in Tourism, vol 22 (13), 1638-1652.

Martínez-García, M.P. and Morales, J.R. (2019), Resource Effect in the Core-Periphery Model, Spatial Economic Analysis (en prensa),

C. Nebot, A. Beyaert, J. García-Solanes. (2019). “New insights into the nonlinearity of Okun’s law”, Economic Modeling,

A. Beyaert, J. Garcia-Solanes and L. Lopez-Gomez. (2019). “Do the institutions of the euro area converge?”, Economic Systems, forthcoming.

José-María López-Lozano, Timothy Lawes, César Nebot, Arielle Beyaert, Xavier Bertrand, Didier Hocquet, Mamoon Aldeyab, Michael Scott, Geraldine Conlon-Bingham, David Farren, Gábor Kardos, Adina Fésűs, Jesús Rodríguez Baño, Pilar Retamar, Nieves Gonzalo-Jiménez, Ian M. Gould and THRESHOLDS study group. (2019) “A non-linear time-series analysis approach to identify thresholds in associations between population antibiotic use and rates of resistance”, Nature (Microbiology),



Martín Castejón, P., Lafuente-Lechuga, M., Faura-Martínez, U., Puigcerver Peñalver, M., & Bote, M. (2018). Experiencia de coordinación interdepartamental y aprendizaje colaborativo en la realización del TFG (2012-2017). REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 16(2), 57-74. doi:

Faura-Martínez, U. y Lafuente-Lechuga, M. (2018): “Acceso al empleo”. Pp:137-174. en: Inserción Social y Laboral de los Jóvenes en la Región de Murcia. ISBN: 978-84-17157-63-0

Faura-Martínez, U.; Lafuente-Lechuga, M. y García-Luque, O. (2018). Análisis de las subpoblaciones Arope en la Unión Europea en tiempos de crisis. Rect@, Revista Electrónica de Comunicaciones y Trabajos de ASEPUMA, Vol. 19, nº2

Albaladejo, I.P. and González-Martínez, M.I. (2018), A nonlinear dynamic model for international tourism demand on the Spanish Mediterranean coasts, E+K Ekonomie a Management, vol. 4 (XXI), 65-78,

C. Nebot, J. Garcia-Solanes, A. Beyaert. (2018). “New insights into the nonlinearity of the ECB Taylor rule”, Applied Economics Letters,

Martínez-Sánchez, F. and Romeu, A., 2018, Development and software piracy, Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 12 (2018-8): 1–21.

Matilde Lafuente-Lechuga, Úrsula Faura-Martínez, Olga García-Luque, (2018) "European social models in times of crisis: Sapir’s contribution reviewed", International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 38 Issue: 3/4, pp.295-311,

Martín Castejón, P.J.; Lafuente-Lechuga, M. y Faura Martínez, U. (2018): "Efectos de la coordinación interdepartamental en los Trabajos Fin de Grado en la Facultad de Economía y Empresa de la Universidad de Murcia". Revista de Investigación en Educación, nº 16(1), 2018, pp. 5-15;

Sanchéz, M. M., Alarcón, G. y Buendía, (2018) J.D. “Tax evasion in Europe: An analysis based on spatial dependence”, Social Science Quaterly, Vol.99-1,7-23.

Camacho, M., Pacce, M. y Ulloa, C. (2018). Regional business cycle phases in Spain. Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 36: 875-896.

Camacho, M., Gadea, M. y Pérez Quiros, G. (2018). The Great Recession. Worse than ever?. Revista de Economía Aplicada, 76: 73-100

Camacho, M. y Pacce, M. (2018). Forecasting travelers in Spain with Google queries. Tourisn Economics, 24: 434-448.

Camacho, M., Pérez Quiros, G. y Poncela, P. (2018). Markov-switching dynamic factor models in real time. International Journal of Forecasting, 34: 598-611.



Faura-Martínez, U., Martín-Castejón, P.J. y Lafuente-Lechuga, M. (2017). "Un modelo conceptual para la realización del Trabajo Fin de Grado apoyado en el uso de las TICs". RED. Revista de Educación a Distancia, 53. Artíc. 7. 31-Marzo-2017.

