Admission criteria (PhD in Electrochemistry: Science and Technology)

Access requirements

The recommended access profile is a student in possession of a degree in Science or Engineering and a master's degree in those areas, including advanced training in Electrochemistry. In this sense, the most appropriate master’s degree is in Electrochemistry, Science and Technology. In addition, the student must have at least a basic knowledge of English that enables them to fully understand the ideas expressed in scientific articles, to interact fluently enough with native speakers and to produce clear scientific texts. If the student were only able to understand scientific texts, this would also be considered reasonable.

There are different access profiles, namely:

  1. To have a master’s degree in Electrochemistry, Science and Technology, to have obtained “research sufficiency” in the former Doctoral Programme in Electrochemistry: Science and Technology regulated by Royal Decree 778/1998 or to have completed the training period of the PhD programme in Electrochemistry, Science and Technology regulated by Royal Decree 1393/2007.
  2. To have a master’s degree obtained in any EHEA institution, with a training content equivalent to the master’s degree in Electrochemistry, Science and Technology.
  3. To have a degree giving access to the doctoral programme. The degree will be in Sciences, Engineering or related areas, and must include at least 16 ECTS in methodology and research training or equivalent and the final degree work or any equivalent project must have involved research work completed by the student.
  4. To have a degree in Sciences, Engineering or related areas giving access to the doctoral programme not referred to in point 3.

The programme Academic Commission will be in charge of establishing the qualifications considered in points 2, 3, and 4 of this regulation.

Admission profile

The admission criteria to the programme are as follows:

a) Qualification giving access to the doctoral programme: Up to 5 points. This section is scored as follows:

i. To have the master's degree in Electrochemistry, Science and Technology or have the Diploma of Advanced Studies of the Doctoral Programme in Electrochemistry: Science and Technology regulated by Royal Decree 778/1998: 5 points.
ii. To have a master’s degree obtained in any EHEA institution with training in Electrochemistry equivalent to that of the master’s degree in Electrochemistry, Science and Technology. 4.5 points.
iii. To have a qualification in Sciences, Engineering or related areas that gives access to the doctoral programme and includes at least 16 ECTS credits of methodological and research training or equivalent and to have completed the final degree work or equivalent in research: 3 points.

b) Overall academic record achieved in the qualification(s) giving access to the doctoral programme: up to 2 points. Both academic records: the bachelor’s degree (up to 1.6 points) and the master’s degree (up to 0.4 points) will be assessed. In both cases, the file having averaged 4 points in a 1-4 scale will have the highest score

c) Academic results in subjects related to the doctoral programme: up to 2 points. The number of credits of each subject related to Electrochemistry will be added by the numerical rating in the scale 1-4. The student with the best score will be given 2 points and the rest will obtain points proportionally

d) EProfessional experience: up to 1 point. Each year of professional experience related to Electrochemistry will score 0.2 points. 

The criteria will be public and will be displayed on the official website of the doctoral programme during the pre-registration period. Candidates who are not accepted will be notified by the programme Academic Commission with a reasoned resolution

For students with special educational needs resulting from disability, the programme Academic Commission, based on a report provided by the support services of the university where the student is enrolled, may establish a specific training programme for the student. This adaptation may consist in extensions of the deadlines to meet the requirements for the thesis defence and/or the recommendation of one or more specific areas of Electrochemistry particularly suitable to performing the doctoral thesis.

Students with special educational needs

Article 8 of the Doctorate Regulations of the University of Murcia states that in the event of students with special educational needs derived from a disability, the selection and admissions systems and procedures will include the relevant action to favour, as far as possible, equality in the access conditions and integration in all aspects. To do so, the Service of Attention to Diversity and Volunteers (ADV) will evaluate the need for possible syllabus adaptations.

Places on the programme

Number of places available: 55