Research teams and lines (PhD in Economics)

Research team No. 1: Health Economics, Micro-economics, and Finances

Research line No. 1: Health and Behavioural Economics

Description of the line: Some of the major questions arising in the two disciplines named are covered in the research line. In Health Economics, students will learn about the economic analysis of health determinants, from a modern and also a historical approach; economic assessment of health interventions; monetary valuation of human life; or the study of dependency between health expenditure and the value of informal care. As far as Behavioural Economics is concerned, in this research line doctoral students will apply microeconomics theories based on psychological premises which are more realistic than standard decision-making theory; and they will deal with the contrast of some hypotheses regarding the operation of markets by means of experiments. The main characteristic of this research line is the combination of both approaches; the doctoral student will therefore apply principles and tools of Behavioural Economics to the economic analysis of health and health services.


Abellán Perpiñán, José María PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Badillo Amador, Lourdes PhD.
Professional Status: Associate Professor. Technical University of Cartagena

Cobacho Tornel, María Belén
Professional Status: Associate Professor. Technical University of Cartagena

Martínez Pérez, Jorge Eduardo PhD.
Professional Status: Associate Professor. University of Murcia

Méndez Martínez, Ildefonso PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Romeu Santana, Andrés PhD.
Professional Status: Associate Professor. University of Murcia

Sánchez Martínez, Fernando I. PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Vilaplana Prieto, Cristina PhD.
Professional Status: Associate Professor. University of Murcia

López Nicolás, Ángel PhD.
Professional Status: Professor. Technical University of Cartagena

Research line No. 2: Finances

Description of the line: Analysis of finances. Specifically, we propose the creation of models to establish interest rates; studying their volatility; analysing the evolution of equity options; establishing the evolution of risk and analysing the effects of market information and financial statements in forecasting bankruptcy.


Álvarez Díez, Susana PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Carmona Martínez, Julio PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Alicante

León Valle, Ángel PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Alicante

Prats Albentosa, María Asunción PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Baixauli Soler, Juan Samuel PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Research line No. 3: Mathematical Economics and Social Choice

Description of the line: This research line is focused on the analysis of collective decision-making processes, from both a regulatory approach (features that must comply with the rules) and a positive approach (rules proposals, their stability, and their implementation). We examine solutions to bankruptcy models, allocation models, matching problems, cost apportionment in different environments (distribution and/or supply networks), selection system of optimum elements in multiple conditions, scoring and grading systems, etc.


Alcalde Pérez, José PhD.
Professional Status: Professor. University of Alicante

Llinares Ciscar, Juan Vicente PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Marco Gil, Carmen PhD.
Professional Status: Professor. Technical University of Cartagena

Sánchez Antón, Mari Carmen PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Sánchez Soriano, Joaquín PhD.
Professional Status: Professor. University of Murcia

Silva Reus, José Ángel PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Alicante

Subiza Martínez, Begoña PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Alicante

Research line No. 4: Game theory

Description of the line: This research line is made up of a set of applications of game theory to different economic and business environments. Specifically, the student will deal with problems related to incentive schemes under asymmetric information, aggregation of information, Operation Research Games (ORG), etc. One part of the research is devoted to understanding certain behavioural patterns of the economic stakeholders (players) through laboratory experiments. 


Candel Sánchez, Francisco PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

García Martínez, José Antonio PhD.
Professional Status: Associate Professor. University of Miguel Hernández, Elche

Llorca Pascual, Natividad PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Miguel Hernández, Elche

Meca Martínez, Ana PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of of Miguel Hernández, Elche
Sartarelli, Marcelo PhD.
Professional Status: Visiting Professor. University of Alicante

Vorsatz, Marc PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. National Distance Education University

 Research team No. 2: International Economics, Industrial Organisation, and History of Economics

Research line No. 5: International Macroeconomics, Growth, and Public Policies

Description of the line: The core of this research line is the design, implementation, and estimation of macroeconomic models for open economies. We will also analyse the determinations of interest rates and actual exchange rates; best currency areas, focusing on the problems of the Eurozone and the future of the euro; and the balance of payment crises and sovereign debt. Finally, we widen the analysis with two long-term topics: on the one hand, the relationship between international financial integration and income distribution and, on the other hand, the economic convergence among country groups. As complementary topics, we include the impact of macroeconomic and monetary policy announcements on term structure and the volatility of interest rates.