Solana Ibáñez, J., Ibáñez Carpena, N., & Benito López, B. (2017). Determinants of the efficiency in Spanish foundations. Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review, 20(2), 176–194.

Solana Ibáñez, J., Para González, L., & De Nieves Nieto, C. (2017). Efficiency and exogenous factors: evidence from Spanish tourism regions. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion, 30(1).

Albaladejo, I.P., Martínez-García, M.P., (2017) “The Post-Stagnation Stage for Mature Tourism Areas: a Mathematical Modelling Process”  Tourism Economics, vol. 23(2), 387-402

Camacho, M., Palmieri, G. (2017). Latin American cycles: What has changed after the Great Recession?. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 53: 1170-1183.

Nakayama, S, Ruiz, M, Camacho, M. y Porfiri, M., (2017). Plasticity in leader-follower roles in human teams. Nature (Scientific Reports) 7: 14562.

Sanchéz, M. M. y Buendía, J.D., (2017) “Output growth thresholds for the creation of employment and the reduction of unemployment: A spatial analysis with panel data from the Spanish provinces, 2000–2011”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 67; 2017, 42-49.

Sanchéz, M. M. y Buendía, J.D., (2017), “Estimación del valor añadido bruto, dependencia espacial y datos de panel: Evidencia en el caso de los municipios de la Región de Murcia”, Estudios de Economía Aplicada, Vol. 35-2; 2017, 315-340.



Noguera-Méndez, P.; Molera Peris, L. and Semitiel-García, M. (2016) "The role of social learning in fostering farmers’ pro-environmental values and intentions", with P. Noguera-Méndez and María Semitiel-García, Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, vol.46, 81–92.   (

Solana Ibáñez, J., Caravaca Garratón, M., & Para González, L. (2016). Two-stage data envelopment analysis of Spanish regions: Efficiency determinants and stability analysis. Contemporary Economics, 10(3Special Issue), 259–274.

Martínez-Sánchez, F., 2016, Versioning Goods and Joint Purchase: Substitution and Complementarity Strategies, Prague Economic Papers, 25(5), 577-590.

Sánchez, M.M., Alarcón, G y Buendía, J.D., El rechazo al fraude fiscal en España: antes y después de la gran crisis. Hacienda pública española/Review of public economics, nº218-(3/2016).

Cabo, F., Martín-Herrán, G., Martínez-García, M.P., (2016) “Unbounded growth in the Neoclassical growth model with non-constant discounting”, Mathematical Social Sciences, November 2016, vol. 84, 93-104.

Cabo, F., Martín-Herrán, G., Martínez-García, M.P., (2016) “A note on the stability of fully endogenous growth with increasing returns and exhaustible resources” Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol. 20 (3), 819-831

Martínez-García, M.P and Morales, J.R. (2016) “Resource effects in the Core-periphery model” with José, R. Morales, Geocomplexity Discussion Papers, ISSN 2409-7497.

Albaladejo, I.P., González-Martínez, M.I., Martínez-García, M.P., "Nonconstant reputation effect in a dynamic tourism demand model for Spain", Tourism Management, April 2016, vol.53, 132-139.

Alvarez, R., Camacho, M., y Perez Quiros, G. 2016. Aggregate versus disaggregate information in dynamic factor models. International Journal of Forecasting, 32: 680-694.

Camacho, M., Leiva-Leon, D., y Perez Quiros, G. 2016. Country shocks, monetary policy expectations and ECB decisions. A dynamic non-linear approach. Advances in Econometrics, 35: 283-316.

Faura-Martínez, U; Lafuente-Lechuga, M. y García-Luque, O. (2016). "Risk of Poverty or Social Exclusion: Evolution during the Economic Crisis and Territorial Perspective". Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS), 156: 59-76.(

García Luque O.,Faura-Martínez U. y Lafuente-Lechuga M. "Objetivo Europa 2020. La reducción de la pobreza y la exclusión social en España" (2016). Papers Revista de Sociología, vol. 101, nº4, 203-526. ( [[

Lafuente-Lechuga, M.;Faura-Martínez, U. y García Luque, O."Situación actual de los estados de bienestar europeos", (2016). Capítulo de Libro: Investigaciones en Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa. Homenaje al profesor Rafael Herrerías Pleguezuelo, Capítulo 28, 429-443. ISBN: 978-84-338-5938-9

Parra Frutos, I. (2016). Preliminary tests when comparing means. Computational Statistics, 31(4), 1607-1631.


