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new New Deadline for Contributions: February the 15th new



7-9 May, 2009, University of Murcia


The organising committee of the 1st International Conference on Corpus Linguistics is pleased to announce the AELINCO Conference to be held at the University of Murcia (Campus de la Merced), from 7th to 9th May, 2009.

Researchers are invited to submit paper proposals in English or Spanish for 20-minute presentations or for poster sessions. Papers are welcome from a range of subfields, including applied corpus linguistics, corpus-based and corpus-driven language research, corpus creation and annotation, software development, or any other aspect of corpus linguistics.

The following scholars have confirmed participation as plenary speakers:

  • Michael Barlow, Universidad de Auckland (New Zealand)
  • Adam Kilgarriff, Lexicography MasterClass (United Kingdom)
  • Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Universidad de Aston, Birmingham (United Kingdom)
  • Guillermo Rojo, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
  • Pascual Cantos, Universidad de Murcia (Spain)

And the Programme Committee includes many prestigious international and national scholars:

Programme Committee:

International Members

Guy Aston (Italy)
Michael Barlow (New Zealand)
Douglas Biber (Arizona, USA)
Mark Davies (Utah, USA)
Adam Kilgarriff (UK)
Ramesh Krishnamurthy (UK)
Francisco Marcos Marín (Texas, USA)
Ute Römer (Michigan, USA)
Michael Stubbs (Germany)
Wolfgang Teubert (UK)
Chris Tribble (UK)

National Members

Guadalupe Aguado (Madrid)
Alejandro Alcaraz Sintes (Jaén)
Margarita Alonso Ramos (Coruña)
Antonio Briz (Valencia)
Teresa Cabré (Barcelona)
Pascual Cantos (Murcia)
Gloria Corpas (Málaga)
Andrés Enrique Arias (Mallorca)
Ana Fernández Montraveta (Barcelona)
María Luz Gil Salom (Valencia)
Julia Lavid (Madrid)
María José Luzón (Zaragoza)

Carmen Mellado Blanco (Santiago)
Antonio Moreno Sandoval (Madrid)
Javier Pérez Guerra (Vigo)
Guillermo Rojo (Santiago)
Aquilino Sánchez (Murcia)
Juan Santana Lario (Granada)
Ramón Sarmiento (Madrid)
José Simón (Alcalá de Henares)
Carlos Subirats (Barcelona)
Isabel Verdaguer (Barcelona)
Xulio Viejo Fernández (Oviedo)


CILC-09 builds upon a series of previous international conferences and seminars that have contributed to establishing a tradition of corpus linguistics research in Spain:

·  XII Susanne Hübner Seminar. Corpus Linguistics: Theory and Application for the Study of English. Zaragoza, 2003.
· 6th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference (TALC). Granada, 2004.
·  1st International Conference on Corpus-Based Approaches to English Language Teaching. Castellón de la Plana, 2007.
·  Coloquio Internacional sobre Corpus Diacrónicos en Lenguas Iberorromances. Palma de Mallorca, 2007.
·  International Seminar “New Trends in Corpus Linguistics for Language Teaching and Translation Studies. In Honour of John Sinclair”. Granada, 2008.

With CILC-09, AELINCO is setting a new goal. While previous corpus linguistics events in Spain have centred on specific topics, e.g. research into one language or particular applications of corpora, CILC-09 is intended to widen the scope and begin a conference series devoted to Corpus Linguistics as a discipline.

You can find information on paper submission and registration fees in the Main Menu. The Second Circular will include details about travelling and accomodation. We look forward to seeing you in Murcia.

The Organising Committee:

President: Aquilino Sánchez Pérez
Vice-President: Pascual Cantos Gómez
Secretary: Moisés Almela Sánchez
Webmaster & Correspondence: Nila Vázquez
Assts. Secretary:
Juan M. Hernández Campoy
Lourdes Cerezo García
Raquel Criado Sánchez
Laura Esteban Segura
Camino Rea Rizzo
Gema Alcaraz Mármol
Teresa Marqués



Information: cilc09@um.es



1st International AELINCO Conference
(Spanish Association of Corpus Linguistics)
University of Murcia, 7-9 May 2009

The Organising Committee


Webpage created and maintained by Nila Vázquez
Last updated: 10/27/08