Conversely, the analysis of economic growth includes the identification of the most relevant factors in the growing process in a market economy such as technology, human capital, or the existence of learning externalities, including empirical applications. The study of public policies is focused on the theoretical and empirical analysis of the planning and management tools available for the public administration; and on their effects on the private sector, their theoretical justification and their effectiveness.


Campoy Miñarro, Juan Cristóbal PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Guilló Fuentes, María Dolores PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Alicante

Hernández Martínez, Pedro Jesús PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Jiménez Raneda, Ignacio PhD.
Professional Status: Professor. University of Alicante

Kostova, Miroslava PhD.
Professional Status: Visiting Professor. University of Alicante

Martínez García, María Pilar PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Montes Alonso, Ana PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Research line No. 6: International Trade, Industrial Organisation, and Service Economics 

Description of the line: The topics covered in this research line are: studies about oligopoly and other imperfect markets; horizontal restrictions to competence; sectoral studies about services (especially about the media -radio and television- and tourism); research, development and innovation; intellectual property rights; international trade models with imperfect competition; and interactions between trade and the labour market.


Albaladejo Pina, Isabel Pilar PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Garín Muñoz, María Teresa PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. National Distance Education University 

González Maestre, Miguel PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Gutiérrez Hita, Carlos PhD.
Professional Status: Associate Professor. University of Miguel Hernández, Elche

Martín Marcos, Ana PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. National Distance Education University 

Martínez Sánchez, Francisco PhD.
Professional Status: Associate Professor. University of Murcia

Merino de Lucas, Fernando PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Moral Rincón, María José PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. National Distance Education University 

Research line No. 7: History of Economics 

Description of the line: This line proposes the economic analysis of historical processes. For instance, the analysis of the relationship between height and economic development; evolution of standards of living; inequality and biological welfare; the relationship between political and economic power; influence of cooperativism in some economic sectors; the role of family-owned companies; and the contribution of certain productive sectors to economic growth.


Barquín Gil, Rafael PhD.
Professional Status: Associate Professor. National Distance Education University

Hernández Benítez, Mauro PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. National Distance Education University

López Morell, Miguel Ángel PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Martínez Carrión, José Miguel PhD.
Professional Status: Professor. University of Murcia

Martínez Rodríguez, Susana PhD.
Professional Status: Associate Lecturer. University of Murcia

Martínez Soto, Ángel Pascual PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Pérez de Perceval Verde, Miguel PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Ramón Muñoz, Josep María PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Research team No. 3: Econometrics and Statistics

Research line No. 8: Empirical Economic Cycles and Times-Series Econometrics

Description of the line: This line proposes the study of economic cycles. That is to say, we will analyse the degree of synchronisation of international economic cycles and the use of tools to detect phase changes in economic cycles. It also involves the development of innovative techniques for analysing the economic situation. In addition, we suggest the analysis of cutting-edge techniques, both linear and non-linear, inherent in the analysis of econometric and statistical time series.


Badillo Amador, Rosa PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. Technical University of Cartagena

Camacho Alonso, Máximo PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Sanz Carnero, Basilio PhD.
Professional Status: Associate Professor. National Distance Education University

Research line No. 9: Spatial Econometrics, Micro-econometrics, and Statistical Inference

Description of the line: Generally speaking, this research line is focused on the study of estimation techniques and other methodological aspects of the application of statistical inference to economic data. Non-parametric econometric methods and their application to important areas of economic science and analytical methods of spatial econometrics are very important aspects in this research line. 


Chrysanthou, Georgios PhD.
Professional Status: Visiting Associate Professor. University of Alicante

García Clavel, José PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

Buendía Azorín, José Daniel PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. University of Murcia

López Hernández, Fernando PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. Technical University of Cartagena

Matilla García, Mariano PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. National Distance Education University

Pérez Pascual, Pedro Antonio PhD.
Professional Status: Associate Professor. National Distance Education University

Ruíz Marín, Manuel PhD.
Professional Status: University Lecturer. Technical University of Cartagena

International Lecturers of the Programme

Numerous agreements have been gathered with recognised international experts in each of the programme’s research lines. Those experts have confirmed in writing that they are willing to participate in the programme in different manners, whether it be supervising doctoral student progress, the selection process or even the cotutelle of their doctoral theses or welcoming PhD.s on research stays at their centres.
The adhesion letters compiled enable very fruitful collaborations to be envisaged with renowned institutions such as Oxford University, University of Minnesota, the International Monetary Fund, Mc Master University, Duke University, Kansas State University, University of Montreal, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, etc.