Camacho, M., Perez Quiros, G. y Poncela, P. 2015. Extracting nonlinear signals from several economic indicators. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 30: 1073-1089.

Albaladejo, I. P., and Martínez-GarcíaM. P.,  "An R&D endogenous growth model of international tourism", with I.P. Albadalejo, Tourism Economics, August 2015, vol. 21(4), 701-719.

Cabo, F., Martín-Herrán, G., and Martínez-GarcíaM.P., "Economic growth and natural resources", AERNA Newsletter, July 2015, vol. 3 

Arnaldos, F., Faura, U., Lafuente, M., López, F.A., Silva, M., Frecuencia de Uso de las plataformas virtuales de enseñanza. Una comparacion Moodle versus Sakai en los estudios de perfil económico. Revista de Investigación en Educación, vol. 13, 69-87, (2015)

Buendía Azorín, José D., Sánchez de la Vega, Mª del Mar, "Capital effects on labour productivity in EU regions". Applied Economics, Volume 47, Issue 45, 2015

Buendía Azorín, José D., Sánchez de la Vega, Mª del Mar, "Efectos del capital humano sobre la productividad del trabajo bajo condiciones de dependencia espacial: el caso de las provincias españolas". Información Comercial Española. Revista de Economía, Nº 883; 2015, 183-195

Buendía Azorín, José D., Sánchez de la Vega, Mª del Mar, "El modelo de Kaldor bajo condiciones de dependencia espacial: el caso de las provinicias españolas". Economía Industrial, Nº 395; 2015, 149-157.

Buendía Azorín, José D., Sánchez de la Vega, Mª del Mar, "La distribución del desempleo en las provincias españolas: Un análisis con datos de panel mediante el filtrado espacial". Investigaciones Regionales, Nº 27; 2013, 143-154.

Cabo, F., Martín-Herrán, G.,  and Martínez-GarcíaM.P., "Non-constant discounting and Ak-type growth models" with F. Cabo and G. Martín-Herrán, Economic Letters, June 2015, vol. 131, 54-58.

Camacho, M., dal Bianco, M., y Martinez-Martin, J. 2015. Short-Run Forecasting of Argentine GDP Growth (with Marcos dal Bianco and Jaime Martinez-Martin). Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 51: 473-485.

Camacho, M., dal Bianco, M., y Martinez-Martin, J. 2015. Toward a more reliable picture of the economic activity: An application to Argentina. Economics Letters 132: 129-132.

Camacho, M., Lovcha, Y., Perez Quiros. 2015. Can we use seasonally adjusted indicators in dynamic factor models? Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 19: 377-391.

Camacho, M., y Martinez-Martin, J. 2015. Monitoring the world business cycle. Economic Modelling 51: 617-625.

González-Maestre, M. and Martínez-Sánchez, F., 2015, Quality choice and advertising regulation in broadcasting markets, Journal of Economics, 114(2), 107-126.

Lafuente Lechuga, M., Faura Martínez, U.,  2015. Crisis y Evolución Regional del Indicador AROPE en España. Rect@: Revista Electrónica de Comunicaciones y Trabajos de Asepuma 0, VOL. 16, Nº2,91-104 (2015)

López-Cuñat, J. M. and Martínez-Sánchez, F., 2015, Anti-piracy policy and quality differential in markets for information goods,European Journal of Law and Economics, 39(2), 375-401

Molinos-Senante, María,  Sala-Garrido, Ramón, Lafuente, Matilde, "The Role of Environmental Variables on the Efficiency of Water and Sewerage Companies: A Case Study for Chile" .  Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2015). DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-4225-0. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015.

