
Doctorado en Electroquímica, Ciencia y Tecnología (Interuniversitario)

Doctorado en Electroquímica, Ciencia y Tecnología

The joint Doctoral Programme we propose builds on the experience gained in the former Doctoral Programme in Electrochemistry: Science and Technology. With this new programme, we intend to contribute to meet the research training needs in Electrochemistry, providing future researchers with the necessary knowledge and experience to develop leading research in the field. It is, therefore, a natural continuity of the former programme and counts on the recently approved joint Master’s Degree in Electrochemistry as prior training.

We expect the capacities acquired by successful students to allow them to move towards quality research in this field. Justifying the need for research in the field of ​​Electrochemistry is straightforward, since it is present in most of the products we regularly use or consume (batteries, accumulators, sectors such as galvanising, the production of metals like aluminium, zinc or nickel, the production of chlorine, which is very useful in the chemical industry, the treatment of wastewater and so on). All of this justifies the need for specific and high-level training. In fact, the recent developments in ​​mobile telephony were made possible due to a substantial improvement in batteries; similarly, the non-saline electrolysers for swimming pools or the development of fuel cells for hybrid vehicles also have a great deal to do with electrochemistry.

Our exploitation patents based on electrochemical processes and products also bring to light our teams and researchers’ extensive relationships with the productive sectors through a large number of research contracts with private companies. Spanish electrochemical companies must innovate to raise their competitiveness and increase their sales which means many such companies will require trained doctors who are capable of meeting these challenges.

On the other hand, the need to do applied research to solve industrial problems at the electrochemical level persists, as is the case in technology centres where the demand for PhD staff in Electrochemistry continues to increase. Ultimately, it will always be necessary to train researchers and future lecturers in Basic and Applied Electrochemistry.


Ángela Molina Gómez
 Facultad de Química
Campus Universitario de Espinardo, 30100
+34 868 88 7524
+34 868 88 4148

Portal de Estudios de la Universidad de Murcia
Teléfono: 868 88 88 88

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