Interactive revision of the visceral systems: thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities of the dog
 Veterinary Anatomy
 Murcia (Spain)
The recommended resolution for this program is 1024x768. [PRESENTATION] [PRACTICALS]
Welcome to the Interactive revision of the visceral systems: thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities of the dog. The following pages are divided into two sections, which in turn have their own separate parts

From here it is possible to go to the introduction, become familiarised with the objectives of this exercise with a series of instructions for the use of this program.

Click on the following link to follow the interactive dissections

This program has been developed by:
Gregorío Ramírez Zarzosa, José F. Rives Lirola, Juan Egea García
Programming and organisation IT support General Supervision Collaboration
Gregorio Ramirez Zarzosa
José María Vazquez Autón
*Juan Egea García
*Jose F. Rives Lirola
José María Vazquez Autón

Octavio López Albors
Francisco Gil Cano
Rafael Latorre Reviriego
Mª Dolores Ayala Florenciano
Francisco Martínez Gomariz
Alberto Arencibia Espinosa
Cayetano Sánchez Collado
Juan Ros Sempere
Daniel Rojo Rios
Mariano Orenes Hernández

Veterinary Anatomy. Murcia (Spain) * GAT. ATICA. Murcia (Spain)

English translation IT support General Supervision Collaboration
Gemma Gaitskell-Phillips Nick Short

David Kilroy

Sonya Powney

Raymond Macharia

Department of Veterinary Basic Sciences and Electronic Media Unit. Royal Veterinary College. London (United Kingdom)

Veterinary Anatomy. Murcia. (Spain) English Version © 2009. Legal Registration: MU-1221-2009, I.S.B.N.:978-84-692-0901-1