Ruiz Marín, M., Lafuente Lechuga, M., Faura Martínez, U.,Identifying the most relevant lag with runs.. ENTROPY 0, vol. 17,2706-2722 (2015)



Albaladejo, I.P., González-Martínez, M.I., Martínez-García, M.P., "Quality and endogenous tourism: an empirical approach", Tourism Management, April 2014, vol. 41, 141-147. Free access in

Cabo, F., Martín-Herrán, G., and Martínez-GarcíaM.P., "Can Sustained Growth be Attained through Trading Exhaustible Resources for Foreign Research", The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, vol. 23, nº 2, 267-298.

Cabo, F., Martín-Herrán, G., and Martínez-García, M.P.,"On the Effect of Resource Exploitation on Growth: Domestic Innovation vs. Technological Diffusion Through Trade", in Dynamic Optimization in Environmental Economics (series on Dynamic Modeling and econometrics in Economics and Finance vol. 15), E. Moser, W. Semmler, G. Tragler, V. Veliov (eds), Springer-Verlag, 243-264

Beyaert, A., Output gap and non-linear convergence (with José García-Solanes), Journal of Policy Modelling, 36 (2014), pp. 121-135. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpolmod.2013.11.001

Cabo, F., Martín-Herrán, G., and Martínez-García, M.P., "Property rights for natural resources and sustainable growth in a two-country trade model",  Decisions in Economics and Finance (special issue on nonlinear economic dynamics), April 2014, vol.37, nº1, 99-123

Cabo, F., Martín-Herrán, G., and Martínez-García, M.P., "Global Warming and R&D-Based Growth in a Trade Model between Environmentally Sensitive and Environmentally Neglectful Countries", in The Oxford Handbook of the Macroeconomics of Global Warming, W. Semmler and L. Bernard (eds.). Oxford University Press. 

Camacho, M., Perez Quiros, G., and Poncela, P. Green shoots and double dips in the Euro area. A real time measure. International Journal of Forecasting 30: 520-535.

Camacho, M., and Garcia Serrador, A. The Euro-Sting revisited: the usefulness of financial indicators to obtain euro area GDP. Journal of Forecasting 33: 186-197.

Camacho, M., and Perez-Quiros, G. Commodity prices and the business cycle in Latin America: Living and dying by commodities. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 50: 111–137.

González-Maestre, M. and Martínez-Sánchez, F., 2014, The Role of Program Quality and Publicly-owned Platforms in the Free to Air Broadcasting Industry, SERIEs – Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 5(1), 105-124.

Parra Frutos, I. Controllíng the Type I error rate by using the nonparametric bootstrap when comparing means British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 67, 117-132 (January 2014). DOI: 10.1111/bmsp.12011

Camacho, M., y Martínez-Martín, J. 2014. Real-time forecasting US  GDP from small-scale factor models. Empirical Economics 47: 347-364.

Ruiz, Manuel, Faura, Úrsula, Lafuente, Matilde, Dore, Mohammed,“Nonparametric Tests for Serial Dependence Based on Runs”, 2014. Nonlinear Dynamics Psycology and Life Sciences vol.2, nº18, 123-136, EEUUISSN 1090-0578



Albaladejo, I. P., & Martínez-García, M. P. . An endogenous growth model of international tourism. Tourism Economics, 19(3), 509-529. 2013

Buendía Azorín, J.D. y Sánchez de la Vega, M.M.: "La distribución del desempleo en las provincias españolas: Un análisis con datos de panel mediante el filtrado espacial". Investigaciones regionales, vol. 27, en prensa. 2013

Camacho, M. 2013. Mixed-frequency VAR models with Markov-switching dynamics. Economics Letters 121: 369–373.

Camacho, M., Perez-Quiros, G., and Poncela, P. Short-term forecasting for empirical economists. A survey of the recently proposed algorithms. In Foundations and Trends in Econometrics 6: 101-161.

García Luque O., Lafuente Lechuga M., Faura Martínez U.,  "El perfil de la Exclusión Social en Murcia y España: el impacto de la crisis" (2013). Rect@, vol. 14, nº2, 213-228.

Lafuente Lechuga, M., Faura Martínez, U., Análisis de los individuos vulnerables a la exclusión social en España en 2009.  Anales de Asepuma, VOL. 21,3003-3023 (2013)

Martínez García, Mª Pilar, Cabo, F., Martín Herrán, G., "Global Warming and R&D-Based Growth in a Trade Model between Environmentally Sensitive and Environmentally Neglectful Countries",, to appear in The Oxford Handbook of the Macroeconomics of Climate Change, W. Semmler and L. Bernard (eds.). Oxford University Press. 2013

Martínez García, Mª Pilar, Cabo, F., Martín Herrán, G., "On the Effect of Resource Exploitation on Growth: Domestic Innovation vs. Technological Diffusion Through Trade, to appear in Dynamic Optimization in Environmental Economics, E. Moser, W. Semmler, G. Tragler, V. Veliov (eds), Springer. 2013

Martínez-Sánchez, F., 2013, Time to Market and Impatient Customers, Bulletin of Economic Research, 65 (2), 194-202.

Parra Frutos, I.. Testing homogeneity of variances with unequal simple sizes. Computational Statistics, 28(3), p. 1269-1297. 2013


Albaladejo-Pina, I., Martínez-García, M. P., An endogenous growth model of international tourism, Tourism Economics, forthcoming.

Álvarez Díez, S., Combining structural models and accounting-based models for measuring credit risk in real estate companies (with Baixauli, S. and Modica Milo, A.), International Journal of Managerial Finance, vol. 8, nº 1, 2012.

Álvarez Díez, S., Implied severity density estimation: an extended semiparametric method to compute credit value at risk (with S. Baixauli), Computational Economics, forthcoming.

Álvarez Díez, S., Propuesta de un indicador de salud financiera y su efecto en la predicción del fracaso empresarial (with Modica Milo, A. and Baixauli, S.), Revista International de Administración y Finanzas, vol. 5, nº 3 ,19-40, 2012.

Arnaldos García, F., Faura Martinez, U., Aprendizaje de los fundamentos de la probabilidad apoyado en las tics, @tic, Revista d'Innovació Educativa, vol. 9, 131-139.

Beyaert, A., Fiscal awareness: A study of female versus male attitude towards tax fraud in Spain (with Gloria Alarcón and Laura de Pablos), in Tax Evasion and the Shadow Economy, M. Pickhardt & A. Prinz (eds.), Chapter 4, Edward Elgar Publishing Company, 2012, ISBN 978 0 85793 703 2 (ebook isbn 978 1 78100 674 0)

Beyaert, A.,Electoral cycles and local government debt management (with Francisco Bastida and Bernardino Benito), Local Government Studies, DOI: 10.1080/03003930.2012.683861 (

Camacho, M., Domenech, R. (2012). MICA-BBVA: A factor model of economic and financial indicators for short-term GDP forecasting. Journal of the Spanish Economic Association (SERIES) 3:475-497.

dal Bianco, M., Camacho, M., y Perez Quiros, G. 2012. Short-run forecasting of the euro-dollar exchange rates with economic fundamentals. Journal of International Money and Finance 31: 377-396.

Faura Martínez U., Lafuente Lechuga M.  "Evolución de los Factores de Riesgo de Exclusión Social por Regiones en España". (2012). Revista de Estudios Regionales, vol. 95 ,175-197.

Faura Martínez, Úrsula, Gómez Gallego, Juan, Pérez Cárceles, Mª Concepción, Gómez García, Juan, Comparación de Rankings de Eficiencia Mediante Ánalisis de Componentes Principales y DEA. Estadística Española, Vol. 54, No. 178/2012, pp 199-215

Lafuente Lechuga, M, Faura Martinez, Losa, A., Medición y Análisis de la vulnerabilidad a la exclusión social en España (2004-2009). Estudios de Economia Aplicada

Lafuente Lechuga, M., Faura Martínez, U., Estudio de la vulnerabilidad a la exclusión social por comunidades autónomas en España (2005-2009). Revista de Investigaciones Regionales.

Martínez García, Mª Pilar, Cabo, F., Martín Herrán, G., "Property rights for natural resources and sustainable growth in a two-country trade model", Decisions in Economics and Finance (special issue on nonlinear economic dynamics), August 2012,

Martínez García, Mª Pilar, Cabo, F., Martín Herrán, G.,"Can Sustained Growth be Attained through Trading Exhaustible Resources for Foreign Research", The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, November 2012

Martínez Sánchez, Francisco, Collusion in Software Markets (2012). Economics Bulletin, Vol. 32 No. 2 pp. 1345-1352

Ruiz Marín, M,. Causalidad espacial. Una aplicación al proceso de deforestación en Bolivia (with J. Aliaga, M. Herrera, D. Legua, J. Mur, H.Villegas). Investigaciones regionales.

Ruiz Marín, M,. Spatial pattern analysis of shot attempts in basketball; The case of Los Angeles Lakers from 2007 to 2009 (with Fernando López y José A. Martínez). International Journal of Medicine and Science of Physical Activity and Sport.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2012, Detecting The Order of Spatial Dependence Via Symbolic Analysis, (with Mariano Matilla, Julián Rodríguez), International Journal of Geographical Information Science. DOI: 10.1080 / 13658816.2011.620571.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2012, Measuring Ethnic Clustering and Exposure with the Q statistic: An Exploratory Analysis of Irish, Germans, and Yankees in 1880 Newark, (with Antonio Paez, Fernando López, y John Logan), Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 102(1), pp 84—102.

Ruiz Marín, M., A method to analyze measurement invariance under uncertainty in between-subjects design; an application to sport (with José A. Martínez and Mª C. Vivo). The Spanish Journal of Psychology.



Álvarez Díez, Susana y Sánchez de la Vega, Mª del Mar, Matemáticas para la Empresa II. Cálculo Diferencial. 2011. Ed. Diego Marín.

Beyaert, A., 2011, Modelling the impact of antibiotic use on antiviotic-resistant Escherichia coli using population-based data from a large hospital and its surrounding community, (with Nathalie Vernaz et al.), Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.

Camacho, M., 2011, Markov-switching models and the unit root hypothesis in real U.S. GDP, Economics Letters, 112: 161-164.

Camacho, M., 2011, Spain-STING: Spain Short Term INdicator of Growth (with Gabriel Perez-Quiros), The Manchester School, 79: 594-616.

Camacho, M., 2011, High-growth recoveries, inventories and the Great Moderation (with Gabriel Perez-Quiros and Hugo Rodríguez Mendizabal), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 35: 1322-1339.

González-Férez, J.,2011, Exactness of Direct Limits in the Category of Firm Modules (with Marín, L.), Journal of Algebra, 330(1), pp. 298-313.

Lafuente Lechuga, M., Faura Martínez, U., 2011, Medidas y caracterización de la vulnerabilidad a la exclusión social de los hogares en España (with Antonio Losa Carmona), Rect@: Revista Electrónica de Comunicaciones y Trabajos de Asepuma , VOL. 12 ,53-68.

Martínez-Sánchez, F., 2011, Bertrand Competition in a Mixed Duopoly Market: A Note, The Manchester School, 79 (6), 1058-1060.

Martínez-Sánchez, F., 2011, Collusion, Competition and piracy, Applied Economics Letters, 18 (11), 1043-1047.

Ruiz Marin, M., 2011, Advanced Methods and Applications in Regional Science, (with Mariano Matilla), Annals of Regional Science, 47, pp 249--252.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2011, Comparison of Thematic Maps Using Symbolic Entropy, (with Fernando López y Antonio Paez), International Journal of Geographical Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2011.586327.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2011, D-test: A new test for analyzing scale invariance using symbolic dynamics and symbolic entropy}, (with José A. Martinez), Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 7(3), pp 88-95.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2011, Testing Causality in Time Series, (with Mariano Matilla) en el libro: Advances in Discrete Dynamics, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN 9781612096780.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2011, Testing Nonlinear Dependence in Financial Markets, (with Mohammed Dore, Mariano Matilla), Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, 15 (3), pp 407--418.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2011,Spatial Symbolic Entropy: a tool for detecting the order of contiguity, (with Mariano Matilla), Geographical Analysis, 43(2), pp 228–239.
Ruiz Marín, M., 2011, Subgroup Separability in integral group rings, (with Ángel del Río y Pavel Zalesski), Journal of Algebra, 347 (1), `pp 60--68.



Álvarez Díez, S, 2010, The role of market-implied severity modeling for credit var, (with Samuel Baixauli), Annals of Economics and Finance, vol. 11 , nº 2 ,377-393

Álvarez Díez, S., 2010, Coverage properties of beta estimated prediction intervals for multimodal recovery rates (with Samuel Baixauli), Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, vol. 80 , nº 1 ,111-117.

Camacho, M., 2010, Introducing the EURO-STING: Short Term INdicator of Euro Area Growth (with Gabriel Perez-Quiros), Journal of Applied Econometrics, 25: 663-694.

Faura Martinez, U. ,2010, Índice de desarrollo humano: aplicación al caso de méxico de una nueva propuesta metodológica(with garcia luque, o.; losa carmona, a.), in: Realidades y Debates sobre el Desarrollo, (Eugenio Sánchez Alcázar, ed.), Editum, pp.181-202.

Faura Martinez, U.; Gomez Garcia, J., 2010, Eficiencia y especialización en las cajas de ahorro españolas. Anales de Economía Aplicada, nº xxiv , pp.1948-1962.

González-Férez, J.,2011, Monomorphisms and Kernels in the Category of Firm Modules (with Marín, L.), Glasgow. Math. J., 52A, pp. 83-91./

Lafuente Lechuga, M., 2010, Una aplicación del análisis envolvente de datos a la evaluación del desarrollo. El caso de las entidades federativas de México (with Esteban Yago, M., Losa Carmona, A.), in: Realidades y Debates sobre el Desarrollo, (Eugenio Sánchez Alcázar, ed.), Editum, pp. 119-42.

Lafuente Lechuga, M., 2010, Una estimación de los perfiles de calidad de vida en los países en desarrollo (with Antonio Losa Carmona), in: Desarrollo Local y Cooperación Internacional (Eugenio Sánchez Alcázar, ed.), Editum, pp. 179-213.

Martínez García, M. P., 2010, Exhaustible resources and fully-endogenous growth with non-scale effects, (withCabo, F., Martín-Herrán, G.), Montreal CIREQ Working Papers, Vol. 10, 73-100.

Martínez-Sánchez, F., 2010, Avoiding Commercial Piracy, Information Economics and Policy, 22 (4), 398-408.

Parra Frutos, I., 2010, A Queuing-Based Model for Optimal Dimension of Service Firms, SERIEs(Spanish Economic Review e Investigaciones Económicas) 1(4), 459-474 (2010).

Ruiz Marín, M, 2010, Detecting structure in non-linear economic time series via symbolic analysis, en el libro: Nonlinear Economic Dynamics; Editores: Tönu Puu y Anastasiia Panchuck, Editorial NOVA, ISBN: 978-1-61668-788-5.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2010, A New Test for Chaos and Determinism based on Symbolic Dynamics, (with Mariano Matilla), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 76, pp 600-614.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2010, A Symbolic Test for Testing Independence Between Time Series, (with Mariano Matilla, Jose M. Rodríguez) Journal of Time Series Analysis, 31 (2), pp. 86--97.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2010, An Entropy Test for Single-Locus Genetic Association Analysis, (with Mariano Matilla Garcia, Jose Antonio Garc\'{\i}a Cordoba, Juan Luis Susillo Gonzalez, Alejandro Romo Astorga, Antonio Gonzalez Perez, Agustin Ruiz y Javier Gayan), BMC Genetics, 11:19, pp 1-15.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2010, Detecting Chaos in a Duopoly Model Via Symbolic Dynamics, (with José Cánovas y TönuPuu) Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System - B, 13 (2), pp269--278.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2010, Four Tests of Independence in spatio-temporal data, (with Fernando López, Mariano Matilla, Jesús Mur), Papers in Regional Science, 90 (3), pp 663--685.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2010, The dynamic adjustment of the financial ratios under a Partial Adjustment model with Adaptive Expectations specification, (with Mariluz Maté Sánchez), International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 58, pp 91--96.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2010,Non-Parametric Spatial Independence Test Using Symbolic Entropy, (with Fernando López, Mariano Matilla, Jesús Mur) Regional Science and Urban Economics, 40 2-3, pp 106--115.

Sánchez de la Vega, Mª del Mar, La implantación experimental de los créditos ECTS en primero de ADE durante el curso 2008-2009. En Experiencias de Innovación Educativa en la Universidad de Murcia (2009). 2010.



Albaladejo Pina I.P., Diaz Delfa, M. T., 2009, Tourist preferences for rural house stays: evidence from discrete choice modelling in Spain. Tourism Management, VOL. 30, 805-811.

Álvarez Díez, S., 2009, On the accuracy of loss-given-default prediction intervals (with Samuel Baixáuli), Journal of Risk Finance, vol. 10 , nº 2 ,131-141.

Beyaert, A., Pérez-Castejón, J.J., 2009, Markov-switching models, rational expectations and the term structure of interest rates, Applied Economics, 473, vol.41, nº3, 399-412.

Camacho, M., 2009, Income distribution changes across the 1990s expansion: the role of taxes and transfers (with Aida Galiano), Economics Bulletin 4: 3177-3185.

Lafuente Lechuga, M., 2009, Aspectos cuantitativos del análisis económico, in: Aspectos Matemáticos, Estadísticos e Informáticos Aplicados a La Economía y La Empresa (Bernal, J.J. & Sala, R., eds.), Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, pp. 15-186.

Lafuente Lechuga, M., Faura Martínez, U., 2009, Pobreza y privación en España, (with Olga García Luque and Antonio Losa Carmona), Rect@: Revista Electrónica de Comunicaciones y Trabajos de Asepuma, vol. 10, nº 1, 1-28.

Lafuente Lechuga, M., Faura Martínez, U., 2009, Disparidad territorial de la pobreza dinámica en España (with Olga García Luque), Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 12, vol. 27-2 ,417-436.

Molera Peris M.L., Albaladejo Pina I.P., 2009, Length of stay in rural tourism: a local case,International Journal Of Tourism Policy , vol. 2, 58-71.

Molera Peris M.L., Albaladejo Pina I.P., Diaz Delfa, M. T., 2009, Un estudio sobre los turistas de alojamiento privado en la costa cálida. Estudios Turísticos, vol. 179, 27-40.

Parra Frutos, I., 2009, The behaviour of the modified Levene's test when data are not normally distributed, Journal of Computational Statistics, 24(4), 671-693.

Ruiz Marin, M., 2009, Antisymmetric elements in group rings with an orientation morphism, (with O. Broche, E. Jespers) Forum Mathematicum, 21 (3), pp 427--454.

Ruiz Marin, M., 2009, Antisymmetric elements in groups rings II (with O. Broche, E. Jespers, C. P. Milies), Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 8 (1), pp 115--127.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2009, Detection of Non-linear Structure in Time Series, (with Mariano Matilla) Economics Letters, 105 (1), pp1--6.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2009, Testing for spatial Association of Qualitative Data Using Symbolic Dynamics, (with Fernando López y Antonio Paez), Journal of Geographical Systems, 12 (3), pp 281—309.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2009, Unitary Units Satisfying a Group Identity (with O. Broche, Ann Dooms), Communications in Algebra, 37 (5), pp 1729--1738.

Ruiz Marín, M., 2009, Modelo dinámico de toma de decisiones para el ajuste de la oferta y la demanda de médicos especialistas en la Región de Murcia, (with Jose A. García, Fernando López, José A. Martínez, Francisco Molina, Mari Carmen Vivo), Texto de salud, conocimiento y sociedad.

Sánchez de la Vega, Mª del Mar, experiencias de adaptación al EEES en los primeros cursos de la licenciatura en ADE. 1-10. En:Jornadas sobre el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior: El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior en el horizonte 2010".. 2009.

Sánchez de la Vega, Mª del Mar, la implantación experimental de los créditos ECTS en primero de ADE durante el curso 2008-2009. Reflexiones sobre la inminente implantación del grado en ADE.1-15. En: Jornadas sobre el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior: El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior en el horizonte 2010". 2009.

Sánchez de la Vega, Mª del Mar, la asignatura de matemáticas para la empresa en la experiencia piloto de adaptación al EEES. 1-10. en: Jornadas sobre el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior: "El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior en el horizonte 2010". 2009.